"This is the recognition of the Tree of Life, do you understand?"

After pretending to be powerful, Mu Feng looked a little proud and turned his gaze to Noel again, staring at her coldly.


Noel didn't know what to say at all. Even though he still had some doubts and confusions in his heart, the revival of the Tree of Life had completely proved that Mu Feng was the real savior! As for the human being he brought, was he really just a waste house?!

Seeing Noel's doubtful look, Mu Feng's heart flashed with pride.

In a serious situation, he did not get the recognition of the Tree of Life, but before Mu Feng came, Christine condensed her accumulated divine power into a divine power crystal and gave it to him.

The function of this divine power crystal is to counter the Tree of Life. Although it is only a temporary solution, it can restore a certain vitality to the Tree of Life.

Although it cannot allow the elves to continue to give birth to new life, it can make the space barrier of the elf world more stable and make the barrier of the Fairy Forest impossible to be broken.

Mu Feng just transformed the divine power of this divine power crystal and injected it into the group of light, so that the Tree of Life gained a certain vitality.

What's more scheming is that Christine only used one third of the divine power crystal that Mu Feng gave!

For the remaining two thirds, Mu Feng plans to wait for another opportunity to continue showing off.

"Now tell me, why did you use the power of the World Tree without authorization and go looking for a savior at this time?"

Faced with the hesitant Noel, Mu Feng took advantage of the victory to pursue, wanting to find out why Noel ran out to look for a savior at this time.

"I, I just... want to do something for the elf world.……"

Noel was a man who would not lie. His eyes were erratic and he did not dare to look Mu Feng in the eye. The hand holding the staff kept changing positions and he continued to explain hesitantly.

"Because of your unauthorized actions, the star beasts invaded, the teleportation array collapsed, and an innocent person died. Don't you realize your mistake?!"

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes and pressed again.

But this time, Noel bit her lower lip tightly with a look of grievance on her face. She lowered her head and stopped talking. Mu Feng could even see tears in her eyes. Mu Feng frowned slightly. He could see that Noel was expressing her true feelings now. Although she felt aggrieved and unwilling, she did not have anger and hatred!

This was not like the image of a traitor or villain that Mu Feng imagined!

Or, was Noel's acting skills so good that even Mu Feng could not see the flaws?

"Lord Savior, Elder Noel is also for the elf world, please don't blame her."

Just when Mu Feng was about to test further and detain Noel directly, the head of the sacrificial group, Lu Xie, walked up to Mu Feng, bowed respectfully to Mu Feng, and helped Noel explain.

After Mu Feng was silent for a moment, he didn't plan to continue.

According to what Christine said before she came, the head of the sacrificial group, Lu Xie, was her confidant and someone she could trust absolutely.

Now that she had spoken, Mu Feng naturally gave her a face.

What's more, after all, he had just arrived, and the identity of the Demon King was even more sensitive here.

If Noel was really caught, then the relationship would be completely torn apart, which would not be conducive to subsequent development.

You must know that in the elf world, the biggest enemy is not from within, but from the dark elves.

"I don't care what you are doing, but now that I am here, I will be responsible for saving this plane. If you act on your own again, or if you do anything else, don't blame me for being rude. Now please go back and have a good rest and reflect, Elder Noel."

After thinking this through, Mu Feng immediately emphasized his own identity and the other party's identity, and did not intend to pursue it further.

Noel turned around with tears in his eyes and flew away directly, without even saying a harsh word, which was completely inconsistent with the villain's character.

"Elder Nor was born in the Elf King's Court. When the goddess was away, the Elf King's Court did a lot of things, and its prestige has been rising, so that it has a tendency to lead the entire elves. Among them, Elder Nor has contributed the most. I am afraid that as long as he works harder, he can try to absorb the power of faith and try to break through the epic."

"It was just that the goddess who had not appeared for a long time suddenly gave an oracle that there would be a savior, so she felt urgent."

After Noel left, Lu Xie explained to Mu Feng softly.

Lu Xie's words were very straightforward, and Mu Feng immediately understood the key. The elf world has always had only one racial patron saint, that is, the elf goddess Christine.

But there is more than one kind of elves in the elf world. In addition to the white elves of Christine's race, there are also forest elves, grassland elves, sun elves, moon elves, and even the goblins are also part of the elves in the elf world. It is impossible to say that multiple races live together fairly.

During Christine's reign, the white elves certainly benefited more than other races.

But the white elves are not the largest in number among the elves, but one of the smallest. As a result, the forest elves, who are the largest in number, are naturally dissatisfied.

This situation is somewhat like the dispute between the Manchus and the Han in the past. The Manchus had such a small number of people, but they established the Qing Dynasty and ruled over thousands of Han people, so the Han people were shouting every day to resist the Qing and restore the Ming.

Speaking of the game circle, it is like the current lo l competition, the all-Chinese class is almost the same thing... (funny body protection)

In the other branches of the elves, each branch has a few epics. It's not that they don't want to become gods, but because of the existence of Christin, other elves have never had the opportunity to take the throne.

In order to save the tree of life and to break through, Christin left the elf world, so the power organization [Elf King's Court], which is mainly composed of forest elves, felt that the opportunity to take the throne had come, so they planned to let Noel, whom they trained, try to break through and become the new elven god, so that they can be on an equal footing with the elven goddess.

It is for this reason that they will send Noel to urgently find a savior to compete with Mu Feng.

But the Elf King's Court never expected that Christin would be so cruel and directly find a demon king to be the savior, and he killed their useless savior as soon as he came out!

Now the plane has also been blocked, which directly cuts off their retreat. Their plan ended directly at the beginning.

"The Elven King's Court is interesting." ps: Three more chapters! Extra chapter for the 10,000-yuan reward from [Nian Shang]! 4/10! I owe 26 chapters for the reward.

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