"Do you think I'm a bad woman?"

After the war,

Shizuka Hiratsuka leaned limply in Chen Mu's arms.

She asked him with a worried tone.

Chen Mu was full of question marks:"Why do you think so?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka explained:"After all, I adopted you. Normally, I should be your elder."

"But today, I did this to you."

Chen Mu smiled helplessly, but it was understandable.

In this matter, Shizuka Hiratsuka was indeed not quite right.

However, as a man, Chen Mu was willing to suffer a little loss.

In order to prevent Shizuka Hiratsuka from continuing to think about it, Chen Mu comforted her:"Actually, think about it from another angle."

"It's not about how you treated me, it's about how I was cruel and ruthless and attacked you."

"Will this make you feel better?"

Chen Mu's words almost made Shizuka Hiratsuka laugh out loud.

However, it did work. The reason why Shizuka Hiratsuka was worried about gains and losses was mainly because she couldn't adapt to the change in their relationship all of a sudden.

Filial piety deteriorated too quickly.

But now that she has calmed down and thought about it, Shizuka Hiratsuka will realize that this kind of thing is ultimately a matter of mutual consent.

Whether it is Shizuka Hiratsuka or Chen Mu, if they were just wishful thinking, what is happening now would not have happened.

So even if there is responsibility, both of them are responsible.

Even if it is moral corruption, both of them are corrupt together.

Thinking of this, Shizuka Hiratsuka was relieved.

And Chen Mu asked another question again:"Sister Jing, tell me the truth, have you been plotting against me for a long time?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who had already thought it through, was not timid at all.

Nodding calmly,"Of course, I've been craving it for a long time."

"Then why can't you hold it in now?"

When it comes to this question, Hiratsuka Shizuka's expression is lost for a moment.

Then she said slowly:"Because of you"

"You will be a member of the expeditionary force and will often fight against those monsters."

"What if, what if someday...."

"Rather than waiting until something like that happens and then regretting it, it is better to take the initiative now."

"At least in this way, I won't regret not seizing the opportunity in the future!"

In fact, this is also the key factor that Shizuka Hiratsuka is determined to take down Chen Mu.

Because Chen Mu will no longer be a little brother who depends on her.

Chen Mu will become the pillar of mankind and the trump card of the expeditionary force. He will go to the battlefield and fight those monsters.

Even Shizuka Hiratsuka can't guarantee that Chen Mu will come back safely every time he fights with monsters.

When no one knows whether this farewell will be a farewell forever.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, what else is there to worry about?

Life is short, and life with Chen Mu is even more so.

In this short time, if you don't seize the opportunity to do what you want to do.

How regretful you will be when you look back on it in the future.

Life is short, enjoy it while you can, and don't find out in the end that the person you feel most sorry for is actually yourself...

After confirming the relationship with Sister Jing, the two men and women got addicted and started a shameless life for a few days.

For Chen Mu, Shizuka Hiratsuka even stopped working.

Chen Mu, while basking in the sun, felt the beauty of life with Shizuka Hiratsuka.

In this comfortable life, although Chen Mu's superman template fusion degree did not increase, the liberation power of the monster enhancement suit has been improved.

Now, Chen Mu's liberation power has reached 91%.

He has completely crossed the 90% threshold and has become a true captain-level existence!

Fortunately, Shinomiya Chikaro didn't know about this speed of strengthening.

Otherwise, Shinomiya Chikaro would be jealous to death.

She has been training hard these days and lifting weights in her free time.

Just to make herself stronger.

After such efforts, the liberation power has only increased by 3%, from the original 46% to the current 49%.

Chen Mu, who basks in the sun every day, easily surpasses her efforts.

Maybe this is the cruelty of reality.....

Although it was a peaceful rest time,

Chen Mu did not forget that he still needed to become stronger.

And the best way for Chen Mu to become stronger was to hunt monsters.

Therefore, Chen Mu looked forward to the appearance of monsters every day.

And until today, a new monster appeared in the city.

"Yes, I got it. I'll go there right now!"

After hanging up the call with Yabai Mina, Chen Mu and Shizuka Hiratsuka said goodbye.

Then he jumped directly from the rooftop to the rooftop of another building.

Like Spider-Man, Chen Mu kept shuttling around in the city.

At a very fast speed, he felt the place where the monster appeared.

At the place where the monster appeared, members of the expeditionary force were already there.

"All members, please take note, our opponent this time is a 6.4-weight beast-level monster and 18 accompanying beasts!"

"The battle plan is to annihilate the remaining beasts with all our strength."

"As for the beast..."

Before Kokonogi Haomei could finish her words, she was interrupted by Shinomiya Chikoruru.

"Leave that beast to me, I'll take care of it!"

Shinomiya Chikolu's strength has increased a lot during this period.

In addition, she also obtained a powerful new equipment.

With the surge in combat power, it was the time when her confidence was overflowing.

Therefore, she was eyeing this beast with a weight of 6.4, and wanted to try her hand with it.


"Team Chicolu, I know you want to show yourself"

"But on the battlefield, you just have to follow orders.!"

"Someone will take care of this beast. You just need to deal with the remaining beasts and prevent them from harming civilians."

"Did you understand?!"

The voice of the vice-captain Soshiro Hoshina came from the headset.

Shinomiya Chikoru was unhappy and made a"tsk" sound.

However, no matter how unhappy she was, Shinomiya Chikoru could not do anything to disobey orders.

So she had to answer awkwardly:"Yes, I understand!"

After hearing Shinomiya Chikoru's reply, Soshiro Hoshina chuckled.

Then he continued:"Everyone, let me reiterate the battle plan again."

"You are responsible for encircling and suppressing the remaining beasts and restricting the actions of this beast."

"It’s such a simple task, tell me if you can do it?"


All the members of the expeditionary force participating in this monster crusade replied in unison.

"Very good, the battle begins!"


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