ps: The picture shows [Mercenary Queen】——Maya

"Inform the entire alliance that Walter will not be allowed to establish a country, and prohibit anyone from joining Walter's forces. Let Walter return to the alliance and explain everything. If he refuses to come back, then declare him a traitor to the alliance."

In the end, the Supreme Speaker made the decision that is in the best interests of mankind.

Although the Seven Shields Alliance is composed of multiple races and forces, the main force is still human forces, and he himself is also a human from the Kingdom of Eos.

After hearing the Supreme Speaker's resolution, all the members present immediately flattered him.

The Supreme Speaker's resolution is already very clear.

If Walter wanted to return to the alliance, he would have returned long ago, especially since he was obviously still brooding over the alliance's previous betrayal.

It is impossible for him to come back and explain things now.

This is equivalent to announcing that Walter has betrayed the alliance and directly giving everyone a reason to attack Walter.

To put it another way, even if Walter really dared to come to the alliance, then nearly 10,000 people in the alliance would...

���The legendary strong men of the digits are not vegetarians.

As long as he dares to come, they will beat him half to death first.

When Walter falls into their hands, they will have the final say on what to say.

"Speaker, what if someone keeps giving advice and insists on joining Walter?"

As the resolution was issued, Senator Patillu, who was originally full of bright smiles, suddenly asked with a bitter face.

You know, Walter is the king of mercenaries. In the mercenary industry, his prestige is amazing. If not 90% of the mercenaries support him to establish a country, at least 80% of them.

Now the heroic deeds of Walter have spread among the people. Even if the Supreme Council issues a resolution now, those mercenaries don't have much brains. They only believe what their fellow mercenaries say, so I'm afraid there will be no shortage of mercenaries who will defect to Walter.

And it just so happens that in the entire alliance, the Fourth Fortress has no officially dispatched legendary strongmen. Instead, the Patillu family hired the second largest mercenary group in the form of a contract to assist in defense and garrison.

However, almost everyone knows that the leader of the second largest mercenary group [Rose of Thorns], the legendary Maya, and Walter are in a teacher-student relationship!

At the same time, because the Patillu family is rich and powerful, and they often spend money to hire people to solve various problems, the number of mercenaries in the entire Fourth Fortress is also the largest.

Now that they are going to deal with Walter, Senator Patillu is immediately full of worries!

"Betraying your allies, do you need me to teach you how to do it?"

The Supreme Speaker had already chosen his side when he issued the resolution. Since he had chosen his side, he would naturally do his best, so he asked Councillor Patillu coldly on the spot. Councillor Patillu

's face suddenly turned bitter.

Facing a betrayer, he naturally knew what to do, but knowing was one thing, and whether he could do it was another. After all, the Patillu family did not have any legendary strongmen, and the only legendary strongman in the Fourth Fortress was Maya, the [Mercenary Queen] who was as famous as [Mercenary King] Walter.

If Maya really rebelled, how could the Patillu family resist?

"Captain Graf, please help Senator Patillu to complete this resolution. Fortunately

, the Supreme Speaker obviously thought of this, and after a brief silence, he turned his attention to the legendary Captain Graf.

"Yes, sir."

"With the assistance of Captain Graf, I feel relieved."

Graf stood up and gave a standard knight's salute.

After seeing Graf's statement, Councillor Patilru immediately relaxed. Legends should be dealt with by legends. Although Maya is also a legend, Graf is the strongest legend in this plane. What's there to be afraid of Maya!


Just as the parliament began to implement the highest resolution, Keane had secretly met with Maya stationed at the Fourth Fortress with Mu Feng's letter, and told Maya everything that had happened before and Walter's plan.

Maya, wearing an orange tight combat uniform, blue leather pants, two swords on her waist, and long boots, sat by the window. After reading the letter, she burned it in front of Keane, then looked at the scenery outside the window and began to stare blankly.

"You know the current situation better than me. Are you really not going to join us in building our own kingdom? With your relationship with the boss, you are definitely second to none in the new country."

Seeing this situation, Keane finally decided to work hard for his boss, and spoke immediately.

Obviously, Walter was going to fight against the entire alliance, but the alliance still had seven legends without Maya. Keane was worried that Walter would fail. If Maya, a legend, joined now, the situation would be much better.

Maya lifted her burgundy short hair by her ears, revealing a bright smile, and asked Keane:"Do you know why Walter didn't come in person? Why didn't he mention a word in this letter asking me to assist him?"

Before Keane could speak, Maya continued with a warm smile.

"It's because he knows my decision very well and respects it."

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