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When talking about the Elven King's Court, Mu Feng looked at the elves who were also quietly leaving after Noel left.

They were the first to discover that the abandoned otaku was dead. Their clothes were more gorgeous than those of the sacrificial group, and even their temperament gave people a more mellow feeling. They were not arrogant and cold like elves, but more like humans.

Obviously, they should be people from the Elven King's Court.

"Tell me, what happened in the elf world during the time when the goddess was away, and what is the current situation? What are the movements of the dark elves?"

After figuring out the problems within the elves, Mu Feng was not so worried. What he was most worried about now was the problems of the dark elves. There was a dark elf of the same rank as him, and this was Mu Feng's real opponent!

"The situation is very bad. Your Majesty has been away for too long. A fusion occurred in the elf world a few years ago.���A new plane merged with the spirit world. It was a human world and had some communication with us. More importantly,……"

"We even found that dark elves and humans were colluding with each other!"

Mu Feng frowned and listened to Lu Xie's explanation of what happened after Christine left the elf world. He suddenly realized that things seemed to be more difficult than he had imagined.

Because the flow of time in different planes is different, although the elf world has gone through a long time during the period when Christine broke through.

The energy of the tree of life has been completely exhausted and entered a dormant period, exposing the plane coordinates of the elf world. It happened that a human plane that was being invaded by demons collided with the elf world due to spatial turbulence. The two planes were forcibly merged, allowing the elves and the human world to establish a connection. The current elf world is no longer the simple elf world.

The invading demon king at that time was named【ZERO】Everyone knows the character of the Demon King. One is invasion, two is invasion. Another Elf World is coming to the door. It would be a waste if not to invade!

So the Demon King immediately launched an invasion of the Elf World. After discovering that there was a dormant Tree of Life in the Elf World, the Demon King【ZERO】They were so excited that they temporarily gave up the invasion of the human world and focused their main invasion direction on the Elf World.

For a time, the Fairy Forest suffered heavy losses and had to join forces with the Human Empire.

The process of defeating the Demon King was very tragic, but in the end, seven epic-level strongmen joined forces to defeat the Demon King.

This was also the only time in so many years that humans, dark elves, and white elves joined forces to cooperate.

Of course, this cooperation was a good thing for the Fairy Forest, because not only was the Demon King repelled, but the god who was once at the same level as the Elf Goddess was severely injured. Although he did not die, his strength fell to epic and has not recovered until now.

Therefore, although the Dark Elves still fought with the White Elves from time to time in these years, they also fought back and forth, and the losses were not great, forming a balanced situation.

In this evenly matched situation, the power of the Human Empire became a breakthrough for both sides!

It is unknown what kind of agreement the dark elves have reached with the human empire, but the white elves are sure that the dark elves have cooperated with some high-level officials in the human empire. In the alternation of the human empire regime, the dark elves can often be seen.

The dark elves and humans are getting closer, and the tree of life has lost the opportunity for the elves to reproduce. Under this double pressure, the Elf King Court has to make a decision.

That is to marry the elven princess Nina Asrat Winnia, one of the seven epic heroes who repelled the devil, and the prince Seiru Win Ganosa, one of the seven epic heroes of the human empire. On the one hand, they want to strengthen the relationship between the Elf King Court and the human empire.

On the other hand, they are trying to find a way to save themselves during the period when the tree of life fell into sleep.

It is precisely because of the long-term communication with the human empire that the Elf King Court has quietly changed, and they have become more and more like humans.

Listening quietly throughout the whole process.

Mu Feng was relieved. Although the current situation has become more complicated, Mu Feng is not afraid, because the only god has dropped in rank!

Then in terms of rank, Mu Feng is the strongest being in this plane! I am the strongest, so what am I afraid of?

"Master, it is impossible to defeat ZEO with epic existence alone."

However, just when Mu Feng thought that he could finally be domineering, Olika's voice rang in Mu Feng's mind.

As Mu Feng's soul compatibility reached 31%, Olika, the weakest of the six dragon whiskers that signed a contract with the Dragon King, had completely established a connection with Mu Feng, and the two sides could even communicate in their minds just by relying on the contract.

Just like at this moment, after listening to Lu Xie's words, Olika did not come forward, but conveyed his thoughts to Mu Feng through the contract.

"Do you know ZERO?"

Mu Feng raised his eyebrows, showing a surprised expression.

The next moment, Olika reported ZERO's title in the demon world.

"ZERO is another name for [Flower of Destruction]"


Mu Feng fell silent immediately.

There are many demon kings in the demon world, and each of them has a unique title. Over time, everyone only remembers each other's titles but not their true names. Just like Mu Feng, most people in the demon world only remember him as the Demon Dragon King, but few people remember his true name.

【The same is true for ZER in"Flower of Destruction".

ZERO was once a half-demon with succubus blood.

Because of her partial demon blood, she was abused by her biological mother when she was young.

When she reached the right age, she was sold to a brothel at a low price.

At that time, she understood what"family affection" was.

At the suggestion of a prostitute of the same age named Zikan, they escaped from the brothel together, but were betrayed by Zikan and arrested again.

From then on, she had a repeated understanding and knowledge of what humans call"trust".

In a few months, ZER understood what"sin" and"obscenity" were.

A few months later, while the servants and women in the brothel were sleeping, ERO killed everyone and took the money to escape. That time she realized"killing".

From then on, ZERO lived a life of killing and robbing, and she even spared her children and pets.

Because of her bloodline and atrocities, she was eventually caught by the church and sentenced to be burned at the stake. ps: Both episodes in this volume have been fully introduced.

【[Flower of Destruction] ZER will only make a cameo appearance as the demon king and will not make a formal appearance.

PS2 4th update! Extra update for the 10,000-yuan reward for [Words] Scholars Are Not Swordsmen! 4/12. 25 more rewards are owed.

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