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Simply put, this is a proud elf girl with great talent, strong self-esteem, and the glory of her family. She is soft-hearted and not hard-hearted.

The reason why she supports reform so radically is just to prove to everyone that she can support the entire Xia Jia Haim family, she is worthy of the glory of her ancestors, and she can even do better!

Therefore, it becomes very simple to deal with Phyllis. The first thing is to recognize the value of her family and herself.

"Honor represents responsibility, and this is what Xia Jiahaimu should do."

So when Mu Feng praised Xia Jiahaimu's ancestors' achievements in front of everyone, recognized her point of view, and saluted her with the highest etiquette of the elves, Phyllis immediately felt that she was the center of the world, as if everyone was watching her. A sense of pride made her feel so happy!

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Phyllis immediately adjusted her attitude and saluted Mu Feng with the highest etiquette of the elves.

Most of her hostility towards Mu Feng disappeared, and she even felt that Mu Feng's face was much more handsome when she looked at him again.

Mu Feng looked at her. From the look in Phyllis's eyes, you can tell that this is still a simple child.

Then the next step is even simpler. Don't you advocate reproduction with other races? Okay, then I'll tie you to the commanding heights of the place, and you should set an example yourself first!

Therefore, Mu Feng immediately said to Phyllis:"Then let's continue with the previous topic. Although I agree with your plan to reproduce with other races, this is the most important thing for the elves after all. So before officially implementing it, I think it's better to make some attempts first. It's more appropriate to be cautious. Chief Phyllis, what do you think?"

Facing Mu Feng's inquiry, Phyllis didn't think there was any problem. Everything was reasonable. The Elf King's Court also had the same idea. So with the consent of the Elf Princess Nina, they were ready to make the first attempt to let the epic Elf Princess Nina and the epic Human Empire King Seyru marry.

They wanted to use the power of the Human Empire while also seeing what the result would be if the elves and humans combined and reproduced.

"Yes, the continuation of the elves is a big deal, and caution is a must, so we are ready to try.……"

Facing Mu Feng's question, the complacent Phyllis immediately fell into the trap and affirmed Mu Feng's statement, and was ready to give an example of the marriage between the elf princess and the human king. However, before she finished speaking, Mu Feng interrupted her directly, and ended the conversation, staring at her with a smile on his face and said

"As a true noble of the elves and the leader of the reformists, why don't you let Chief Phyllis try it yourself? I am the savior chosen by the goddess. Although the goddess has confirmed that I can reproduce with the elves, it has not been confirmed. So I want to have in-depth exchanges with the Silver Moon Clan to ensure that the elves and other races can reproduce normally."


After hearing Mu Feng’s words, Phyllis’s people were all shocked.

Although she was the leader of the reformists and the most radical one, it was not her who actually proposed the idea of reproduction and marriage with other races.

Instead, during the crusade against the Demon King, Princess Nina, one of the Seven Heroes, and another of the Seven Heroes, Seylu, who was a human prince at the time, fought together and developed feelings for each other, so they agreed to marry in battle.

If the human world at that time was not in chaos and there were many forces, and Seylu needed to unify the human empire, Nina might have married Seylu.

It was not until recently that the news of Seylu’s... The [Ganosha] royal family officially completed the unification of human forces and established the Ganosa Empire! And the Ganosa royal family proposed to fulfill the agreement of the year and conduct a marriage between the Elf Royal Court and the Ganosa Empire royal family.

After discussion by the Elf Royal Court and Princess Nina's willingness, this marriage was facilitated.

Phyllis just thought this was a good breakthrough for reform, so she strongly supported it.

Strictly speaking, she is like an Internet troll, who is good at shouting slogans behind others, but she will be stupid immediately if she really wants to do something!

"What's wrong? The view personally put forward by the chief of the Xiajiaheim clan, who can rush to the front line even when facing the devil, don't you want to set an example and try it yourself?"

Phyllis was full of resistance. She really didn't think about reproducing with other races, not to mention that the other party was a devil! Even if Mu Feng was a devil, he was still a devil!

Mu Feng immediately asked Phyllis with a hint of inconspicuous sneer.

Although the sarcasm on Mu Feng's face was not obvious, it was particularly dazzling in Phyllis' eyes, and a sense of anger of being despised arose spontaneously!

"I'm sorry, maybe I was abrupt, I didn't expect that Chief Phyllis, who proposed this idea, would never think of trying it herself. Since Chief Phyllis is unwilling, then just pretend that I never said anything about it, and I will find someone else to experiment with."

Phyllis is obviously an inexperienced girl, all her emotions are on her face, and the anger that is growing is even more obvious. What

Mu Feng has to do at this time is to pour more oil on this anger.

Playing hard to get is the most appropriate approach at this time.

After expressing his apologies with a strange smile, Mu Feng turned his gaze to the direction of the sacrificial group where Lu Xie was, as if he was about to choose a person to try from the sacrificial group.

"No! I do!"

However, just as Mu Feng was slowly preparing to speak, Phyllis suddenly slammed the table and stood up as if she had exploded!

"As expected of an elf noble, you are responsible and capable! As for the details, let's talk about them in detail tonight."

After hearing Phyllis's expected answer, Mu Feng immediately smiled and gave Phyllis a thumbs up, then looked at her meaningfully, and decided the matter in front of so many people.

Then came another important topic.

"Now let's talk about full cooperation with humans.……"

Upon hearing this, the hearts of the elves in the Elf King's Court tightened again!

PS2 4th update! Extra update for [Chen Jun]'s 10,000 rewards! 5/10. 22 more rewards are owed.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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