Without waiting for Hades Cha Cha to think about it, the golden hoop stick and Ye Tian's people had collided instantly, and Ye Tian's fist smashed the golden hoop stick!

"It's too good, the supernatural powers can't, the old man is as anxious as the law!

Ye Tian shouted, and the golden hoop rod flew out, far into the clouds.

Then it smashed to the ground, like the pillar of optimus, burying the Fighting Buddha into it!

Ye Tian smiled disdainfully and said, "After all, it's just a goblin transformed from a monkey." "

"It's ridiculous to dare to claim to be the fighting Buddha of this world. "

If you don't say anything else, let's just say that if you meet the fighting Buddha in this world, I'm afraid you don't have to take action in person!

Pluck a single hair, and you can easily kill him.

"Stare! Destroy a Purple Pupil Monkey Demon and get 3,000 merit points and 10,000 diamonds!"

Host: Ye Tian.

Cultivation: a product of God.

Merit: 6900/10000.

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique.

Magical powers: Three flavors of real fire, shrinking into inches.

Skill: Martial arts masterpiece, the power of ten thousand jun.

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor.

"Get the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick!" just as Ye Tian was about to be happy, the system continued.

His eyes lit up slightly, although the Dou Victory Buddha was a useless fake true god, but this golden hoop stick was not fake.

Ye Tian was moved, and the golden hoop rod became the size of an ordinary long stick, and quickly flew to Ye Tian's side, levitating still.

A body of dark iron, purple gold light.

Before he could laugh, the system continued, "Today's merit value is capped. "


Ye Tian said with some dissatisfaction: "I thought I could get 30,000 points directly, why do you have to give me an upper limit?"

You know, after returning to the original world, it will be difficult to get the opportunity you have now.

He was quite unhappy about this, but the true gods around him all looked at him blankly, and for a while, no one dared to make a move on him.

Hades Chacha's eyes almost flew out of her eyes, staring at that scene with a dull expression.

If before this, Hades Chacha could still look down on Ye Tian, and dared to look down on Ye Tian, at this time, she was a word...

I can't tell!

Ye Tian held the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick, and after feeling the thousands of weights, he glanced at the corpse of the purple-pupiled demon who pretended to defeat the Buddha, looked at the remaining eight true gods around him with some playfulness, and said with a sarcastic smile:

"Don't you want to fight me? Don't stop, you can continue?"

The legs of all the true gods trembled violently.

Ye Tian killed them so fast that he didn't even wait for them to release their real ultimate.


Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and smiled: "You so-called true gods, are you also afraid?"

Anyway, since there is a daily limit on the merit value of the system, then I don't bother to wait for tomorrow and kill all these guys.

Anyway, there is no need to rush when it comes to advancement, and there is nothing to rush about.

With a trace of killing intent in Ye Tian's eyes, the eight true gods all ran away in horror!

The strange thing was that Ye Tian was not in a hurry to kill them all, but stood calmly in place.

His gaze was on Hades Chacha's body, and he said indifferently:

"You called them, didn't you?"

Hades Cha Cha had already fallen into endless shock at this time, where could he still say half a word, looking at Ye Tian blankly, trembling all over.

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