Burning cities, broken streets.

Cries drowned out the explosions.

Then they were drowned out by huge roars.

This was the world Chen Mu saw when he opened his eyes.

There was no doubt that he had traveled through time.

But the world he traveled through was not right.

The place he was in was not right either.

How could he be so desperate right from the start?

"Monster, fuck!"

"Have I come to the world of Ultraman?"

"If so, where is Ultraman? Where is Da Gu? Help him!"

Looking at the huge creature dozens of meters tall in the distance, Chen Mu was numb.

Steel buildings were as fragile as tofu in front of such a monster, let alone his small body.

There was no need to deliberately target it.

To put it bluntly, if the monster got a little closer to him, the aftershocks alone would be enough to kill him. What made

Chen Mu even more nervous was that in addition to the huge monster dozens of meters tall, which was wreaking havoc in the city, there were also many small monsters over two meters tall, constantly hunting surviving humans in the broken buildings.

What was worse was that one of the small monsters had obviously set its sights on him.

Looking at the small monster drooling and walking towards him,

Chen Mu's body was almost frozen.

In his previous life, he was a social animal, let alone fighting monsters, he had never even killed a chicken.

How could he withstand it?

You damn it, don't come over!

Just when Chen Mu was about to despair, the voice of the system rang in his ears.

"Superman Strong System Binding Successfully"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the novice template: Superman·Man of Steel!"

"Current template unlock level: 1%!"

Chen Mu:.......

When Chen Mu first heard about the system awakening, he was excited.

When he heard about the novice template, he was undoubtedly ecstatic. At that moment, he even decided whether to eat beef in the future.



What is that enough for?

And to be honest, a 1% superman who has never been exposed to the sun is probably not much stronger than an ordinary person.

You must be kidding me, system!

Facing Chen Mu's questioning, the system did not answer, and the system fell into hibernation.

Only the monster that was more than two meters tall was still running towards Chen Mu firmly.

Looking at the monster with violent eyes, and thinking about the system he had just loaded.

Chen Mu gritted his teeth, damn it, fight!

There is still a glimmer of hope if I fight, but if I wait to die, I will really die.

So Chen Mu directly pulled out a steel bar from the broken buildings around him and held it in his hand.

With a brave posture, he faced the monster rushing over.

Just when Chen Mu thought that he was going to have a desperate fight with this monster.

"With a"bang", the light bullet flew over and the monster exploded into a pile of flesh and blood.

This sudden change almost sprained Chen Mu's waist.

At this time, the survivors around him also cheered.

"Great, it's the Defense Force's Third Expeditionary Force"

"We are saved."

"Hang on, Meiko, we've got help."


Listening to these words around him, Chen Mu fell into deep thought.....The third expeditionary force?

Damn, I'm not traveling to the anime I watched in my previous life, am I?

Just when Chen Mu thought about it and felt that it was possible, a woman wearing a tight black uniform, a high ponytail, and a cold and heroic face jumped in front of Chen Mu from a high place.

After taking a look at Chen Mu, the woman's eyes flashed with admiration.

"I admire your courage, but you should also know that you can't defeat the monster like this."

"If you really want to kill monsters, then join the defense army."

Faced with the woman's words, Chen Mu did not react at all.

At this moment, he had only one thought.

Yabai Mina.

God, I saw my living paper wife.....

After Abai Mina appeared, the monsters were quickly destroyed.

Chen Mu also took advantage of this time to figure out his current situation.

In short, he traveled through time.

And the world he traveled through was an anime world.

No, to be more precise, it was a world of anime that was a fusion of many TV series.

For example, the monsters and Abai Mina that we saw before were from the TV series that Chen Mu watched in his previous life,"Monster No. 8".》

"This is really, outrageous!"

After complaining, Chen Mu quickly remembered another thing.

That is his golden finger.


Just now, after witnessing the death of the monster at close range,

Chen Mu heard the system's prompt sound again.

"Congratulations to the host for harvesting the beast's origin*1"

"Superman·Man of Steel template, fusion degree +1%!"

"Current template fusion degree: 2%!"

With this information, Chen Mu finally understood how to use this system.

In simple terms, it is to kill the monster at close range, or witness the monster being killed.

Then collect its essence as soon as possible.

The more essences you get, the higher the template fusion degree.

In other words, you will become stronger if you kill monsters!

This is definitely good news for Chen Mu.

It means that as long as he keeps killing monsters, or witnesses the monster being killed at close range, he can continuously improve his strength.

Sooner or later, he will become a real steel man and become an ancestor flying in the sky.

"In that case, I have decided!"

"Join the defense force, set a small goal first, and max out the template fusion degree first!"

It doesn't matter about Yabai Mina or anything like that.

The main thing is that Chen Mu wants to be a superman.

He didn't have the opportunity before, so he could only be a social animal, living a mediocre life, silently watching himself rot in daily life.

But now, the opportunity to change his life is right in front of him.

How could he give up?

Not to mention how cool it would be to become a superman.

The exciting and passionate life alone made him really unable to refuse. He can't travel through time and still rot in the corner silently like before.

Wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Compared to rotting silently, Chen Mu would rather burn to his heart's content.

Moreover, he didn't think that he, who had the template of a steel body, would burn to ashes.

Do you understand?

Just when Chen Mu made up his mind and planned to join the defense force.

A figure ran quickly from a distance.

Then, in Chen Mu's confused eyes, he hugged him in his arms.

Oh, wait....so hard...

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