Seeing that Daoist Xu wanted to stay, Zhang Bold was very happy. Although he had great confidence in his benefactor, Xu Ce, but if he wanted to catch ghosts and save people, he had to fight against such a powerful ghost. I think it is better if there are more people and more power.

In case of any danger, there is also a care.

Moreover, Daoist Xu's revealing hand of turning the paper into ghost coins also shows that he is a person with real skills.

Engong will be very happy to stay this time.

At this time, Zhang Boldly lost all his wariness towards Daoist Xu, and said enthusiastically:

"Xu Daochang really wants to stay?"

Daoist Xu smiled and said:

"It's natural, since Pindao said this, he will definitely not run away halfway, it counts.

Besides, things like catching ghosts and saving people are in themselves the duties that people in my Maoshan Taoist sect should do.

This is a matter of collecting merit, why not? "

"That's great, if benefactor knows that Daoist Xu is staying to help, he will be very happy.

Daoist Xu, have you had breakfast yet? I'm going out to buy some breakfast. "

Zhang Bold was very excited, and he was about to walk outside.

Daoist Xu waved his hands and said:

"Brother Zhang doesn't have to be like this, Pindao has already eaten."

"Oh, that's it, since that's the case, the priest will drink some tea and rest at my house, if you need anything, just say hello.

Later, benefactor will come. "



Tan Zhaizhong.

Master Tan ended the second watch last night, and fell asleep after Qian Kai left. He lay on the bed all night, tossing and turning, always feeling uneasy, feeling that something was going to happen.

When it was almost dawn, the whole person was still exhausted, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, and walked out of the bedroom.

Standing in the courtyard and taking a few breaths of fresh air, I feel better.

And the butler was also called to wake up.

"Housekeeper, I'm not at ease in my heart. You can call Daoist Qian to come to the house later. I still have something to ask him."

"Sir, is there anything wrong?"

Looking at Master Qian's dark eye circles, the housekeeper couldn't help asking.

Master Tan sighed and said:

"Hey, Daoist Qian set up an altar last night. He made a strong promise before that it would be easy to get rid of Zhang Bold, but what happened in the end? You also saw it.

Daoist Qian's deeds...

Sir, I am a little skeptical. "

Master Tan paused, and looked up at the rising sun in the sky, but his mood was the same as that of the setting sun. He couldn't feel the beauty of this day at all, and continued:

"Butler, you have been with my Tan family for more than 20 years, I think you know what Tan Kaishan cares most about.

Master, what I care most about is my reputation. If things are revealed, if things are revealed, once my reputation is ruined, it will be more painful than killing me.

Zhang Bold must die, can that Daoist Qian really do it? "

After listening to Master Tan's words, the butler felt awe-inspiring. He was still worried about this matter, so he smiled and comforted him:

"Master, don't worry, Daoist Qian is a walking disciple who has received the true teaching of Maoshan Daoism.

Maybe the master doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, so he doesn't know Daoist Qian's name. "

Master Tan nodded. He didn't really believe in these things. He Tan Kaishan didn't have such a family business by digging the ground and planting it. Come.

If you really believe those things, I'm afraid you won't have nightmares every day.

Master Tan asked:

"You mean to say that Qian Kai is very famous?"

The butler smiled and said:

"That's right, if you want to talk about people from all over the world, Daoist Qian is the most famous, followed by his younger brother Daoist Xu.

However, it seems that Daoist Qian and Daoist Xu have some disagreements recently, otherwise, they should appear together to deal with Zhang Bold's ritual.

But, master, you don't need to be too concerned. Since Daoist Qian said to give him three days, the master also agreed, so we can wait for three days with peace of mind.

Presumably, Daoist Qian will definitely make sufficient preparations, and next time, he will be able to successfully win Zhang Bold! "

Master Tan looked at the butler's face full of confidence. He seemed to know Qian Kai very well. After being silent for a while, he looked at the servants standing beside him and asked:

"Do you know Daoist Qian? But is he as famous as the butler said?"

The servants were slightly startled, why did the master ask them something?

But still replied:

"Returning to the master, what the housekeeper said is correct. Daoist Qian is very famous in our Zhangxiang Township. It is about catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits. But whenever there is such a thing, if you go to Daoist Qian, he will do it. It's at your fingertips.

The only thing is that Daoist Qian's price is a bit high, and many people can't afford him. "

With the testimony of other people, Master Tan felt a little more at ease, looked at the butler again and said:

"Forget it, Daoist Qian suffered some injuries last night, so I won't bother him.

Well, what supplements do you send from the warehouse to Daoist Qian, the sooner you recover, the sooner you can solve my worries. "

"Yes, sir, I will arrange it now."

The butler bowed slightly.

Seeing the housekeeper leave, Mr. Tan turned around and walked back to the bedroom, continuing to catch up on dozing off. His mind was free and he could sleep a little more comfortably.


Yi Zhuang, Xu Ce looked around, looked at the five zombies, frowned slightly, then waved his hand, a mana wave shot out, and then divided into five, and pounced on the bodies of the five zombies .

It's better to kill creatures like zombies. Although these zombies haven't shown any signs of actively turning into corpses and biting people, that's because they are under control.

And didn't the mangy dog ​​get Qian Kai's invitation to let Zhang Daudao stay in Yizhuang for a night after three days?

Hehe, without these zombies, let's see what money can be spent on!


When the mana fluctuation poured into the bodies of the five zombies, the mana fluctuation suddenly transformed into the power of thunder.

In a short while, he was directly electrocuted into coke, completely whitewashed.

It was too easy for Xu Ce to deal with these scumbag zombies.

After walking out of Yizhuang, Xu Ce looked at the sky, and the sun had already risen.

Although Xu Ce's cultivation level has reached the level of not eating grains.

But since he lives in this world, has a lot of delicious food, and he is rich, if he goes to play bigu, it is an insult to money.

"By the way, the tofu nao made by Zhu Bo, the green-capped tofu boss with cerebral palsy yesterday, tastes pretty good. Go try it again."

Xu Ce walked along the path towards the town of Zhangxiang Town without rushing.

Thinking of the scene of Uncle Zhu telling the story again, a smile could not help but appear on the corners of his mouth, there is no one who can be so big-hearted by being green.

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