Planet Defense Force.

Abbreviated as"EDF".

It is a global military organization.

To some extent,"EDF" is the army of this era.

This is also what makes Chen Mu feel that this world is the most abstract place.

Can you believe that countries all over the world have actually united?

In the EDF Defense Force, in addition to some of the most basic arms, there is also a special force.

That is the"Monster Suppression Team".

Every soldier of the"Monster Suppression Team" is an absolute elite.

Not only do they have extremely high qualities, but they are also equipped with many high-tech equipment developed based on monster cells.

It is the real trump card of the EDF Defense Force.

Naturally, it is not an easy thing to join this trump card"Monster Suppression Team"....

If you want to successfully join the"Monster Suppression Force", you need to go through three rounds of assessments.

The first round is the simplest, which is a simple"physical assessment".

Simply put, it is a physical examination.

If there are no major hidden dangers in your body, you can pass it.

It is not until the second round of assessments, which is the"physical fitness assessment" and"talent assessment", that the difficulty will rise rapidly.

According to statistics, there are tens of thousands of people who participate in the"Monster Suppression Force" assessment every year.

But only a very small number of less than a hundred people can pass.

It is truly one in a hundred.

Ninety-nine percent of the assessors will be eliminated in this second round of assessments.

After passing the second round of assessments, they will also face the last assessment.

But this last assessment involves the secrets of"edf", and Chen Mu has no way of knowing it now.

He can only participate in the second round of assessments first......

On the day of the second round of assessment, Chen Mu got up early.

But when he woke up, Shizuka Hiratsuka had already prepared breakfast for him.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was really speechless for him.

She was dedicated and took care of him in all aspects. So much so that Chen Mu sometimes sighed.

It would be a bit unreasonable not to repay such a great kindness with one's body.

Ahem, after chatting for a few words and having breakfast.

As soon as it was dawn, Shizuka Hiratsuka drove Chen Mu away.

Although Shizuka Hiratsuka was a social animal teacher in a school on the surface, she was actually the eldest daughter of a large enterprise.

She was naturally not short of money.

Therefore, the car she drove to take Chen Mu to the assessment was a fiery red Ferrari sports car.

Relying on the driving skills of the old driver, Shizuka Hiratsuka smoothly sent Chen Mu to the examination room.

Because it was still early, there were many empty spaces near the parking lot.

Shizuka Hiratsuka randomly selected a parking spot No. 55 and parked the car.

Not long after the car stopped, a van with"Monster Processing Co., Ltd." printed on the body also stopped next to it.

Two people got out of the van.

One had short white hair and delicate features.

Although his appearance was not as good as Chen Muwan's, he was also handsome.

The other one was a bit sloppy.

He was a middle-aged uncle with short hair and a hedgehog head.

The muscles all over his body were loose, and his belly was slightly protruding, which gave people a greasy feeling.

When ordinary people see these two, they will only think that the assessment standards of the crusade team are getting lower and lower.

All kinds of rotten fish and shrimp can come to fish in troubled waters.

However, Chen Mu, who is a time traveler, knows.

These two people are actually not simple.

First of all, the handsome guy with short white hair looks like a little submissive, but in fact he is a little genius.

As for the other, the greasy uncle, that is even more amazing.

Because in a sense, he is the"protagonist" of this world.

That's right, he is the host of Monster No. 8, Kafka Hibino.....

Hibino Kafka was originally just an ordinary person.

His daily job was to clean up the remains of the defeated monsters.

But in another accident, he accidentally swallowed Monster No. 8.

And since then he has become a"monster man".

On the surface, he looks ordinary and even funny.

But in fact, once he awakens the form of Monster No. 8, his strength is terrifyingly powerful.

This is also the special place of monsters in this world.

Some monsters can merge with humans.

When I first knew this, Chen Mu also thought about whether he should also become a"Monster No. 8".

But after thinking about it, I realized that I have a body of steel.

Isn't it good to be a superman?

Why be a monster!

So Chen Mu also gave up this idea.

However, although he gave up the monster route.

But Chen Mu didn't mind showing some goodwill to Hibino Kafka.

Just think of it as finding a thug tool for himself in advance.

With this idea in mind, Chen Mu took the initiative to talk to Hibino Kafka.

Chen Mu took the initiative, and Hibino Kafka was also a hot-blooded idiot.

So they soon established a good friendship.

But when talking happily with Hibino Kafka, Chen Mu always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

What was it?.....

""Hey, you bastard!"

A female voice suddenly interrupted the conversation between Chen Mu and Hibino Kafka.

But Chen Mu pretended not to hear it. It was not until Hibino Kafka looked behind him that Chen Mu turned his head in confusion.

Then, he saw a girl with golden hair and twin ponytails, looking at him with an unhappy face.

"I'm calling you, miscellaneous fish"

"Move your car quickly, I need to stop the car."

Chen Mu:....

At this time, he remembered what he had forgotten.

The parking space he parked in was number 55.

And 5 was the lucky number of the girl with golden hair and twin ponytails.

If he parked in this parking space, wouldn't he offend the girl with golden hair and twin ponytails?

However, Chen Mu was also a person with a temper. He called him a jerk. Did he really think he was easy to bully?

So Chen Mu didn't want to cooperate at all.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and gestured in front of his eyes.

"Who is talking? Why can't I see anyone?"

Chen Mu is over 1.86 meters tall, and Shinomiya Qi Kelu...157.

Not even 1.6 meters tall.

The difference is nearly 30 centimeters, the contrast is quite obvious.

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