At this moment, there was a sudden sound of fragmented footsteps and frightened shouts from upstairs.


Shen Xiao glanced upstairs dissatisfied, and said, "Don't you bother, Ye Tian, you go and see what's going on, let them shut up." "

"This girl hasn't finished the show yet!" she snorted.

Ye Tian got up with a smile and said, "Okay!"

Being able to leave Shenxiao temporarily made Ye Tian breathe a heavy sigh of relief, but he hoped that the people from the Yin Si Difu would come and take her away as soon as possible.

Then all of this has nothing to do with me...

Of course, the idea is very good, but the reality is that Shenxiao is likely to pester himself for several days.

It's a headache just thinking about it...

He made his way to the third floor with a playful look on his face, and saw the body of a man being kicked out of his room, rolling down the hallway, motionless.

The people on the third floor looked at the corpse in horror, and no one dared to walk over.

"Who's dead?!" the old woman's voice suddenly sounded.

She immediately walked over and looked at the people on the ground with an indifferent expression, as if dead people were very normal.

However, when she saw the man's face clearly, her expression immediately changed drastically, and she said in horror:

"Wang Yuanwai?!"

Ye Tian clasped his hands to his chest and said, "If you don't catch the girl just now, you won't live in peace in this restaurant." "

The old woman looked at Wang Yuanwai's corpse angrily, ignored Ye Tian, rushed into Wang Yuanwai's room, and said angrily:

"What the hell happened? Why did Wang Yuanwai suddenly die? You guys give me an explanation? Quick!"

Those warblers and swallows suddenly told the story.

It turned out that when Wang Yuanwai was drinking and playing with them just now, he suddenly covered his heart and felt very uncomfortable.

Immediately afterward, he fell to the ground and died violently.

The old woman's eyes were gloomy and she said, "It's really unreasonable!"

While she had a headache about how to explain to Wang Yuanwai's family, she looked at Ye Tian coldly and said:

"Stinky boy, you can stay where you can stay where it's cool, don't make yourself uncomfortable here. "

"I'm still the same sentence, it's not your turn to take care of the affairs of my Spring Pavilion!"


Ye Tian took out his pocket watch and looked at it, there were still a few minutes left until tomorrow.

He didn't mind letting that vain ghost eat a few more "Wang Yuanwai", anyway, it was useless to keep this kind of person.

The more the Vain Ghost eats, the more merit points he will gain after killing himself.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost here, it's just an accident, get out of the way!"

The old woman glared at Ye Tian viciously, didn't take Ye Tian seriously, and left with her own people.

Wang Yuanwai's body was also quickly disposed of by others.

Ye Tian looked at the girl in the crowd in the room with a smile, and left with a playful smile.

After he left, the girl who had just shown a frightened look flashed a bewitching red light in her eyes.

"Damn stinky Taoist, come and mind your old lady and my idle business, hum!"

The old woman sat in her room and said disdainfully:

"It's ridiculous that a fake and serious Taoist priest still wants to cheat the old lady out of her money!"

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

The old woman slowly opened the door and saw the girl she had just snatched standing outside the door, looking frightened.

She glanced at the girl standing in the doorway, and said with great displeasure:

"Where did you run away just now? Aren't you just a dead person? What's all the fuss, where are there no dead people in this troubled world?"

The old woman rolled her eyes angrily and said, "Go and serve the guests." "

The girl smiled and nodded, "Thank you for giving me a bite to eat." "

She walked slowly into the room, closed the door, turned her head and smiled, "Thank you so much." "

"Thank me, why don't you go and entertain the guests. "

The girl smiled and nodded again and again, and suddenly her face changed, and she opened her bloody mouth and turned into the original form of a vain ghost!


Seeing the hideous appearance of the girl, the old woman screamed miserably.

"Don't come!

"What the stinky Taoist priest said turned out to be true. "

"Fuck off, fuck off!"

"Help, help!"

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