Zombie World: Sign in to Become Stronger

Chapter 438: Survival Advice

Zhang boldly said excitedly:

"Xu Daochang, you must save me."

Daoist Xu looked at Zhang Bold, and then said slowly:

"It's not impossible to save you, but you must do what I tell you to have a chance of saving your life.

Once you lose even the slightest bit, what you lose is your own life! "

"Yeah, I'll definitely listen."

Zhang boldly nodded.

"Okay! Then I'll tell you!

You walked into Yizhuang, and when it was dark, nothing would happen at the first watch.

Once the second watch is knocked, climb up the main beam, and no matter what happens, don't make a sound.

The third watch will be very quiet.

Once you reach the fourth watch, you lie under the coffin.

At five o'clock, it's daylight, and you're safe. "

After Daoist Xu finished speaking, Zhang Boldly repeated these words in his mind many times, for fear of forgetting them.

"Thank you Daoist Xu for your guidance. If I, Zhang Daudao, survived, I must invite Daoist to drink. Daoist, let's go."

Zhang Boldly took courage and gained some confidence. In fact, if it wasn't for the matter of ten taels of silver, he would have gone home straight away. If Taoist Xu hadn't appeared, he still felt that it was nothing.

However, just because of the appearance of Daoist Xu, what he said was so mysterious, it felt so infiltrating.

"No, since I've told you how to save your life, you won't die, so why should I go, and there is no corpse to collect."

Daoist Xu waved his hand and went back home.


Zhang Bold looked at Daoist Xu walking away so lightly, scratched his head, and felt that there was nothing to be afraid of again.

After a while, Zhang boldly arrived at Yizhuang.

The mangy dog ​​had already been waiting there, pacing back and forth, looking very anxious.

Why hasn't Nima come here? If he doesn't come, doesn't it mean that his five taels of silver have been wasted? The task given to him by Daoist Qian Kai flew away.

Finally, the mangy dog ​​saw Zhang Bold appeared, and was so excited that he hurried over, grabbed Zhang Bold, and said:

"Hehe, I thought you were scared, you won't come, it's almost dark."

Zhang boldly curled his lips in disdain, and said:

"Hehe, who am I, Zhang Bold? I spit and nail. Since I said I would come, I will definitely come back. Prepare the remaining five taels of silver. Watch it, I will go in now!"

The mangy dog ​​gave a thumbs up and praised:

"Happy, money is a trivial matter, I knew Brother Bold would not be afraid, so please!"

"Hmph! Let's go!"

Zhang boldly hummed.

The mangy dog ​​pushed Zhang Boldly into the Yizhuang, and when he closed the gate of the Yizhuang, he took out a chain and locked it, and locked the door with a click.

The mangy dog ​​tugged at the chain lock, it was very secure, Hehe murmured:

"You can't blame me, you offended someone you shouldn't offend, and you deserve it if you die.

Reincarnate to be a smart person in your next life. "

Afterwards, the mangy dog ​​didn't stay too long, turned around and walked towards the town. It's fine to come back tomorrow to see if Zhang Bold is dead or not.

Zhang Boldly entered Yizhuang, and immediately there was a damp and rotten smell, which was extremely unpleasant.

Zhang Boldly looked around. At first feeling, he wasn't too scared. After all, the sky was still bright at this time. Although there were all coffins inside, there was nothing scary about it.

He has seen a female ghost jumping out of the mirror, so he has some guts.

"Hey, it's not dark yet, so what's the fuss about that mangy dog!"

Zhang Boldly muttered to himself, put the wine jar in his hand on the ground, and then pushed the door, only to find that the door was locked, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, as for?

"Forget it, let's take a nap first. Anyway, according to what Daoist Xu said, things will happen on the second watch. As long as you do what Daoist Xu said, you don't have to worry about anything."

Zhang Bold had a big heart, leaning against a wooden square against the wall, he fell asleep soundly.

But Zhang Bold didn't know that there was another person besides him in the Yizhuang, who had been waiting for him in the Yizhuang early on, but he couldn't see it because he had set up a magic circle to conceal his figure.

Xu Ce watched Zhang Boldly come in, still maintaining his meditation posture, quietly.

On the other side, the Tan family's house is inside, and Qian Kai has set up a Buddhist altar in the courtyard, and everything is ready.

"Master Tan, Pindao's side is well prepared, and as soon as the second watch arrives, Pindao will cast the spell. That piece of boldness will be dead or not!"

Qian Kai was wearing a Taoist robe, and cupped his hands towards Master Tan.

Master Tan is still a little skeptical, he has never seen the power of Maoshan Taoism with his own eyes, and although the battle in front of him is quite big, he still feels that there is no bottom line.

Zhang Bold has become a thorn in his heart.

"Well, Daoist Qian, just here, can Zhang Bold lose his life?"

"Hahaha... Don't worry, Mr. Tan, the poor will take people's money, so naturally they will help them eliminate disasters."

Qian Kai stroked his beard and laughed.

Seeing the other party's determination, Master Tan felt a little more confident.

Time, a little bit of the past.

In Yizhuang, Zhang Bold, a heartless guy, actually fell asleep.

Xu Ce looked at the time, the first watch is almost over, and once the second watch arrives, with Zhang Bold's state, it is guaranteed that there will be no life.

Xu Ce knew that Zhang Daudao had encountered an expert on his way here.

But Nima, no matter how expert you are, if you don't follow the instructions when you fall asleep, it will be a dead end.

Xu Ce thought for a while, but he had to rely on him to wake this guy up first.

It's a pity, the mission has requirements, you can't directly kill the zombies in the coffin, you can only give a friendly reminder, then you can only guide from the side to save people.

Qu Nimei's friendly reminder, he doesn't want to make friends with Zhang Bold, it's a shame, okay?

Xu Ce uttered a formula, and a surge of mana surged out, hitting the tiles on the roof.


A series of crisp sounds suddenly sounded, and the tiles on the roof clattered and fell, then fell to the ground and shattered.

The sudden noise woke Zhang Bold from his deep sleep.

Zhang Boldly opened his eyes suddenly, the darkness around him really scared him, but he quickly calmed down.

Zhang boldly walked to the window, looked at the moonlight, estimated the time, and suddenly his face was shocked,

"No, it will be the second watch soon.

Daoist Xu said that no matter what happens when you climb up to put light on the second watch, don't move. Only in this way can you save your life. "

Zhang Daudao quickly climbed towards a pillar with the intention of preferring to believe in something rather than nothing, and climbed up Fangliang in three or two strokes.

Xu Ce looked at the fat man's movements and was slightly surprised, it's ok, he's almost fat like a pig, yet he can still be so flexible.

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