Chen Mu's violent performance continued.

After killing a remnant beast.

Chen Mu just briefly felt his gains.

Well, behind the"Superman·Man of Steel" template, the 2% figure just fluctuated.

But it did not get a direct improvement.

However, Chen Mu could clearly feel that he was stronger than before.

This means that the origin of the remnant beast has also been absorbed by him.

It's just that the origin of the remnant beast is too weak to make Chen Mu's strength undergo a qualitative change.

But so what?

If one remnant beast doesn't work, then kill a few more.

Killing more, quantitative change will lead to qualitative change, and you will always get a breakthrough.

With this idea in mind, Chen Mu went full speed.

At a speed of less than two seconds per hundred meters, he ran wildly in this hunting ground.

Looking for the figure of the monster everywhere.

The other contestants were also awakened by Chen Mu's performance.

Then they started their own hunts one by one.

The scene was chaotic for a while...

While Chen Mu was killing the remaining beasts indiscriminately,

Kafka Hibino on the other side was in a completely different situation.

At this moment, Kafka Hibino was struggling to lift up the gun that was resting on the ground.

However, without the enhancement of the monster enhancement suit, it was still a bit difficult to lift these specially made guns that were specifically used to fight monsters with human strength alone.

When Kafka Hibino was trying hard to lift his gun, his partner, Ichikawa Leno, was speechless.

If he hadn't known that there was a monster sleeping in this uncle's body, he would definitely have advised the uncle to give up this assessment.

"Forget it, since I can't use it, I won't use it for now."

"Even without weapons, I can still help you with my wisdom.

Ichikawa Leno was helpless to complain.

You have a hammer of wisdom......

"The sixth one!"

"I can feel that I am getting closer to transformation."

"But it's not enough, I have to keep killing!"

When Hibino Kafka and Ichikawa Reno were fighting,

Chen Mu was already killing like crazy.

If Hibino Kafka couldn't use firearms, then Chen Mu didn't need to use firearms.

He could hammer those remaining beasts to death with just his own pair of iron fists.

And the efficiency was not low.

In just a few minutes, he had killed six remaining beast-level monsters.

After absorbing the essence of these six remaining beast-level monsters, the fusion degree of Chen Mu's"Superman·Steel Body" template fluctuated more and more violently.

Although it has not yet broken through to 3%, it is not far from the small goal of 3%.

This made Chen Mu kill even more vigorously.

And Chen Mu's performance also numbed the members of the expeditionary force who were watching the battle.

No need to communicate, at this moment all Everyone has already recognized a fact.

That is, Chen Mu is indeed a monster!

In fact, Chen Mu himself was also surprised to have the current combat power.

After all, at most, the fusion degree of his"superman template" has only reached 2%.

Although much stronger than ordinary people, it should never be so strong.

The reason is actually the credit of the monster enhancement suit.

The monster enhancement suit that liberates 61% of the combat power has greatly enhanced Chen Mu's values.

Combined with Chen Mu's own physique that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

The addition of the two makes his strength reach the monster level.

A hundred meters run in two seconds, and the power of a casual punch is calculated in"tons".

It can only be said that the monster enhancement suit is still something.

Just when everyone doubted their lives because of Chen Mu's performance.

A figure She entered the command room quietly.

This person is the captain of the third expeditionary force, Yabai Mina.

After entering the command room, Yabai Mina first took a quick look at the performance of everyone who participated in the assessment.

Then she focused her attention on two people.

One is Hibino Kafka.

Few people know that Hibino Kafka is actually Yabai Mina's childhood sweetheart.

The two even agreed to join the expeditionary force together when they were young.

But Yabai Mina fulfilled this agreement, but Hibino Kafka did not.

Since then, the two have never communicated again.

Until now.

The other person who Yabai Mina focused on was Chen Mu.

In fact, there are very few people who can be remembered by Yabai Mina.

But Chen Mu is one of them.

When I first saw Chen Mu, he was still a Ordinary person.

Facing the monster's attack, Chen Mu chose to pick up a steel bar and fight the monster to his death.

The brave man's posture left a deep impression on Yabai Mina.

So much so that she, who rarely spoke, left a word to Chen Mu.

Unexpectedly, her words directly led to Chen Mu joining the expeditionary force.

It can be said that she is Chen Mu's guide to some extent.

With such a relationship, Yabai Mina would naturally pay special attention to Chen Mu.

She also wanted to see to what extent a seed that was planted unintentionally at the beginning would sprout now.

After witnessing Chen Mu violently killing a monster.

Yabai Mina's mouth twitched silently.

Good news, the seed is germinating well.

Bad news, the seed germinated a little too well, even she felt a little perverted when she saw it......

"The monster's weak point is in its abdomen. You can defeat it by attacking its abdomen!"

"I'll help you attract attention, look at my stun bombs!"

After giving up on killing the monster by his own strength,

Kafka Hibino quickly assisted the"teammates" around him.

On the one hand, he reminded his teammates of the monster's weaknesses based on his years of experience in dissecting monster corpses.

On the other hand, he used stun bombs to kill the monster's hearing.

It must be said that he did a good job.

With his assistance, his teammates did kill a monster easily.

However, Kafka Hibino forgot one thing.

That is, there are many monsters living here.

And shouting in such an environment will only expose one's position.

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