Looking at the spider clones who had already started working under the constraints of the soul contract, Ye Chuan also threw the other three slaves who had fallen into shock.

Finding one of the spider clones in charge of treatment, Ye Chuan directly ordered:"Heal them."

Then a magic circle appeared under the slaves, and a burst of healing light emerged. The three slaves on the ground slowly opened their eyes.

Ye Chuan's eyes lit up. It seemed that as long as he kept repeating it, wouldn't he be able to squeeze it endlessly?

""Oh my god, perpetual motion machine!" This is absolutely amazing.

The parallel consciousness body has inherited almost most of Spider-Girl's abilities.

This parallel consciousness, which was born from the upgrade of the parallel consciousness skill, will have an additional consciousness clone every time it upgrades to a higher level.

There are 10 levels in total, plus the main body of Spider-Girl who is in charge of intelligence.

Originally, there were 11 consciousnesses, but when fighting against the giant spider at the bottom, the body was too aggressive and went directly to the Demon King's consciousness space through the channel through which the giant spider asked for help from the Demon King.

As a result, it never came back, and when Spider-Girl separated the contaminated consciousness, she only separated 9.

Originally, Spider-Girl wanted to let these nine guys act as nannies and take good care of the large number of spider eggs she produced with her skills.

After the spider babies are born, they can live happily together in the large maze area.

Who knew that these guys would secretly go behind the main body and The human annihilation plan began.

For this reason, the nine replica spiders directly began to expand their armaments in the big maze, and each of them continued to use the egg-laying skill to increase the number of individuals.

And they upgraded and trained the newly produced little spiders, and began to acquire various skills frantically.

Ye Chuan got a lot of useful information from the nine captured spiders.

For example, the spider girl had been gone for a long time, but because she was doing things without the original body, several overly active consciousnesses did not know where the original spider girl was now.

In addition, the original spider girl was also blocked from the parallel consciousness.

Therefore, even if Ye Chuan captured all nine, no news could be transmitted.

This forced Ye Chuan, who originally planned to use several consciousnesses to attract the spider girls to come, to think of another way.

However, through the nine consciousnesses, Ye Chuan has now Then he gained control of an army of spiders with an unimaginable number.

This discovery made Ye Chuan call back the parallel consciousness bodies that were ready to work.

He was going to see what the spider army was like.

Soon, Ye Chuan followed the nine parallel consciousness bodies that had accepted their fate but were still performing crosstalk to an open space.

As soon as he entered, he saw a vast expanse of white in front of him. The white army of spiders covered the entire open space.

Under the surging and ready to move, the smallest one was the size of a palm, and the largest was as tall as a child.

The sickle-shaped forelegs showed that these spiders were descendants of the spider lineage.

Although the power was not strong in Ye Chuan's opinion, it was still much stronger than the human slaves in the territory.

Under the protection of a large number of spiders, there were also a large number of accumulated spider eggs..

From time to time, new little spiders hatched from the eggs. Once hatched, the young white spiders, under the guidance of the guard spider, went to a large pit with various monster corpses and fresh flesh and blood. At the entrance of the open space, other spiders kept carrying the remains of various monster corpses to the place where the little spiders were eating.

And Ye Chuan also received a request from nine spiders to lay eggs.

With curiosity, Ye Chuan agreed to the request, but still blocked the performance of the group crosstalk. Three women were a show, not to mention nine female stand-up crosstalk masters gathered together.

However, the process of laying eggs was not as Ye Chuan thought, but very simple.

I saw nine big white spiders laying eggs through magic, and soon a layer of small spider eggs with red dots was laid on the ground. On the other side, there was a coach spider who was training the little spiders. There were several kinds of magic, such as earth, water, fire, and wind, as well as various physical attacks and immersion in venom and acid.

The little spiders that were attacked would gain various corresponding resistances after various attacks.

For example, if a small spider is hit by fire magic and survives, it can gain resistance to fire.

This is a built-in upgrade system in this world, and Ye Chuan, an outsider, obviously cannot access it.

However, he can use it indirectly through the ability of the slave owner.

Anyway, he himself does not need the fake upgrade system of this damaged world.

According to the explanation given by his own system, this fake system is only useful in this world and is a useless thing.

Speaking of this system, we have to mention the background setting of Spider's world.

On the surface, it looks like a fantasy world, but in fact it is a strange world with technology, swords and magic, and the concept of gods.

The planet in Spider's world was originally protected by the angels, the universe's defense mechanism.

As a result, a maid from a certain underworld developed a new magic and wanted to try the effect, so she took a group of angels for experiment.

As a result, a group of angels were destroyed, and only an angel named Sariel survived.

That is, the goddess who exists in the background of the animation. The angel team on this planet was almost destroyed, and as a result, a group of dragons from outside the universe took advantage of the opportunity to enter.

Then the dragons wanted to occupy the planet, but they met the last remaining angel, Sariel.

The fighting power of the entire dragon clan could not defeat this only angel.

After Sariel was attacked by the maid of the underworld, a bug appeared in the program, and the mission changed: it became to protect all humans!

Originally, this was nothing, but one day, a mad scientist appeared among humans: Potimas.

Obsessed with the research of immortality, in order to defraud funds, this man even took out the technology of mining the original vitality of the planet and vigorously mined MA energy.

This is the beginning of the collapse of the world. MA energy is the vitality of a planet.

The dragon clan knows the consequences of vigorously mining and consuming MA energy. Once the planet is exhausted, it will be the end of the world.

So the dragon clan tried to stop it, but the goddess with a problem in the program would only protect humans. In addition, after humans mined MA energy, they made a large number of high-tech weapons, and the dragon clan was directly beaten back.

In the end, the dragon clan, in a rage, did not pretend anymore, and directly absorbed more than half of the MA energy on the planet and ran away on the spot.

During this period, Qiu Lie, who appeared in the animation, fought several times with the goddess who came because he wanted to destroy humans, but found that he was completely defeated.

What to do if you can't beat them? Of course you choose to join, and then you become the goddess's licker.

But after the dragons left, the planet lost a lot of MA energy, and the world was about to collapse.

So humans asked the goddess to sacrifice herself to replenish the energy of the planet.

But Qiu Lie, who was too much of a licker, didn't want to see the goddess get into trouble, so he ran to ask the evil god D for help.

The fun evil god D agreed to the request, but the price was that the world became D's toy.

So D built a system to upgrade skills by adding points, and the core of this system is the goddess Sariel!

By allowing people to practice skills, the energy brought by the skills will return to the system after death to replenish the energy of the planet. The price is of course the continuous loss of the human soul until it can no longer be reincarnated, and the goddess is equivalent to the battery that starts this system.

Ye Chuan sorted out the causes and consequences of this incident based on his memory. Of course, he couldn't stand this kind of counterfeit system.

However, he was more interested in the research results of the crazy scientist. After all, this guy later appeared as the chief of the elves in this world.

This is very intriguing. Was his research on immortality successful?

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