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"Then let someone take you down to refine it. Claudia will stay with me. I still need to strengthen and improve her. She needs to be raised for a while before she can be used."

After reaching an agreement with Graf, Mu Feng gestured to a succubus.

The succubus immediately made a gesture of invitation to Graf with a sweet smile.

It was obvious that she was going to take Graf to collect sperm, while Mu Feng stayed where he was and turned his attention to the culture dish that began to inject nutrient solution, where Claudia had already been receiving treatment and strengthening.

"When she gets pregnant, I will attack the Seventh Fortress."

Graff nodded, looked at Mu Feng deeply, and said the time of attacking the Seventh Fortress without any context.

Obviously, Graff himself knew why Mu Feng did not attack the Seventh Fortress himself.

"No problem, tomorrow at the earliest, the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Mu Feng showed a bright smile and immediately gave a time interval.

Graf nodded, said no more, and followed the succubus into another separate room.

"Don't pretend to be unconscious. Both Graf and I knew you were awake."

After everyone left, he smiled at the petri dish where Claudia was.

"Is the honor of the family and the continuation of the race really so important?"

Claudia opened her eyes, her expression showing confusion and pain. She had heard the conversation between Mu Feng and Graf very clearly, so she was so hesitant and painful when making a choice.

Claudia's eyes seemed a little empty, as if she was asking Mu Feng, and as if she was asking herself.

She still didn't expect that Graf would make the situation of the entire alliance become what it is now for the honor of the family and the bloodline. Although even if Graf didn't take action, the Sixth Fortress and the Seventh Fortress were obviously not defendable, but the Sixth Fortress was broken by Graf himself, and she was captured by Graf himself and brought here, which still made Claudia doubt her life.

Claudia even wondered if all this was a dream!

"You are not yet his age, so you cannot understand. You will understand when you have your own children."

"None of this matters. What I want to ask is, do you want to have a child with Graf Lebontaiying?"

Mu Feng smiled. In fact, he could understand Graf's approach.

In modern society, if you are still unmarried at the age of 30, and still have no children at the age of 40, and your parents are still alive, then these older parents will probably do something even more horrible to get you married and have children!

However, these are not the main points that Mu Feng wants to say. Mu Feng is not here to provide psychological counseling for Claudia. He immediately asked Claudia:

"He, he is my adoptive father, my father-in-law, and my master!"

Claudia was shocked and uttered a cry that was almost like a death cry!

Mu Feng suddenly came back at this time.

Damn! Graf is even more evil than a ghost father! He is the adoptive father, father-in-law, and master! This identity alone can make countless people excited!

"So if you don't want to, then let me help you. Anyway, you have already deceived him once, it doesn't matter if you deceive him again. The blood of the Demon King is definitely stronger than that of the Epic Paladin."

While envying Graf's successful cultivation, Mu Feng took over Claudia's words and began to look up and down at Claudia's body with a strange smile. Claudia's armor also began to dissolve gradually in the culture medium!

"What do you mean?!"

Both Mu Feng's words and his current actions made Claudia suddenly alert and stared at him with anger.

Although she was extremely desperate about Graf's emotions, Claudia was still very emotional. The root of all this was actually Mu Feng, the demon whose real identity was the devil!

Everyone knows that those who make deals with the devil will not end well in the end!

"Don't react so violently. Don't worry. Although I am the Demon King, I will not use force unless you nod. This is my deal."

Mu Feng waved his hand. He was sure to win over Claudia, the married woman knight, because he had a trump card in his hand!

Mu Feng snapped his fingers again, and the next moment a new petri dish slowly descended from the ceiling.

Among them was a middle-aged man who looked extremely thin and a little sick.


Claudia exclaimed, because the person in the petri dish was her nominal husband!

"We demons can cure diseases that you humans can't. I can cure his disease and ensure that all his functions are normal, even stronger than normal men. I can also find him an excellent partner to inherit the glory of the Leibang Taiying family, and I guarantee that the children born will be no worse than yours."

"In this way, Graf's wish will come true, and you won't have to get pregnant with Graf's child. More importantly, Klaus will become a real man from now on! And all you need to give is yourself."

Mu Feng stated his conditions very straightforwardly.

Claudia fell silent instantly, with an extremely complicated expression.

Claudia and Klaus are actually childhood sweethearts. The two grew up together and received knight training together, but when Klaus found out that he was in poor health and had no talent for knighthood, he chose another path.

The relationship between her and Klaus is more like family affection than husband and wife, and that's why she helped Klaus keep the secret for so many years.

Claudia also hopes that Klaus can live like a normal man and have children, but now there is such an opportunity in front of her, but she has to sacrifice herself to realize it, and Claudia hesitated immediately.

"Isn't it the duty of a guardian knight to sacrifice himself to protect the dreams of others?"

Mu Feng knew Claudia's inner thoughts very well, and immediately showed a teasing smile and asked her back.

Then Mu Feng started from the ending, which made Claudia make up her mind completely.

"Besides, your final outcome will not change anyway. You will definitely have a descendant, otherwise Graf will not give up. Since it is still a destined outcome, I don’t understand why you hesitate to save one more person."

Just as Mu Feng said, Graf has become a demon. If he didn’t give birth to a descendant, he would definitely be even crazier. Now she can save Klaus while stopping Graf’s madness. This is a good deal no matter how you think about it! Finally

, Claudia took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and answered with difficulty.

"I, I promise you."

Mu Feng immediately showed a bright smile

"Then the deal is done, you are mine now."_

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