【I’m just salted fish:”What’s wrong? You keyhole to see mom was discovered and then pickled?”】

【Tequila Girl:”It’s Caesar. Caesar faced the Pillar Man alone and is now seriously injured and dying. Does anyone have a way to save him?”

Han Yu suddenly remembered that there was indeed this part, but he had not told Joseph about this before. He believed that Joseph’s strength would increase and such problems would not occur again.

【I’m just a salted fish:”Use the ripples. Use the ripples to infuse vitality and let him recover from his injuries in a short time.”】

【Tequila Girl:”No, I’ve tried. Caesar’s hand is too seriously injured. The ripples can only save his life temporarily. His injuries cannot be healed.”】

After chasing him, Joseph saw through the gap that Caesar was defeated. At that moment, he immediately threw out the purple hermit to pull Caesar out. At this time, the Pillar Man in the house was missing, and Caesar was seriously injured and was about to die.

“JO, JOJO, antidote!”

Caesar lay in Joseph’s arms. His consciousness had begun to blur. He still used his last bit of strength to raise the lip ring in his hand. Inside was the antidote for the poison in JOJO’s body.

“Caesar, hold on, hold on, I will save you, I will definitely find a way to save you!”

Joseph shouted excitedly, his eyes blurred by tears, he stared at the chat group closely trying to find a way

【What’s wrong with my hair?”My Crazy Diamond can heal any injury. As long as the person is still alive, I can save him.”】

Although Josuke dislikes Joseph, he knows what kind of person he is from their recent interactions. Excluding his own prejudice, he has to admit that Joseph is a good man.

At this time, the other party is in trouble, and Josuke still chooses to help him.

【I’m just a salted fish:”No, your Crazy Diamond must hit the target to heal, but we have no way to get there now.”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”This shitty chat group doesn’t have the function of traveling through the world”】

【Golden Donut:”Can you send me a picture? I have developed the ability to turn inanimate objects into body tissue.”】

【Golden Donut:”And the creations of my ability can be sent over”】

Joseph took a photo and sent it to Giorno immediately after seeing Giorno’s message. In the photo, Caesar’s body was almost crushed.

And the most serious injury was not this, but the internal organs were severely squeezed.

Giorno looked at the photo of Caesar’s injuries and thought for a long time.

【Golden Donut:”I’m so sorry, his injuries are too severe, and my stand-in can’t repair such a big atmosphere.”】

【Tequila Girl:”Is there no other way?!”

The group fell silent for a moment.

Joseph looked at Caesar, whose breath of life was fading in his arms, and his throat began to tremble. He couldn’t stop crying.


He regretted why he didn’t come earlier, he regretted why he didn’t hug Xisa, if it was earlier, Xisa wouldn’t be like this


Lisa Lisa stood beside her. She looked calm, but her shaking hands and upside-down cigarette revealed that she was panicking. She was just pretending to be calm.

【I’m just a salted fish:”@TequilaGirl I’m here, I’m here, healing props, healing potions, holy water, weird props, use them on him now!!!”

Han Yu sent all the healing props he had borrowed to Joseph.

Joseph had been desperate, but after seeing Han Yu’s message, he rekindled his hope, and he immediately accepted all the props.

He didn’t know how to use the props, but the potion was very obvious, he poured it directly into Caesar, and at the same time used ripples to control Caesar’s body to make him drink it.

The healing potion began to work the moment Caesar drank it, and Caesar’s injuries began to recover visibly, showing that the bleeding stopped and then began to heal.

But one bottle was not enough, so Joseph put a few more bottles, and finally Caesar’s vital signs stabilized, but he was still in a coma.

“Western Sahara”

“jojo this!”

Joseph was very excited when he saw Caesar recovering, and Lisa Lisa was also very excited when she saw Caesar recovering. Lisa Lisa finally couldn’t help crying, she almost experienced the pain of her loved ones leaving again, but at the same time she was also very confused

“I met some friends through some adventures, and they helped me.

Joseph explained to Lisa Lisa in brief words.

Soon Caesar woke up.

“JOJO, I, I am not dead?”

Xisa was very confused about why he was not dead. He clearly remembered that he had received a fatal attack, and his consciousness had fallen into darkness.

“Bastard, of course you’re not dead!”

Joseph punched Caesar in the stomach, and smiled as he watched the other’s face change due to the pain.

“Caesar, if you act alone again, I will use my log-like thigh to kick your dick to pieces!”

Caesar couldn’t help laughing. It was good that he didn’t die. He also couldn’t bear to leave Joseph and Lisa Lisa.

The three of them returned to the hotel together. Although the Pillar Man was not solved, Caesar was still alive. It was enough for them to be together.

As long as they were together, any enemy could be defeated.

【Tequila girl:”@I’m just a salted fish, thank you so much”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”You just say thank you and that’s it, do you know how many favors I owe to others for borrowing these props?”】

【Tequila Girl:”I’ll send you the remaining props. I will never refuse you if you have any questions in the future.””】

【I’m just a salted fish:”Okay, you’ll be the first one to help me if I have any problems in the future.”】

【Tequila Girl:”Don’t worry, next time you encounter an enemy, I will be the first to ripple, and then run away immediately.”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”You will be fucked, I tell you”】

Joseph remembered Han Yu’s help. If he had any problem in the future, he would never refuse, even if that problem would cost him his life.

【What’s wrong with my hair?”Great, high five”】

【Golden Donut:”Congratulations”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”Why haven’t I seen Jotaro and Jonathan talking recently, what are they doing?”】

【Golden Donut:”Mr. Jotaro encountered some problems and is now going to fight Dio. Mr. Jonathan is on a date.”】

【I’m just salted fish:”Let’s team up and beat him up, I’m jealous”】

Everyone chatted for a while.

Giorno stood on a high place and looked at the streets and the crowd below. He wondered if he could meet such a partner in the future.

Meeting such a partner who would sacrifice his life for him.

Giorno thought about it and shook his head. It’s better not to think about these unrealistic things and go to work and make money quickly. This is the main thing.


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