"I disagree!"

"I will never allow you to join the defense force"

"You are not allowed to join the expeditionary force."

At home, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who had just finished bathing and put on a loose bathrobe, shouted at Chen Mu.

Because of her violent movements, her bathrobe slipped down. Her fair and round shoulders were exposed, with an ivory-white luster.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka could no longer care about these things.

She had only one thought in her mind, which was to stop Chen Mu.

"Chen Mu, your parents died because of monsters in their early years, and now you have to take the initiative to fight monsters"

"If something happens to you, how can I face your dead parents?"

Chen Mu's identity in this life is an orphan whose parents died at the hands of monsters.

Over the years, he was adopted by Shizuka Hiratsuka, a friend of his parents.

He has also been living with Shizuka Hiratsuka.

The two have been together for many years and have a very good relationship.

Because of this, when Shizuka Hiratsuka heard that Chen Mu was going to join a crusade, her reaction was so intense.

It's not easy to raise such a young boy.

He hasn't even eaten yet, so how can he let him deliver food to monsters?

However, Chen Mu had his reasons to go.

Putting aside love, justice and the like. If

Chen Mu's system wants to work and he wants to become stronger, he needs to take the initiative to hunt monsters.

At least he has to get as close to the monsters as possible.

In this case, what better choice is there than joining the crusade?

As for Shizuka Hiratsuka's opposition, Chen Mu had expected it. But, again

, he didn't want to rot again, so he had to try burning once.

Therefore, even in the face of Shizuka Hiratsuka's opposition, Chen Mu's attitude was very firm.

However, considering his relationship with Shizuka Hiratsuka,

Chen Mu still used a more euphemistic statement.

"Sister Jing, I know you are worried about me, but don't worry, I will take good care of myself."

"And I just said that I wanted to participate in the assessment of the expeditionary force, but I didn't say that I would definitely pass the assessment."

"You also know how low the passing rate of the expeditionary force is."

"What if I fail directly at that time?"

"Even if I pass the test, doesn't that further prove that I have talent in this area?"

"In that case, why should I waste this talent?"

Chen Mu persuaded Shizuka with emotion and reason, and finally made Shizuka Hiratsuka soften her attitude.

However, her expression when looking at Chen Mu was still not good.

It was like seeing her own son entering the rebellious period.

In the end, both sides took a step back.

Shizuka Hiratsuka agreed to let Chen Mu participate in the assessment of the expeditionary force.

But if Chen Mu really wanted to join the expeditionary force, he had to ensure that his assessment results ranked in the top three.

Otherwise, she would never let him go.

Chen Mu had no choice but to agree.

Top three is top three.

With his iron body, this should not be difficult...

After barely dealing with Shizuka Hiratsuka,

Chen Mu returned to his room with lingering fear.

He did not rest immediately, but turned on the computer to search.

From Yabai Mina before to Shizuka Hiratsuka now, it all shows one thing.

That is, this world may be more complicated than Chen Mu imagined.

It is not just the world of"Monster No. 8".

It is very likely that other worlds have been integrated into it.

In fact, it is true.

Through the information collected on the Internet, Chen Mu gradually discovered more worlds that he was familiar with before.

Monster No. 8 is fine.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is fine.

But what the hell is Godzilla, the King of Monsters?

What the hell is the EDF Planet Defense Force? Is it really a big stew of monster shows?

These are just the information that Chen Mu can find.

There will be more that he can't find.

"I really don't know how ordinary people in this world can persevere."

"It's too dangerous to live in such a world!"

After complaining, Chen Mu soon laughed.

Because he is not an ordinary person!

The more monsters there are, the happier he is.

This way he doesn't have to worry about the origin of the monsters.

With so many monsters, I believe he will be able to fill the template of"Superman·Man of Steel" soon!

By then, I will be the only one in the world!

With beautiful expectations for the future, Chen Mu entered his first dream after crossing......

In the following days, Chen Mu has been"self-disciplined"....He is self-disciplined and basks in the sun every day.

There is no other way, the way for Superman to become stronger is to bask in the sun.

It's true, after lying in the sun for a few days, Chen Mu found that he was indeed much stronger.

Although he is not yet able to fly.

But compared with ordinary people, his physique is much stronger.

2% of Superman is still Superman!

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who witnessed all this, was happy and a little angry.

Happy and Chen Mu's slacking attitude would never allow them to pass the assessment of the expeditionary force.

Angry and Chen Mu's slacking.

Obviously, they have already identified the goal, but in the end they don't have the perseverance to move forward towards the goal.

Such a personality is too bad.

"It seems that after this incident, I have to make corrections!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka thought to herself.

She takes care of Chen Mu, not only to provide him with food and drink.

Including personality shaping, value cultivation, etc., are all within the scope of Shizuka Hiratsuka's care.

It's like playing a real-life development game. To personally cultivate a person that you like and are satisfied with.

This is what Shizuka Hiratsuka expects of Chen Mu.

However, thinking of her age, Shizuka Hiratsuka feels that she should speed up a bit.

Don't wait until she gets old to cultivate Chen Mu.

By then, won't it be a bargain for other little fairies?

Shizuka Hiratsuka will never accept this kind of thing.

Just like this, in this ordinary daily life.

Time soon came, the assessment day of the expeditionary force.

Chen Mu also went to the assessment site under the escort of Shizuka Hiratsuka.

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