Daoist Xu took his seat, and Zhang Boldly served a bowl of herbal tea, saying:

"What's the matter, Daoist Xu?"

Daoist Xu was tired from arguing with Qian Kai just now, and he happened to be thirsty too. After drinking a bowl of tea, he said:

"Brother Zhang agreed to the mangy dog's bet again?"

Zhang boldly looked at Daoist Xu curiously, and said strangely:

"how do you know?"

"Why does Pindao know? It's not enough for outsiders to understand. Brother Zhang doesn't need to care about these details. In this way, it is true."

Daoist Xu pondered for a moment, sighed, and then continued:

"Pindao sees brother Zhang's face, which should be a sign of great misfortune, but there is no sign of great misfortune, which makes Pindao really puzzled.

What noble person did Brother Zhang meet?

Can you talk to Pindao? "

Hearing what Daoist Xu said, Zhang Daoda suddenly became vigilant, and it was an ominous omen, hehe, if there is no benefactor, it is indeed an ominous omen, but benefactor promised to help him, the so-called ominous omen, Nature ceases to exist.

"Why, what do you want to do?"

Zhang boldly questioned.

Daoist Xu looked at Zhang Bold and suddenly became nervous, and he already had the answer in his heart. In this way, Zhang Bold really met a nobleman, and if this nobleman guessed correctly, he should be on the same path as them.

Otherwise, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it is impossible to directly resolve such ominous omens.

It's just that I don't know if it's from the same sect of Maoshan, or from another sect, or even a member of the Buddhist sect.

"Brother Zhang, don't get me wrong, Pindao doesn't mean nothing, it's just curiosity.

If it is convenient, Brother Zhang might as well talk to Pindao. "

Daoist Xu looked at Zhang Bold with a full smile, with anticipation in his eyes. He also wanted to see who he was, or to get to know him.

Moreover, Daoist Xu felt that if he was allowed to do it himself, he would definitely not be able to remove the ominous omen from Zhang Bold without leaving any traces.

From this point of view, that nobleman must still be a master.

Zhang boldly looked at Daoist Xu in front of him. In fact, he had a good impression of Daoist Xu. After all, if Xu Ce hadn't appeared, whether he could survive would depend on the person in front of him.

To say, or not to say?

Zhang Bold was very troubled, that benefactor is extremely extraordinary, if he said it himself, would he be dissatisfied?

However, having said that, it seems that En Gong never told him not to talk about it.

Seeing Xu Daochang's hopeful expression again, Zhang Bold couldn't bear it, and said:

"It was Engong who saved me. If it wasn't for Engong who was also in Yizhuang, I would be dead."

Xu Daochang's eyes lit up.


"Well, it's Engong, Engong is amazing, several zombies jumped out of Yizhuang's coffin, with long fangs, not to mention how terrifying, they wanted to bite me.

At that time, I was waiting to die, and it was all thanks to benefactor who saved my life.

Moreover, those zombies seem to be unable to see benefactor, they are standing in the Yizhuang, just chasing me and biting..."

Zhang Bold is a sincere, heartless, and honest person. Originally, he only planned to say something briefly, but he didn't know that Daoist Xu didn't need to remind him specially. He just spit out beans and explained everything.

The more Daoist Xu heard, the more frightened he became, especially the benefactor, who was stuck on Zhang Bold's neck, turned in circles for half an hour, and avoided the zombie's bite in the circle, which was too unbelievable.

Zhang Bold also showed Daoist Xu the fingerprints on the back of his neck, which was bruised, which showed that Zhang Bold did not lie.

Infinite power, boundless mana, and magical concealment techniques, avoiding the prying eyes of zombies...

These skills, no matter what they are, are extremely rare skills outside.

And these abilities are concentrated in one person, and this is just what the benefactor showed, and it must be more than these methods.

After thinking about this, Daoist Xu took a deep breath, thinking in his heart that he is a master, an absolute master!

Zhang Bold looked at Daoist Xu with a shocked look on his face, and felt a little proud in his heart, my benefactor must be amazing!

"Brother Zhang, how old is your benefactor?"

Daoist Xu asked again.


Zhang Boldly thought about it, and Xu Ce appeared in his mind, a young man, and said:

"It looks like he should be in his early twenties."

Early twenties!

Daoist Xu's eyes widened immediately, it's impossible for him to be so young!

You know, even he himself is in his thirties now, and he is considered to be extremely talented, but he has only reached the state of Qi Refining and Great Consummation. Even if he is facing the old zombie in Shangyi Village, it will be no problem to take him down.

But to achieve the same method as Xu Ce's, that kind of ease and freehand brushwork, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

"Are you really only in your early twenties?"

Daoist Xu swallowed his saliva and asked again.

Zhang boldly shrugged his shoulders, with the expression of I lied to you to death,

"Of course it's true! My benefactor must be the reincarnation of a god, otherwise why would he suddenly appear in Yizhuang and save my life?"

Zhang Bold had a kind of blind admiration for Xu Ce, and even if Xu Ce's real ability was not revealed by the unpredictable means, Zhang Bold still convinced Zhang Bold.

"By the way, brother Zhang, what else did your benefactor say?"

Daoist Xu became more and more interested in the benefactor that Zhang boldly said, and wanted to know more, and it would be best if he could meet him once. Such a master, he suspects that he is the top master in the Taoist sect who has returned to the original.

If you can meet the above and get some pointers, you will definitely benefit endlessly.

He and Qian Kai are both senior brothers, but the old master left early, and he learned by himself with the pile of books and manuscripts left behind, and he is extremely eager to see the real Taoist master.

Zhang boldly scratched his head in embarrassment, and said:

"Xu Daochang, I see that you don't look like a bad person, so I'll just say it straight.

Eun Gong said he would come to my house at night.

Well, just a few days ago, I was peeling an apple in front of the mirror in the middle of the night, and the peel of the apple was broken, which attracted a female ghost, and several of my friends were captured by the female ghost.

The benefactor felt sorry for the common people and decided to rescue some of my friends. "

Daoist Xu was stunned, and looked at Zhang Boldly like a fool. He dared to do this kind of operation to recruit evil spirits. The point is, the culprit, Fatty, was still alive, and the rest were captured by female ghosts...

Daoist Xu just slandered in his heart, but his face remained normal, saying:

"The benefactor you mentioned, if Pindao's guess is correct, he should be an expert in my Taoist sect without a doubt.

How about this, Pindao will stay here with Brother Zhang today, and when the senior master shows up, since it is to catch ghosts and save people, Pindao may be able to contribute a little bit. "

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