Chapter 241 Unlucky Kenneth

Iskandar said his thoughts, this Fuyuki City has many magicians and servents, so many masters who say that there will be no transfiguration.

Weber: “Then we’re going to have a good plate, let’s take a look first, at this time the only people left are me and Rider, Yan Feng Qili and Archer, and Ma Tong Yanye and Berserker.” Who do you think is most likely? ”

Alexander: “I don’t think it will be me anyway, who is more likely of the remaining two?” ”

Tosaka Shichen: “Although I don’t have a good relationship with Ma Tong Yanye, but Ma Tong Yan Ye is a layman who doesn’t know magic, he should not know about the Holy Grail Container, and besides, there seems to be no conflict between Ma Tong Yan Ye and Eimiya Kiriji.” ”

“You’re a layman!” You whole family layman! ”

Ma Tongyan Ye doesn’t want to listen to it, how can I be a layman?

However, listening to Tosaka Shichen’s analysis, the others also nodded silently. I have to say that what Tosaka Shichen said still makes sense, and it is true, the reason why Matong Yan attacked the Weigong family at night is really not sufficient.

Iskandar” And Berserker, the madman, does not feel that he can transfigure the existence of this skill. ”

Weber “So! The answer is obvious! It must be Yan Feng Qili and Golden Sparkle dry! And! Golden Shining is a man with the treasure of a king! There are even treasures like breaking the contract! A transfiguration treasure must not be much! Live Broadcast Room! I’m going to…”

Kenneth “Live Room! I want to grab the answer! ”


Depend on!

At this moment, Webb is going to die of anger, what’s going on with this Kenneth! Can’t wait to die! I got it wrong once! I’ve deducted 100 points from you! Do you still want to rush to answer?

Kenneth “Webb! Let your teacher teach you a good lesson! ”

Lin Ye: “It seems that you just said this five minutes ago. ”

Kenneth: “It was an accident! That’s it all this time! Do you still think I’m going to be wrong! ”

[Congratulations to Kenneth on the success of the answer, please answer]

Kenneth straightened his clothes before confidently saying, “The answer is: in order to seize the Holy Grail Container, Archer disguised as Iskandar to rob Alice Phil.” ”

[The answer is incorrect and inaccurate.] Penalty: 200 points deducted from Kenneth. ]


Weber “Hahaha! What do I see! Kenneth, you are really… Hahaha! ”

Webb laughed happily, right, let you rush to answer, wrong again.

No, not only is it wrong again, but it also deducted 200 more points!

Dilumudo: “Former lord, you still don’t rush to answer, if you are wrong, it is estimated that 400 points will be deducted.” ”

Kenneth: “I… Let’s grab the answer! I’ll answer again, I’m the one! ”

Kenneth was completely out of temper, originally he thought of turning over with this rush answer, but he lost 300 points in two rush answers.

300 points! You have to answer three questions correctly, or sign in for a month to get it!

Kenneth didn’t answer, but the others came alive.

Weber “turned out to be … Isn’t it golden? Why! ”

Golden flash “cut!” A bunch of miscellaneous repairers! What kind of person is Ben Wang! How could King Ben do this kind of thing of stealing chickens and dogs! ”

Tosaka Shichen: “So… Did the Tongyan do it at night? But…… Why! ”

Tosaka Shichen also wants to rush to answer, but they don’t know the answer now, didn’t the live broadcast room system say that the completion degree should be more than 90%. You said that it was done by Tongyan at night, but what about the process?

Thinking of this, Tosaka Shichen said, “Are there real warriors?” Let’s give us another thunder. ”

“But… What did I do? Why? What am I doing with Alice Phil? I’m going to grab Aoi? ”

Tosaka Tokichen: “You!! You guy! Is it really a dangerous element! You wait, I’ll kill you sooner or later! ”

“Cut, Tosaka Shichen!” Are you dreaming? Have you forgotten what strength I have now! You lose your servent garbage! So what fight with me! ”

Tosaka Shichen stopped talking, he didn’t want to expose his affairs yet, but he buried this matter deep in his heart.

And at this time, Lin Ye’s voice finally sounded

“Don’t you dare to answer? Case…… System, I will answer this question. ”

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