To be honest, the conditions proposed by Chen Mu were a bit harsh.

But, again, who made him a genius?

Genius, deserves special treatment.

In addition, Chen Mu's conditions seemed excessive, but in fact they were not.

Because Chen Mu only wanted to maintain his own freedom.

Not to demand rights.

This is also the reason why the conditions he proposed were finally passed.

After negotiating these conditions, Chen Mu officially became a member of the EDF Defense Force.

And enjoy super high treatment.

These treatments include but are not limited to: excess wages every month, high bonuses after each monster kill, unconditional provision of advanced equipment, and first-hand advanced information, etc.

This is also normal.

After all, the danger of the crusade force is very high.

There are too many members of the crusade force who died in the process of crusade against monsters.

High danger naturally means high rewards.

If even the crusade force, such an ace unit, does not give high rewards, then who would risk their lives to fight monsters?

High rewards are also an important reason why the crusade force attracts people to join.

Chen Mu certainly doesn't care about these material rewards.

But if there is, he will not refuse.

After discussing everything and completing the formalities under the leadership of Shinomiya Isao,

Chen Mu also said goodbye directly.

He was still waiting to share this good news with Hiratsuka Shizuka......

Winter Kyoto.

In a large flat in the most central area.

Shizuka Hiratsuka carefully prepared a table of sumptuous dinner.

After everything was ready, Shizuka Hiratsuka sat down opposite Chen Mu.

Looking at the increasingly handsome and confident Chen Mu.

Shizuka Hiratsuka's mood was very complicated.

When she first adopted Chen Mu, she just took care of the children they left behind for the sake of friends.

As a result, as Chen Mu grew older, Shizuka Hiratsuka's heart began to deteriorate.

She is an older leftover woman who has never been in a relationship in her life.

The reason is that she is not satisfied with all the men she has met.

In this case, why doesn't she cultivate a man who meets her aesthetic standards in all aspects?

With this mentality, Shizuka Hiratsuka began to care about Chen Mu.

Not only did she take care of his daily life meticulously. She even cared about Chen Mu's mental health.

In her spare time, she would deliberately cultivate Chen Mu's interests and hobbies like hers.

Just so that the two of them could have more topics to talk about.

Everything was about to succeed.

As a result, Chen Mu was attacked by a monster.

During that monster attack, Chen Mu witnessed the heroic figures of the expeditionary force hunting monsters.

Then, as if he suddenly rebelled, he insisted on participating in the assessment of the expeditionary force.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was opposed to this at first.

She had worked so hard to raise Chen Mu, how could she watch the child she raised go and fight a monster?

However, when she learned that Chen Mu's assessment went very smoothly and he even became a genius in the defense force.

Shizuka Hiratsuka changed her mind again.

"Perhaps, at this moment, Chen Mu has truly grown up."

"He has his own ideals, found a career he loves, and is willing to risk his life for this passion."

"This may be the real charm of a man."

Before, Hiratsuka Shizuka liked Chen Mu.

She was a little tempted by his beauty and wanted to have sex with him.

But now, Hiratsuka Shizuka has gotten rid of this low taste.

She really likes Chen Mu, this interesting soul......

Hiratsuka Shizuka stared at him for so long that Chen Mu felt a little strange.

"Sister Jing? Is there something dirty on my face?"

Chen Mu asked tentatively.

Hiratsuka Jing came back to her senses from her memories, then smiled and shook her head:"No, I just thought of some things in the past."

"So, is it related to me?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded:"I remembered when I first adopted you, you were still very small."

"I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, I've grown so big."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Chen Mu always feels that Shizuka Hiratsuka's tone is a little sad.

Lamenting that time has passed too quickly?

Shizuka Hiratsuka also realized that her tone was wrong.

She quickly drank a sip of wine to calm down.

But maybe the wine was a little bit too much.

Instead of calming down, Shizuka Hiratsuka became more and more stuffy.

"Well, will you stay with the defense forces more often in the future?"

Chen Mu shook his head:"No, I usually prefer free activities."

Hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka was happy for a moment.

But soon, Chen Mu's next sentence made Shizuka Hiratsuka's mood fall again.

Chen Mu said:"I have applied for an independent residence, which is not far from here."

In order to get better sun exposure.

Chen Mu specially applied for a panoramic sunroom.

This ensures that he can be exposed to the sun 24 hours a day.

However, Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't know the reason.

When she heard that Chen Mu was going to move out, she panicked.

Forcing a smile to not show her uneasiness, Shizuka Hiratsuka asked:"Why did you suddenly think of moving out?"

"Is it uncomfortable to live at home?"

Chen Mu paused and explained:"It's not that it's uncomfortable, but sometimes it's inconvenient."

When Chen Mu is basking in the sun, he doesn't like any obstruction.

Since he wants to bask in the sun, of course he should bask in it from all sides without any dead angles.

However, Shizuka Hiratsuka naturally didn't understand Chen Mu's thoughts.

Now, she was only anxious and worried. What if the little fresh meat grew up and ran away?

After thinking for a long time, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't think of a good excuse.

In the end, Shizuka Hiratsuka, under the influence of alcohol, gritted her teeth and simply exploded.

Isn't there a saying on the Internet that sincerity is the greatest killer move.

Thinking of this, Shizuka Hiratsuka simply closed her eyes and said to Chen Mu:"What's inconvenient?"

"In front of me, you can do whatever you want."

Chen Mu was stunned. Is this such a fierce word?

"This, Sister Jing...."

Chen Mu still tried to save her from misunderstanding and ruining their relationship.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka had already come to this point, so she naturally couldn't be a coward.

"I told you, you can do whatever you want in front of me!"

"Even those excessive things."

Chen Mu:....

Good man, are you so impatient?

However, now that it has come to this, Chen Mu will naturally not back down. He was timid enough in his last life, and now he is still timid after traveling through time, so hasn't he traveled through time in vain?

Looking at Shizuka Hiratsuka, Chen Mu said seriously:"Sister Jing, don't regret it."

Shizuka Hiratsuka directly expressed her attitude with practical actions.

She stood up, took the initiative to come to Chen Mu, and then lowered her head.

After a while, the two separated.

At this point, everything is self-evident.

In the end, neither of them touched the carefully prepared dinner.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka had been looking forward to the feast for several years, but she was completely full tonight.

Superman, cool!

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