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In addition to nurturing the epic strongman with a short lifespan, this blood essence is also a good research material. Succubus like the blood essence of the strong the most. They always have a way to integrate it into their bodies and enhance their strength.

There are many things that happened this night. For example, in the closed separate laboratory, Claudia screamed all night, and even the whole laboratory was shaking.

Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger. Claudia, who has been a widow for nearly forty years, suddenly encountered a spark, and her whole body burned instantly, and in the blink of an eye, she turned into a raging flame, wanting to burn everything.

Even as strong as Mu Feng, he went in standing and came out holding the wall.

On the second day, when Graf saw Claudia again, she was still lying in the petri dish and sleeping quietly, but Graf found that the mature temperament in her seemed to be stronger, and the difference was as strong as the contrast between real flowers and fake flowers.

However, Graf did not care about these details, because with his epic strength, he immediately discovered that a new life was being nurtured in her body the moment he saw Claudia. A large amount of nutrient solution was constantly injected into her body to strengthen her body and provide enough nutrients for the growth of the new life.

And in that still very weak life, Graf clearly felt his own breath! And the legendary potential!

Excitement and surprise filled Graf's mind, so much so that he completely ignored some of Claudia's details, such as some bruises, teeth marks and slap marks covered by armor.……

"This is normal embryo cultivation without the use of any catalysts. Although the growth process is slow, it can ensure the safety of the bloodline and the mother, which is good for everyone."

Mu Feng, with a full and refreshed look, introduced it to Graf, which resolved Graf's last doubts and made him feel at ease.

Nodding to Mu Feng, Graf stared at Claudia through the glass cover of the culture dish and said softly:"The hope of the Leibangtaiying family is in your hands."

Claudia trembled all over as if she had heard Graf's voice.

"Your Highness Alicia, the Leibangtaiying family will follow you for generations! Please accept the loyalty of the Leibangtaiying family!"

Graff strode away, walked outside the laboratory, knelt on one knee in front of Alicia who was waiting there, and swore allegiance with a serious expression and tone.

"Meet Her Highness Alicia!"

Following Graf's oath, the blood group that had been waiting quietly in place also turned over and dismounted in an orderly manner, kneeling on one knee in front of Alicia!

"As long as I am alive and the knights of the Leibangtaiying family are loyal to me, I will lead them to conquer thousands of planes! Let the Leibangtaiying family's trumpet resound throughout thousands of planes!"

Alicia's expression was shocked. Her Knights of Saint Iris had just suffered a heavy blow. It was initially estimated that less than fifty knights would be able to return to their posts. Rebuilding the Knights of Saint Iris would be a long and arduous task.

But if the Scarlet Knights were incorporated into her Saint Iris, then everything would no longer be a problem!

Alicia took a deep breath, drew out her knight's sword and tapped Graf's shoulder lightly, then pointed the sword to the sky, and told Graf the same blueprint that Mu Feng had drawn for her before.

Graf's body was shocked! He originally just wanted to let the reputation of the Leibang Taiying family spread in this plane, but he didn't expect that Alicia's vision and pattern had left this plane!

Until this time, Graf suddenly realized that his pattern had become so small without him realizing it? Sure enough, he was on the verge of being eliminated.

People who can't keep up with the trend of the times, no matter how strong they are, will eventually become nutrients and stepping stones for those who come later.

"Thank you! Then I will leave the future of the Leibangtaiying family to you!"

However, Graf had already made psychological preparations. He immediately saluted Alicia more firmly, and with a pious face, he held up the sword of inheritance in his hands and handed it to Alicia. Alicia took his sword and handed her own sword to him. The two sides completed the ceremony of exchanging knight swords.

In the eyes of the knight, this is the most sacred ceremony, which means that both parties have each other, and they are companions who can trust and rest assured to entrust their backs to each other for protection!

At the same time, Alicia also understood another meaning of Graf. Graf entrusted not only It was the Scarlet Knights, and Claudia and her unborn child in the lab.

However, Alicia sighed slightly in her heart. Although the new life in Claudia's belly had the breath of Graf, she knew very well that the breath would gradually dissipate. It was just a disguise like a coat.

And that new life was created by Mu Feng and Claudia last night.

As for why Alicia knew it, it was because Mu Feng didn't come to see her last night, so when she came to see Mu Feng, she heard it at the door of the lab.……

"By the way, this is a gift for our friendly cooperation."

Seeing that Graf and Alicia's oath ceremony was over, Mu Feng, in a good mood, showed Graf the brand new experimental subject that the demon research team had created last night.

With a snap of Mu Feng's fingers, a petri dish held up by tentacles slowly descended the next moment.

In the petri dish was Klaus, but unlike the thin and sick Klaus that Claudia had seen before, the current Klaus had undergone a transformation under the demon's technology!

Klaus's body was full of muscles, and his appearance had returned to youth. He was no longer a sissy, but had a bit of masculinity. Graf could see that Klaus' original illness had been cured.

This couldn't help but move Graf's heart. After all, this was his only biological son, and he still felt a little bound in his heart.

"Although it cannot be compared with your bloodline, it is at least the orthodox bloodline of the Leibang Taiying family. Consider it my gift to you." ps: Three more chapters! Extra chapters for 6.6 flowers! 35 chapters of rewards are owed, and 1 chapter of flowers is owed!

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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