Chapter 240: Let’s grab the answer

My King “Iskander!! You!!! Why do this! Bullying the weak and abducting the unresistant, will your kingly way not be disgraced? ”

Iskandar “This… Even if you say so! I don’t know what’s going on! ”

Iskandar was really stunned, he didn’t understand, he honestly played games at home, how could he suddenly become a trafficker who abducted women in a live broadcast?

This pot… In the future, he will not be called the king of conquest, or the king of the back pot.

My King: “So conquer the king, do you want to say that the video in the live broadcast is fake?” ”

Kenneth “No way, it’s been so long in the live room, when did it show us fake answers?” ”

Iskandar “I!! ”

Iskandar really doesn’t know what to say, how can he explain it, the videos played in the live broadcast room are all future content, how can he justify his future self?

This is simply a big black pot!

Iskandar really has nothing to explain, but this pot he definitely does not carry

“Hmph! Ben Wang Xing is sitting straight! This act of breaking into other people’s homes and robbing other people, how could this king do it! ”

As soon as Iskandar finished speaking, Weber on the side suddenly said, “That rider, have you forgotten your behavior of breaking into the library in the middle of the night to get people’s books?” ”

Iskandar “………”

I’ll go! Weber! Whose side are you on? Did you tear down the platform like that?

But Iskandar has no words to refute it, because he has done it.

Iskandar “Good! Even if Ben Wang would do it, but why! Why should I snatch a woman with no chicken in her hands! ”

Tosaka Shichen “The reason is simple, because… Alice Phil is the container of the Holy Grail. ”

At this moment, Tosaka Shichen directly spoke, as the heir of the founding royal family, Tosaka Shichen naturally knew these secrets.

“We all know that the mechanism of the Grail is a duel between seven masters and seven servents, and every time a hero dies, the Grail will absorb the magic of this hero, and when the Grail collects six heroes, its magic will reach the peak, thus activating the underground dragon vein of Fuyuki City and then obtaining huge mana and thus fulfilling the victor’s wishes. However, the advent of the Grail requires a container, and this container has always been filled by artificial humans of the Einz Belen family. ”

When Tosaka Shichen said this, it was already obvious that if you want to obtain the Holy Grail, you must first have the Holy Grail container, and Alice Phil is that container.

“So, the purpose is also there, and now the answer is clear.” ”

Kenneth “Live Room! I rush to answer! ”

Suddenly, Kenneth directly opened his mouth to answer, and seeing Kenneth’s actions, several figures showed unwilling expressions.

Weber “Ahhh!! Kenneth! You are shameless!! How can you do something like this! ”

Kenneth “Haha! Weber! Let the teacher teach you another lesson, this lesson is called! Early birds have worms to eat! ”

[Kenneth detected a preemptive answer, the preemptive answer is successful, please answer.] ]

Hearing the voice of the live broadcast room, Kenneth said with great pride: “The answer is that Iskandar snatched Alice Phil while Saber and Eimiya Kiriji were out in order to obtain the Holy Grail Container.” ”

After Kenneth finished speaking, he began to wait for the system to announce that he had answered correctly. However……

[The answer is inaccurate and there is an error.] Penalty: Kenneth deducts 100 points, please continue to rush to answer. ]


Weber “Hahahaha!! Kenneth! Hahaha! You really taught me a lesson, but you taught me not early birds with worms, but… Early worms are eaten by birds! Hahaha! ”

Weber is about to laugh and tears, rush to answer, wrong and deducted 100 points, isn’t this a typical chicken stealing rice?

Iskandar “Haha! Deserve! Let you wronged the king! Is Ben Wang the kind of person who dares to do and does not dare to be? Even if he wants something, Ben Wang will only swagger in! Take Alice Phil away in front of Saber! This is the conquest of this king! ”

Alexander: “That’s right, I don’t think it’s Iskandar either, so there must be something wrong with this!” ”

My King” has a problem? The conqueror king, are you going to tell us that the conqueror who snatched Alice Phil is not you at all, but someone else’s pretend? ”

Iskandar: “That’s right! And…… It shouldn’t be difficult to do this. ”

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