Zombie World: Sign in to Become Stronger

Chapter 439: I Still Have to Make a Move

In the Tan residence.

Qian Kai heard the second watch outside, took a sip of tea, and walked to the altar.

Slightly shook the small bell on the altar, and then placed it on a miniature coffin on the altar.

Then, he quickly picked up the cinnabar prepared by Dao Tong and started to draw symbols.

In a short while, more than a dozen spells with special functions took shape in his hands.

Afterwards, Qian Kai began to cast spells.

"A copper coin pierces the heavens and the earth, pierces the copper needle to penetrate the four seas, the soul-locking talisman immobilizes the soul, seven orifices without souls open the orifices of the corpse, get up!"


The charms interspersed with copper needles and copper coins popped up naturally.

The flames turned into ashes, and all the ashes fell on the miniature coffin on the altar.

There was a crackling sound, and the coffin lid of the small coffin flew up with a loud bang.

At the same time, in the righteous village several miles away.

Almost at the same time, there was a loud bang, and the lids of the coffins in the Yizhuang all popped open.

On the beam, Zhang Bold, who had just opened the wine jar and poured a big gulp of wine to strengthen himself, was startled, the wine jar in his hand became unstable, and fell to the ground with a crash.

Before giving him the time to be distressed that the wine was gone, Zhang Bold immediately covered his mouth in shock, not daring to speak.

Under the faint moonlight, in sight, the lids of the five coffins in Yizhuang all popped open by themselves.

Moreover, what was even more frightening was that all the corpses lying inside stood up, and jumped out of the coffin with a single jump.

These corpses are all dressed in the clothes of Qing Dynasty officials, and they look exactly like the rumored zombies.

Zhang Bold suddenly had the urge to cry, Nima really had an accident, just hit a ghost a few days ago, and several cronies were dragged into the mirror.

It's only been a few days since I bumped into a zombie again, so I don't have such bad luck.

Now that I think back to what Daoist Xu said, I understand why he said that he will come to collect the corpse tomorrow.

If Daoist Xu hadn't warned me, and I wasn't still on the ground at this time, if I was bitten by these zombies, I would definitely be finished.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, the tiles above his head fell, waking him up, and he climbed onto the beam, and he was lucky enough to be alive.

However, thinking about staying on the beam for an hour and then hiding under the coffin for another hour, Zhang Bold was heartbroken.

Xu Ce was on the ground all the time, because he was so painful that he couldn't make a move, so he had to restrain his breath and hold his breath. At the Golden Core realm, as long as Xu Ce was willing to use the technique of restraint, these ordinary scumbag zombies would not be possible at all. discover his presence.

But at this time, Xu Ce was not in the mood to meditate and adjust his breath. If he had nothing else to do, let's see how Zhang Bold survived the disaster. Otherwise, the reward of 100,000 sign-in points will be gone.

In the money house.

Qian Kai is already sweating profusely. With his skills, it is really quite difficult to control five zombies at the same time. If he controls one zombie alone, it will be very easy.

However, he planned to get rid of Zhang Bold quickly and call it a day, but he couldn't find Zhang Bold for a long time.

At the same time, mana was consumed too quickly, which made him a little tired.

In the end, Qian Kai decided to let the three zombies return to the coffin first, and it would be much easier to directly control the two zombies.

"Daoist Qian, can you do it? Did you kill him?"

Master Tan looked at Qian Kai's sweating profusely, with a serious expression on his face. It didn't look like he was done, but more like he was in trouble. Master Tan spent a lot of money.

In fact, money is a trivial matter, the point is that the important thing is to get things done without anyone noticing.

"Master Tan, don't panic, the practice of poverty is not over yet."

Qian Kai said.

Time passed nervously, and Zhang Boldly was drenched in cold sweat. Tick, tick, sweat dripped down his clothes.

A drop of sweat fell on the zombie.

At the same time, Qian Kai, who did it, felt a surge of Yuanyang energy, and was overjoyed immediately.

No wonder, it turned out to be on the beam!

"Go to hell!"

Qian Kai let out a loud shout, and the two zombies suddenly jumped towards the beam above.

Zhang Bold's heart is about to jump out, Nima, it's not yet the fourth watch, not even the third watch.

Didn't Daoist Xu say that it's okay to hide on the beam in the second watch?


The two zombies rushed forward, and the thick beams shattered.

Zhang Bold was unstable and fell to the ground all of a sudden, almost to his death.

Fortunately, the advantage of the fat man is reflected on the second floor, and the skin is rough, but it is not a big problem.

And Zhang Daudao knew some punches, and he was safe for a while.

However, Zhang Bold is a human being, and his physical strength is always limited. After a while, he will completely wither away.

Zhang boldly panted, regretting to death, for ten taels of silver, this is his own life.


The two zombies rushed towards Zhang Bold, one from the left and the other from the right, with extremely cold fangs in their mouths. There is no doubt that once bitten, their lives will be wiped out.

However, Zhang Bold had no strength, and wanted to move, but couldn't.

He could only watch helplessly as the zombie approached, opened its ferocious fangs, and bit him.

Zhang Boldly closed his eyes. Today is the end of his begging, he is doomed.

If there is a next life, then Nima would not have the guts to compete with anyone, what a shit in the brain!

At this time, Xu Ce couldn't do anything anymore, feeling depressed. In the original book, it was written that Zhang Boldly endured the night alone.

When he came to Zhang Township, he tried his best not to affect the development of the matter, so he ate a bowl of tofu nao and said a few words to Zhang boldly.

You can't shoot zombies, okay, but the system didn't say you can't shoot green fat people.

Xu Ce stepped out of the blinding circle and kicked towards Zhang Boldly.

Zhang Bold's figure swished and slid on the ground, narrowly avoiding the blow.

At this time, Xu Ce still kept his breath restrained. Low-level zombies rely on the breathing of living people to locate them. They can't feel Xu Ce's breath at all, so even if they appear in front of zombies, they can't distinguish Xu Ce at all. The presence.

On the contrary, Zhang Bold suddenly opened his eyes, touched his body for the rest of his life, he was not bitten, he was still alive!

Zhang Boldly looked up in surprise, only to find that there was another figure in the Yizhuang. Judging by the clothes, he didn't look like a zombie.

"He saved me?"

Zhang Bold was suspicious, and the figure in front of him looked very familiar.

It wasn't the Daoist Xu I met on the road in the afternoon.

Suddenly, Zhang boldly remembered the person who ate tofu nao at Zhu Bo's tofu nao stall in the morning!

"How is he here? And he doesn't look scared at all?"

Zhang boldly had ten thousand doubts in his mind.

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