After witnessing Chen Mu's liberation and his soaring combat power, he has already established his label of"monster" in the minds of the people in the Third Expeditionary Force. However, Chen Mu doesn't care about this. He only has one idea in his mind now. Fight


Only 3% is already so powerful. What if it is higher?

5%? 10%?

What will it be like then?

With this vision, Chen Mu once again joined the ranks of killing monsters.

It’s great, it’s great to be a member of the expeditionary force!

Under Chen Mu’s killing, soon, all 36 remaining beasts were killed without a single one.

After doing all this, Chen Mu had no intention of stopping.

Because the remaining beasts are just the appetizer of this hunt.

The real main course is the guy at the"original beast" level.

And Chen Mu has already sensed the location of the original beast.

I wasn’t too sure before, but now, it’s enough!

On the other side, Shinomiya Kikulu should have discovered the trace of this original beast at this time..

This beast in the trial field.

It is more than 20 meters tall and looks like a giant minotaur. It is covered with strong muscles all over its body, and its fighting power is very strong.

But this is not enough to scare Shinomiya Chikoro.

After discovering the trace of this beast, she quickly rushed towards it.

The beast also discovered her.

After sensing the danger on Shinomiya Chikoro's body.

The minotaur itself immediately punched Shinomiya Chikoro.

The powerful force directly broke through the entire building.

But it did not hit Shinomiya Chikoro.

On the contrary, she jumped away from this attack the moment before the fist of the minotaur beast landed.

And she jumped directly onto the beast with full mobility.

Under the gaze of everyone, Shinomiya Chikoro performed a famous scene of divine operation.

She spread her legs as wide as possible, and pressed against the upper and lower jaws of the monster in a"split horse" shape.

At the same time, he pointed the gun in his hand at the beast's already opened mouth and pulled the trigger without mercy.

Under normal circumstances, monsters of this beast's level are not so fragile.

Its whole body's protective ability is enough to withstand attacks of more than 70% of the released combat power.

But Shinomiya Chikoro, by directly attacking its insides, caused fatal damage to this minotaur beast.

The reinforced gun fired bullets with the power of the monster, which went directly through the big mouth of the beast and sank into its body.

As the monster's biological core was pierced.

The monster's body began to swell.

Countless blue veins began to bulge.

Although there were no obvious injuries on the outside.

But the blood vessels of this beast's whole body have been directly burst by the internal pressure.

One shot to kill!

This is Shinomiya Chikoro, a natural monster killer.

After witnessing Shinomiya Chikoro's performance, even Yabai Mina couldn't help but nod.

"As expected of Chief Shinomiya's daughter, her performance was even more perfect than I expected."......

As the huge body of the beast fell,

Shinomiya Chikoro also jumped down from the top of the monster.

After landing on the ground, the body of the monster just fell down.

The scene was very handsome for a while.

But before Shinomiya Chikoro could make her victory declaration,

Chen Mu had come to her side.

Chen Mu came to collect the source power emitted by the monster.

In fact, Chen Mu can obtain the source power not only by killing monsters.

If Chen Mu is nearby within a short period of time after the monster dies, he can also obtain the source power. It is also based on these two points that Chen Mu chose to join the monster crusade.

Because only here, in this special hunting monster unit, can he often come into contact with the source power of the monster.

And when Chen Mu absorbed the source power of the monster,

Shinomiya Chikoro also showed a proud expression:"It seems that I won this bet!"

Shinomiya Chikoro said proudly.

In order to win this bet, she took a great risk.

Her previous operation was really cool.

But if she made a mistake, she would die miserably.

If it wasn't for winning the bet and strengthening Chen Mu's store, she wouldn't have done such a risky thing.

And Chen Mu, after hearing what Shinomiya Chikolu said.

Instead of being frustrated, he smiled and said:"Are you sure you really killed them all?"

"What do you mean?"

Shinomiya Kikoro was about to ask, but her face suddenly changed soon.

Because right in front of the monster's corpse, a new humanoid monster emerged silently.

Obviously, this humanoid monster was not tall.

But it gave Shinomiya Kikoro a feeling of extreme danger.

She even had the urge to turn around and run.

At the same time as this humanoid monster appeared, a shrill alarm sounded in the command room of the third expeditionary force.

Kokoro Yoshimi also said anxiously:"Something is wrong, the beast that should have been dead has been resurrected again"

"And the energy level has reached 6.4!"

"What on earth is happening!".....

Let's not talk about the chaotic command room of the third expeditionary force.

In the field, as the two people facing this humanoid monster,

Chen Mu and Shinomiya Chikolu felt the greatest pressure.

Shinomiya Chikolu may not know the origin of this humanoid creature.

But as a time traveler, Chen Mu knows it very well.

Monster No. 9!

A powerful monster of the same level as Monster No. 8.

It is also the one with the greatest potential to become the king of monsters.

"Where did this monster come from?"

Feeling the pressure from Monster No. 9,

Shinomiya Chikoru said to Chen Mu solemnly.

But what Shinomiya Chikoru never expected was that it was not Che Mu who answered her, but this Monster No. 9.

"Ah, you didn't run away, you are very brave"

"In that case, I'll play with you guys!"

Shinomiya Qi Kelu's pupils trembled.

How could a monster that can talk.

And Chen Mu, after hearing the words of Monster No. 9, was not nervous at all, but grinned.

"Want to play? Then I hope you, a dog, can satisfy me a little!"

Relying on the original power of the dead beast just absorbed.

Chen Mu's steel body fusion degree has once again ushered in a breakthrough.

Reached 4%!

And under the influence of this, Chen Mu's liberation of combat power after wearing the monster enhancement suit is....


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