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When the Astra clan leader of the Elf King's Court heard that Mu Feng suddenly turned to the topic of"cooperation with humans", he panicked! The promotion of cooperation with the human empire was actually planned and led by the Astra clan.

Phyllis, a young elf, couldn't see that Mu Feng had tricked her just now, but how could Astra, who was of the same era as Christine, not see it!

Immediately, her vigilance against Mu Feng was raised to the extreme! The elves hate this kind of scheming the most! Because they can't beat them at all!

"I think it's a good idea to work with humans"


What confused everyone in the Elf King's Court was that Mu Feng actually approved of this matter with a smile again!

Wasn't it said that the Elf Goddess was a stubborn conservative? Shouldn't she refuse to allow the elves and humans to mix together? Why did she agree again?!

Mu Feng saw the incredible expressions on the faces of the elves present, and suddenly he felt no sense of accomplishment. Playing strategies with these elves who have been in seclusion for a long time and have no idea of the dangers of society made him feel like he was trying to trick candy from a mentally retarded child.

"However, I think the cooperation with humans can be postponed. On the one hand, everyone knows that the dark elves have cooperated with humans, but we know very little about the intelligence of the human empire. Have you ever considered a question, what if the dark elves have fully cooperated with humans?"

Mu Feng changed the subject and put forward his complete plan, and asked everyone a question.

There is already a connection between the dark elves and the human empire. The entire elf race knows that in the process of unifying the human empire, the high-level leaders of those small human countries and other forces have been assassinated many times. Although there is no clear evidence, some people have seen the dark elves.

So Mu Feng felt that the dark elves must have reached a cooperation with the high-level leaders of the human empire, and he was not bluffing on this point.

"It is because the dark elves have cooperated with humans that we have to fight for it!"

As soon as he heard that the cooperation with humans would be suspended, Asrat's brows immediately frowned. Immediately, a member of the Elf King's Court who was sitting in the first three rows stood up and shouted loudly at Mu Feng.

"Do you think that if the dark elves really fully cooperate with humans, you can pay as much as the despicable dark elves? Listen carefully, it is [full] cooperation. The dark elves may have reached an agreement with humans, and what awaits us may be a trap. The cunning, shamelessness, cruelty and greed of humans are sometimes more terrifying than the dark elves."

Mu Feng turned his eyes to Chief Astra, thinking that the elves finally have a capable person, otherwise it would be really not fun at all.

Mu Feng emphasized the threat and dark side of the dark elves with a serious face.


The elves looked at each other. They didn't know much about humans, but they knew all too well about dark elves. They would do anything to achieve a goal! Even betraying their own kind. In this respect, the elves really couldn't compare.

"I am not saying that we will not cooperate with humans. The fusion of the quasi-planes means that the fusion of humans and elves is an inevitable trend of history. However, we need more information, more information about the relationship between dark elves and humans, so I suggest that you postpone the cooperation plan with humans."

Seeing that most of the elves showed hesitation, Mu Feng re-emphasized his meaning.

Mu Feng's idea was very simple, that is, to delay time. In fact, he didn't care about humans at all, but he didn't want the elves to give heads to humans.

Mu Feng just wanted to wait until Olika figured out the situation on the dark elves' side, and then decide whether to start with the dark elves or humans first.

"I once fought side by side with King Seyru of the Human Empire and worked together to kill the Demon King. Then we made a marriage alliance with the Elf King Court and the Human Royal Family, so I believe in him!"PS: (Please note if you haven't read the Elf Princess Nina! The agreement between the princess and Seyru was not between an individual, but between two specific forces. This will be an important turning point in the subsequent story!)

Just as the elves present were whispering and more and more people began to nod, suddenly, an elf girl with long golden hair, wearing a blue tights and a white pleated skirt, who was sitting in the first row behind Astra, stood up with a cold face.

"Since we need more intelligence, let me continue to seek marriage with the human royal family. On the one hand, it is to obtain more intelligence, and on the other hand, it is to verify whether elves and humans can reproduce normally. I believe that the blood of the royal family of the human empire will not taint the noble blood of the elves."

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes. This person was the princess of the Elf King's Court - Nina Asrat Winnia, and she was also one of the seven heroes who fought against the Demon King.

Nina had not planned to speak, but when she heard Mu Feng saying bad things about humans, she could not stand it.

She fought side by side with Prince Seylu in the battle that year, and she had a secret crush on Seylu. The two even secretly decided to spend their lives together, waiting for Seylu to complete the unification of the empire and marry her.

After waiting for so many years, now this day has finally come, but she did not expect that a demon king savior would come and ask to suspend cooperation with humans. This means that the day when she and Seylu meet again will be extended indefinitely!

She can't wait any longer!

So Princess Nina stood up decisively, and Princess Nina was not stupid. The reason she insisted was completely based on what Mu Feng had said before.

If Mu Feng objected, it would mean that there was something wrong with Mu Feng.

"Elf Princess Nina is worthy of being one of the seven warriors. In this case, I support Princess Nina's decision! It's just that you are an epic warrior. Even if you encounter danger, you can escape from the human empire. As for others, they can't do this, so……"

Mu Feng smiled at Nina, his smile was very bright. If someone familiar with Mu Feng saw this smile, they would know that Mu Feng was in a bad mood now!

Especially when Mu Feng heard the words"I believe that the blood of the human empire royal family will not taint the noble blood of the elves", Mu Feng knew that Princess Nina was in love with the human prince!

How could this be tolerated?! The entire elves are her private property!

However, he still agreed with Princess Nina's decision, but he hesitated to make another suggestion.

Since you want to give away your head, you can, then go alone, don't take my other treasures with you!

Also, do you think you can really give it away?

A murderous intent flashed through Mu Feng's mind. As long as he killed that human prince, I'll see where you can send it! ps: Five more! Extra for the ten thousand rewards of [Myth] Scholars and Swordsmen! 5/12! 21 more rewards are owed. ps2 Exchange 415丨842丨032_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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