With a roar, the monster hiding in the building suddenly rushed out.

Without giving Kafka Hibino a chance to react, it directly knocked him out.

Kafka Hibino in human form is not much stronger than an ordinary person.

This blow directly injured him seriously.

This is because he was wearing a monster enhancement suit.

If it were not for the protection of the monster enhancement suit, an ordinary person would be beaten into a pulp on the spot if hit by a monster head-on.

But even so, Kafka Hibino is in a very bad condition at this time.

His bones and internal organs are damaged in many places, and his whole body has basically lost the ability to move. He can only lie on the ground and watch the monster approach step by step unwillingly.

"In the end, it’s still impossible?"

"Damn it, I was just one step away from passing."This was not the first time that Hibino Kafka had participated in the assessment of the expeditionary force.

In fact, he had participated every year in the past, without exception.

But the result was also without exception.

All failed.

In the past, he would be eliminated in the second round of assessment, which was the physical assessment.

But this time, he was indeed eliminated in the third round of assessment.

This was what made it even more regrettable.

He was just one step away from passing the assessment!..

Since he was very young, Kafka Hibino dreamed of becoming a member of the expeditionary force.

This became even more true after he met Abai Mina.

He worked hard for this goal all the time.

But the reality is so cruel.

A person like him who has no"talent" can never reach the realm of those"gifted people" no matter how hard he tries.

Repeated failures made Kafka Hibino almost give up his dream.

Maybe he should have given up.

He is 32 years old.

At such an old age, isn't it ridiculous to still pursue dreams like a chuunibyou?


What a joke!

Why can't I pursue my dreams at the age of 32?

Why can others easily join the crusade, but I can never do it?

"I must be able to stand up!"

Ignoring the suggestion of Hoshina Soshiro to open the protective shield in the headset,

Kafka Hibino used all his strength to try to stand up.

For this dream that he had been pursuing for 32 years, he didn't mind fighting until he had nothing.

However, when Kafka Hibino finally supported himself with his hands in front of him and went from paralyzed to lying on the ground, he raised his head, and what greeted him was not the dawn of victory.

Instead, it was the bloody mouth of the monster that was getting closer and closer.

Just when Kafka Hibino was about to be chewed, a bang was heard from a distance.

Then, this monster that was unshakable in the eyes of Kafka Hibino was directly blown up in an exaggerated shape.

In the blood rain, Chen Mu smiled at him.

He gave him a thumbs up and encouraged him:"Uncle, don't give up!".....

Chen Mu admired Hibino Kafka.

It was not because he admired the"protagonist" with a monster No. 8 in his body.

But it was because Hibino Kafka had the courage to give it all for his dream.

Isn't this what Chen Mu lacked the most in his previous life?

If he had such courage in his previous life, he would not have just rotted silently for his whole life.

It was for this reason that Chen Mu didn't mind encouraging Hibino Kafka.

Not for his identity.

Just for his courage.

But that's all.

After killing the monster, Chen Mu didn't stop, and rushed towards the direction of other monsters again.

He could feel that the distance to breaking through 3% was getting closer and closer.

And shortly after Chen Mu left, Shinomiya Chikoro's figure also appeared.

Looking at the monster corpses scattered all over the ground.

Shinomiya Chikoro's face was full of unwillingness:"Damn, one step slower!"

"If we continue like this, we will really lose!"

"In that case, I might as well go and defeat this beast directly!"

Thinking of this, Shinomiya Chikoru no longer cared about Hibino Kafka who was already safe and sound.

He turned around and chased after Chen Mu with his gun in his arms......

"Thirteenth, break through for me!"

Chen Mu shouted in his heart.

The essence of a remaining beast that was shattered flowed into Chen Mu's body.

And the constantly fluctuating 2% finally became 3%!


At the moment of breakthrough, Chen Mo felt a heat flow all over his body.

This heat flow transformed every corner of Chen Mu's body.

It transformed every basic cell nucleus of Chen Mu.

Even the smallest genetic level was being continuously optimized.

The specific performance was that Chen Mu felt that his body, which was originally a little tired, was instantly full of strength.

And it was stronger, more powerful, and more domineering than before!

This kind of hearty and refreshing feeling made Chen Mu couldn't help laughing wildly.


This feeling of watching yourself getting stronger step by step with your own eyes is really too damn cool.

In the command room of the third expeditionary force.

A group of members of the third expeditionary force looked like they had seen a ghost.

Even the captain Yabai Mina opened her mouth slightly at this time, obviously shocked.

The reason Why would he have this expression?

The reason is Chen Mu.

Just now, when Chen Mu's superman template was raised to 3%, the monster enhanced suit he was wearing also produced a fluctuation in the released combat power.

From the initial 61%, it soared to 74%!

An increase of 13 percentage points.

It seems that the increase is not much, but you have to know that a person's released combat power can reach 13%, which can be called a genius.

In other words, Chen Mu's one increase directly increased the total amount of a genius.

And more importantly, the more difficult it is to release combat power, the more difficult it is to do so.

The previous increase of 10% may not bring as much strength improvement as the subsequent increase of 1%.

And the increase from 61% to 74% is not an exaggeration to say that it is a rebirth. Is this guy really still a person?

Even the knowledgeable Yabai Mina couldn't help but start thinking about this question at this time.

She herself has been called a monster by many people.

But Chen Mu is even more of a monster than her.

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