
A loud bang came!

Ye Tian suddenly kicked the door away, and the door with mana slammed the blue-faced fanged ghost that the girl had turned into to the ground.

The old woman saw that Ye Tian instantly subdued the girl, and immediately cried and shouted:

"Dao Ye, you hurry up and subdue her, let her soul fly!"

She couldn't help but cry, and her expression was particularly sad.

Ye Tian teased: "Don't you still want her to receive your guests?"

"I, I don't dare, I really don't dare!"

The old woman cried: "Please, I don't dare!"

The blue-faced fanged ghost crawled out from under the door, roared and glared at Ye Tian, but ran towards the old woman.

She was deeply aware of how big the gap was between herself and Ye Tian, so she thought about swallowing the old woman and the others!

In this way, you can strengthen your own power!

Ye Tian did not stop the blue-faced fanged ghost, and stared at the blue-faced fanged ghost who was holding the old woman's neck with a smile, indifferent.

"Dao Ye, help!" the old woman couldn't stop crying.

Ye Tian was still standing in his position, without the slightest movement in his footsteps, and looked at the old woman indifferently.

A hint of banter flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "People like you, it's better to live than to die, and it's useless to stay in the yang world." "


The old woman didn't expect Ye Tian to just stand there watching the play, and couldn't help but scold:

"As a cultivator, if you don't save yourself when you die, it will inevitably bring you great trouble, and you will definitely be in trouble!"

Her face was particularly hideous.

Ye Tian still stood in front of the old woman with his hands on his chest with a calm expression, full of disgust for the old woman in his heart.

Although he said that he didn't care, since the other party wanted to ask for help so much, it was not easy to ignore it.

If he really watched her be bitten to death by a blue-faced fanged ghost, she would inevitably turn into a ghost after death.

When the time comes, the cause and effect will not be beneficial to oneself, but will implicate oneself.

If the seniors on Maoshan knew that they would not be saved when they saw death, they would probably also scold themselves angrily.

So the moment the blue-faced fanged ghost opened his bloody mouth, Ye Tian flew over violently, holding a five-hundred-year-old lightning strike wood peachwood sword!

Where had the blue-faced fanged ghost seen such a posture and battle, and looked at the weapon in Ye Tian's hand in horror.

She didn't have time to continue to eat the old woman's three souls and seven spirits, and she screamed miserably and was about to flee.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, vast and vast, Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law, fire!"

Ye Tian spewed out a mouthful of fire, enveloping the blue-faced fanged ghost in it, and in an instant, he killed it.

"Ding! Kill a vain ghost and get 10 merit points and 1 ocean. "

A familiar voice sounded in Ye Tian's mind.

This made Ye Tian very helpless, in the world of Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, killing a purple-pupiled monster had 3,000 merit points.

Now, there are only 10 merit points, which is enough...

The subordinates of the old woman around them were all in awe when they saw that Ye Tian had subdued a ghost so easily.

They knelt on the ground one after another, kowtowing to Ye Tian and pleading guilty.

Ye Tian didn't take them seriously, looked at the old woman calmly, and said, "You are responsible for Wang Yuanwai's death." "

"I'm responsible for your mother's size!"

Unexpectedly, the old woman, who was still timid and afraid just now, instantly changed her face at this time.

He stood up, as if he had forgotten what had just happened, and said angrily:

"Responsible? It's funny enough, do you think I'll be responsible? Don't think that if you save me, you can make irresponsible remarks about me, I..."

Ye Tian listened impatiently, and just as the old woman was about to chatter, a look of anger flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

He kicked the old woman in the abdomen, kicking her upside down and flying dozens of meters, directly smashing through the wooden wall.

The old woman's figure fell sharply to the downstairs of the third floor!

For a while, a terrible scream resounded in the backyard of Yingchun Pavilion.

Ye Tian smiled disdainfully, and in the blink of an eye, he had already stepped on the old woman's body, so that she couldn't make a sound.

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, it's not your capital to show off your power in front of me. "

As he spoke, Ye Tian kicked her face again, kicking her face full of blood.

"If I hear your gibberish again, I'll kill you, understand?"

The voice with a chill to the bones made the old woman dare not make the slightest sound, and she almost cried.

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