At this time, Ye Chuan had found the entrance to the middle level. Not long after he went down, he saw three big spiders with white bodies and ferocious faces appearing at the entrance.

They were driving a large number of monkey-like creatures around. Before he could take a closer look, a large number of snow-white spiders appeared around them, as if they were carved out of a template.

There were many white spiders, big and small.

The leading ones were more than half a person tall, and their forelimbs were like sharp sickles.

The smaller ones were only the size of a thumb, but there were so many of them.

In other words, Ye Chuan did not have intensive phobia, otherwise he would probably be scared to death.

The monkey-like monster was quickly caught in a net by this organized and premeditated army of spiders.

It turned out that a large number of spiders had already set up a large number of spider web traps on the cliff in front, and the three big spiders in the back were just driving away the prey.

When the net was closed, Ye Chuan saw that there were six identical snow-white spiders, staring with scarlet compound eyes and crawling out of the shadows.

Ye Chuan recognized it immediately. Isn't this the same individual produced by the parallel consciousness split from Spider-Girl?

Each one is equivalent to a projection of Spider-Girl's personality. Since Spider-Girl used the asexual egg-laying skill to disperse the spirit polluted by the devil's consciousness to her followers, these nine spiders are actually independent clones.

It can be simply understood as Spider-Girl's nine sisters with different personalities.

At this point in the plot, Spider-Girl's body is not in the maze.

The body has been caught by the devil and forced to sign a truce agreement. It is very likely that it is now on the way to the devil's hometown.

The specific early plot is simply that Spider-Girl hacked into the devil's spiritual world through a series of tricks.

The body minister in the parallel consciousness was counterattacked and fused by the devil.

As a result, Spider-Girl's parallel consciousness was polluted by part of the devil's consciousness, and finally she had to transfer the polluted spiritual individual to the little spider born by the egg-laying skill.

Who knew that the nine parallel consciousnesses not only inherited most of Spider-Girl's skills. They also inherited the stand-up comedy and tricky operation brain circuits, and actually began to form a spider army in the big maze.

These little spiders in front of me are, to put it bluntly, the followers of Spider-Girl.

The nine independent clones leading the group should now be called the nightmare of the maze.

They lead the spider army to do whatever they want in the big maze, and carry out various buffet hunting activities.

Due to the influence of the devil's consciousness, the ultimate goal of various activities is to destroy the human beings in this world.

But since they have met Ye Chuan, there is a reason.

To catch a thief, you must first catch the king. The numerous little spiders are all obeying the orders of these nine big spiders.

Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, and a large amount of spider silk flew towards a large number of spiders like a rainstorm.

Soon some of the little spiders were deprived of control of their bodies.

The original version of spider silk control is the blood ghost art of the spider mother on Spider Mountain.

The weakness is obvious, that is, the body.

But in Ye Chuan's hands, the version of spiral force not only increases the number of controlled objects, but also improves the strength of the controlled objects.

The original version can only control some low-level swordsmen, but in Ye Chuan's hands, as long as the output is increased, it is a top-level combat force, and it can be easily controlled without defense.

Soon, a group of controlled spiders gathered near Ye Chuan, and this scene was also discovered by the leading nine spiders.

The spider silk shot towards them was blocked after being noticed.

However, Ye Chuan had expected this situation. The spiral force in his hand condensed, and a spiral drill head with blue light intertwined emerged.

With a sharp inhalation, the blue light drill head immediately turned into a mark and appeared between Ye Chuan's eyebrows.

As the exhaled turbid air spread, Ye Chuan formed a finger snapping gesture.

Spiral Breathing - Void Form - Thunder in the Daytime

""Pah~" A sound of snapping fingers appeared.

In an instant, nine bright lightning bolts struck down from the heads of nine big spiders.

The thick lightning was as thick as a bucket, and the middle underground of the maze suddenly became as bright as day.

The nine spiders still wanted to resist with magic or dodge.

But after the lightning, there was a purgatory formed by lightning.

This breathing method cannot be imitated or even understood by ordinary people.

The spiral force spread in the air through spiral breathing vibrates the free positive and negative charges.

Instantly create a violent collision, simulating the power of lightning.

Because of the blessing of the spiral force, it is more powerful than The power of ordinary lightning is greater.

It also has a locking effect, so the nine spiders fell to the ground.

It seems that the local spiders have not yet gained enough resistance to this kind of external force.

The nine spiders that were charred by lightning were caught off guard and lost consciousness for a short time.

The scene flashed, and nine slave collars were thrown out.

The nine collars were put on the joints of the limbs of each spider, and once they were put on, the mysterious inscriptions began to spread.

Just like the scene when catching the giant lizard before, the spreading inscriptions drilled into the ears, nose, and seven orifices of the spider, and also spread to the eight spider legs according to the different body structures.

【Slavery Contract Success Rate...20%...60%...99%,100%】

【Slavery Contract Success Rate...20%...60%...99%,100%】

Compared to the previous capture progress bar, this time the progress bar was a bit slower, but in the end, as the first collar turned green and broke, the collars lit up green one after another.

【Congratulations to the host for successfully enslaving and obtaining a soul slave; Undead Spider Queen (parallel consciousness), would you like to give it a name?】......

With the successive success messages coming, Ye Chuan also used the label naming method for simplicity.

"Then let's call them Spiders 1 to 9."

Feeling the message from the slave contract, Spider Slave +9.

When all nine spiders woke up, Ye Chuan realized what it was like to rise from a stand-up comedy to a group comedy.

"Ah, Mo���Mo Xi, who can tell me what the situation is now? Why is the connection with the main body blocked?"

"I don't know. Just lie down and wait to die. There's no hope."

"Analyze, analyze, discover new magic, worth studying"

"Listen to me, everyone with parallel consciousness, we need to fight back, gamble on the dignity of the Nine, and make the world feel pain!"

"I'll go first, I'll leave the rest to you guys!"

Chaotic information kept flowing through the nine parallel consciousnesses. As a slave owner, Ye Chuan could clearly know what the slaves were thinking as long as he thought about it.

The result was that he saw a round table in the spiritual connection world of several spiders.

Nine cute pink-edged spiders dressed in different styles were having a meeting.

The group crosstalk was passionately performed and noisy.

Before he could continue listening, the nine spiders, as if they had agreed, used various means to attack Ye Chuan.

"Go to work." However, Ye Chuan only said this lightly, and the nine spiders immediately ran towards the territory uncontrollably.

""Ah da~ Ah da~ I don't want to work!"

A desperate cry of a parallel consciousness came from the mental link.

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