"We had an agreement with Walter before the war. As long as the Demon King was eliminated, he would be allowed to establish a country. So I support Walter's actions."


"Walter's achievements are enough to exchange for the benefits he deserves."

As the Supreme Speaker spoke, many people who had closed their eyes to rest or watched from the sidelines also expressed their views.

The first to speak was the dwarf councilor of the Fifth Fortress. The dwarf councilor simply and straightforwardly expressed his views. Dwarves don't have so many tricks, and they always keep their promises.

Since everyone had agreed on the terms before the war, and now Walter has fulfilled his promise, it is naturally time for them to fulfill their promises. This is a very simple matter in their eyes.

Then the elf councilor of the Church of Nature who serves the goddess of nature also nodded. The proud elves would not bother to go against their promises. The matter of Nuo came to mind.

Then, after taking control of the third fortress, the witch councillor representing the witch clan of the North also chose to support the opinion of the dwarves.

The establishment of a new country will have the least impact on their witch clan of the North. Anyway, their witch clan has always been huddled in the cold north, and even the ambitious Kingdom of Eos has little interest in that barren land.

If it weren't for the invasion of the demons that posed a crisis to the entire continent, the witch clan might not be willing to step out of their ancestral land.

However, this proposal, which was seconded by the councillors of the three fortresses, was instantly opposed by many other human councillors. Among them, the councillor representing the royal family of the Kingdom of Eos reacted most strongly.

"Objection! The territory where the Black Castle is now located is the territory of our Kingdom of Eos! Now that the demons have been eliminated, it should naturally return to our Kingdom of Eos!"

"That's right! The integrity of Eos cannot be violated!"

The human kingdom of Eos occupies three of the seven fortresses and is the main component of the Seven Shields Alliance.

The Black Castle is a plane-moving fortress, and the location it teleports to is the territory of the Kingdom of Eos. Obviously, if Walter really wants to establish a country with the Black Castle as the capital, it is equivalent to occupying the territory of Eos, which is unacceptable to the Kingdom of Eos.

After all, in the eyes of the Kingdom of Eos, the Demon King is dead, and the recovered territory is naturally ours!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please take a look at the letter submitted by Walter."

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control again, Princess Alicia handed the letter left by Mu Feng to the Supreme Speaker with a dark face.

"Bastard! Such a bastard!"

"Is Walter crazy?!"

"He is declaring war on our entire alliance!"

"Good! This letter is good!"

After reading the letter, the Supreme Speaker's face suddenly turned black, and he waved his hand, and the contents of the letter were projected in front of everyone in the form of a magic screen.

Amid the exclamations and scolding, a cheer of surprise came from the Kingdom of Eos. Almost instantly, everyone looked over with a look of ashamed eyes. It turned out to be a member of the Patilru family, the wealthy family that controlled the fourth fortress of the Kingdom of Eos and controlled the economic lifeline of the kingdom.

"Ahem! Walter must have been assimilated by the demons! Otherwise, he would never have issued such a declaration of founding a nation! If he wants to establish a mercenary country, I support it! But I can never allow a kingdom controlled by the demons to be established on this land!"

The fat and big-eared Senator Patillu coughed awkwardly after seeing that everyone was looking at him, and then tried hard to hold back the smile on his face, put on a serious and angry expression, slammed the table, stood up, and shouted loudly.

Although Senator Patillu had tried very hard to perform, in the eyes of others his clumsy performance was as ugly as a third-rate clown.

Even so, the eyes of those human congressmen all lit up, and they began to echo Senator Patillu's statement.

"That's right! The evidence is irrefutable! The members of the Black Beast Mercenary Group are driving the demons! We can't let them establish a country!"

"Destroy! These minions of the demon clan must be destroyed! Traitors to humanity!"

"Let the Knights of St. Iris and the Knights of the Church go out! Just destroy these stupid guys!"

The dirty, ugly, and dark side of those in power was clearly revealed at this moment. In a blink of an eye, Walter went from being a hero who destroyed the devil to a fallen minion of the devil.

Many times, those who play politics don't need any real evidence. All they want is a reason that can be handed over to ordinary people and that ordinary people can barely believe. In the end, the winner has the final say anyway.

"Despicable and shameless human! I'm so……"

Seeing that the human councillors at the scene had reversed the situation and put the blame on others in a blink of an eye, and almost everyone had seconded the motion, the most straightforward dwarf councillor almost cursed directly, but in the end she held back, but in anger she chopped the round table in front of her into pieces with an axe, and then left the scene directly.

"It's so dirty and ugly."

The arrogant Elf Councillor snorted coldly, as if he had seen something dirty. After casting a purification spell on himself, he also teleported away from the Council Hall.

"The blood and tears of heroes will eventually turn into the spear and shield of revenge."

After staring at the crystal ball in her hand for a while, the Northern Witch Councillor looked at the Supreme Councillor with a serious expression, told him what she saw, saluted him, and then left the parliament hall. The

Supreme Councillor frowned at the final warning from the Northern Witch, but after a moment, he took a deep breath.���I have made a decision.

P.S.: I am sorry, I was wrong, I underestimated the abilities of you guys.

After I added the v-collection last night, I thought that after I got up, I would owe at most one more reward and one more flower, but I didn’t expect that I didn’t see a penny in the reward, and the flowers went from more than 7,000 last night to 11,800!

? ? ? (Little friend, do you have a lot of question marks! It comes with bgm.)

I even had doubts, did I see it wrong!

I just want to ask which big guy threw so many flowers in one go last night!!!!

It turns out that the power of freeloading is infinite... I owe, I owe three more chapters...

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