"I am an orphan. When I was starving to death on the streets, it was Walter who gave me food. It was also she who taught me to be a mercenary and learn to be self-reliant."

"After I became a mercenary, the first mercenary rule that Walter taught me was to abide by the spirit of the contract. You can choose not to sign a contract, but once you sign a contract with your employer, no matter who stands in your way, you must overcome him and defeat him to complete your mission. This is the most important thing in a mercenary's life. Once you violate the contract, your career as a mercenary will be over."

Maya looked into the distance again, and her mind began to recall the scenes from her acquaintance to her understanding of Walter.

Even though Walter had reached the point of confronting the entire plane, he was still adhering to the rules of mercenaries, and he had no intention of wanting Maya to break the rules.

This made Maya proud of Walter, and her heart was filled with warmth, because she knew very well that if Walter really spoke, she would definitely break the rules without hesitation.���She joined Walter's camp, but after that, Walter's perfect image in her mind was no longer perfect.

"I understand. I'll take my leave now. Take care."

Kean heard this and understood that the situation between Walter and Maya was more complicated than he thought, and the bond between them was deeper than he thought. He said nothing more, saluted Maya, put on his hood and left the Thorn Rose's base. His mission here was completed, and the rest was to fully support and transfer the other mercenaries.

"Standing alone against the entire Seven Shields Alliance, I'm afraid only you can do such a crazy thing. It's a pity that I can't stand by your side during such an interesting thing."

Maya stood by the window, watching Keane's back as he left. Suddenly, she drew out her two swords and danced with them. She sighed softly with longing and yearning, and finally sheathed her two swords with regret. What

Maya didn't know was that on the rooftop opposite her, Mu Feng was looking at her with satisfaction.

"As expected, girls should be raised slowly from childhood, and when they grow up, they will never betray you no matter what. The mercenary queen that Walter raised was very successful. I just don’t know what the scene will be like when she becomes mine, lies in my arms, and then finds out that Walter has been dead for a long time. It’s very interesting to think about it."

After listening to the conversation between Keane and Maya, and after listening to Keane’s performance just now, Mu Feng already understood that all his previous actions were successful.

Although he did not immediately pull Maya to his camp, it proved that Maya’s heart was here, and as long as a little bit of trickery was used, she would definitely be a very useful chess piece.

Mu Feng couldn't help but look up to Walter. He didn't expect him to be so far-sighted and started to cultivate her a long time ago, and he really raised a loyal legend.

This feeling is like drawing a card from the card pool except for a garbage card, but as you raise it, this card becomes an SSR.

Mu Feng is looking forward to it now After signing the contract with her, holding her in his arms, and then restoring his true form, it must be said that Mu Feng's dark personality is very compatible with the personality of the Demon King.

With great expectations, Mu Feng left the Fourth Fortress through the fixed-point teleportation array and returned to the edge of the [Seven Shield Alliance] barrier outside the First Fortress, where some mercenaries and a large number of demons have begun to gather one after another. Now they are just waiting for the early morning, when the people in the First Fortress are the most relaxed, to launch an attack directly! Just as

Mu Feng left, the Paladin Graf of the Supreme Council and the Fortress Chief of the Fourth Fortress, Angelo Patillu, also knocked on the door of the Thorn Rose Station.

"Your Excellency Maya, Captain Graf and the Patillu Fortress Chief request an audience."

After the announcement, Paladin Graf and Councillor Patillu entered the station. The Fortress Chief of Anglu was originally prepared to wait for Graf to say anything, but he didn't expect Graf to play dead after he came in, and sat down by himself in a seat, closing his eyes to rest!

"Hello, Lord Maya. We are here to issue a resolution from the Supreme Council. It is forbidden for anyone from the alliance to join Walter's forces. At the same time, the Supreme Council Chairman wants to invite Lord Walter back to discuss the establishment of a new country. So……"

Seeing that Graf had given up the task, the Fortress Anglu could only stand up with a wry smile on his face and stated the decision of the Supreme Council in a very official and formal manner.

However, before the Fortress Anglu could finish his words, Maya interrupted him coldly. In the awkward smile of the Fortress Anglu, Maya stated her position very simply.

"I already know what you did to the Black Beast Mercenaries, so there is no need to pretend anymore."

"I know exactly what you are here for. I can tell you clearly that before the contract expires, neither I nor anyone from the Thorn Rose will leave the Seven Shields Alliance. But I don't care about the others. It's their right to leave or stay. It has nothing to do with me. I won't interfere with what you do."

After stating her position, Maya looked at the Fortress Chief of Anglo with a sneer and mockery, and continued to say to him:

"As for your idea of tricking Walter back, don't mention this stupid idea anymore. It will only make you look brainless. And please don't insult other people's IQ." ps: I coded a picture in the dark room, and when I came out, I saw that the flowers were 16,000! Don't you vote for others?!

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