"Why is it you?"

After helping Shinomiya Chikolu block the monster's attack,

Shinomiya Chikolu quickly recognized Chen Mu's identity.

He asked directly in surprise

"Why can't it be me?"

Chen Mu asked back.

Then, he ignored the two women and turned his attention to the monster.

In Chen Mu's eyes at this time, the monster was much more attractive than the two women.

And when the monster saw Chen Mu blocking his attack, it immediately let out a threatening roar.

Chen Mu would not tolerate it.

Yelling at me?

You don't even have a number, but you dare to bark in front of me.

Am I giving you face?

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu instantly rushed towards the monster at full speed.

He didn't notice Shinomiya Chikulu behind him at all, and his face was extremely complicated.

Shinomiya Chikulu really didn't expect that the guy who came specifically to deal with this beast was actually Chen Mu.

Obviously, everyone joined the crusade together, and obviously everyone was a newcomer in the same batch.

How come I am still dealing with the remaining beasts, but you can already kill this beast at will?

You are so showy, making me look like a waste...

Under the complicated gaze of Shinomiya Chikoro,

Chen Mu easily crushed this beast-level monster.

As early as the first time he put on the monster enhancement suit, Chen Mu already had the strength to deal with beast-level monsters.

Not to mention now, he has been strengthened.

Of course, it is easy to deal with the beast.

And after the death of this beast-level monster,

Chen Mu also obtained the origin of this monster.

The next moment, his whole body was wrapped in a warm current.

Starting from the lowest genetic level, Chen Mu ushered in a comprehensive evolution.

That's right, the template fusion degree of Superman Steel Body has broken through to 5%!

When Chen Mu stood quietly on the battlefield, feeling his own transformation.

In the headquarters of the Third Expeditionary Force dozens of kilometers away,

Xiao Qimu guarding in front of the screen is so beautiful that her eyes are about to pop out.

"How is this possible?!"

"The liberation of combat power has reached 96%?"

"What kind of monster is this!"

That's right. After the template fusion degree of Superman Steel Man broke through to 5%,

Chen Mu's liberation combat power also ushered in a breakthrough.

It reached 96%.

Although it is only an increase of 5%, the liberation combat power is getting harder and harder.

For example, the deputy captain Hoshina Soshiro, if the liberation combat power is fully opened, it is 92%.

And he has not made any progress in nearly a year.

But how long did it take Chen Mu to increase his liberation combat power from 91% to 96%?

And 96% of the liberation combat power can also rank in the top two in the entire third expeditionary force.

The first is Nishiki Chitsuka, and no one knows the exact number.

But it can be determined that it exceeds 98%, and that was only the data from two years ago.

The second place used to be the captain Abai Mina, but now it has become Abai Mina and Chen Mu, tied for second.

In other words, at this time, Chen Mu has completely reached the height of Abai Mina.

Far surpassing the deputy captain Hoshina Soshiro.

The key is that Chen Mu is still just a newcomer...

What kind of monster newcomers are these?!.....

Back to the battlefield.

After adapting to the changes in his body.

Chen Mu clenched his fist.

He could clearly feel that his strength had become much stronger.

Although he was not as powerful as Superman himself and could not pull a planet, he still had a force of a hundred tons.

In addition to these basic strength improvements,

Chen Mu also unlocked his first superpower.

""Super Vision"!

Superman's strength is not only due to his steel body.

In addition to the steel body, Superman also has many powerful superpowers.

Such as heat rays, life stance, etc.

And super vision is also one of Superman's superpowers.

After unlocking the ability of"super vision",

Chen Mu's dynamic visual ability has been greatly improved, and at the same time, the visual distance of his eyes has also been greatly enhanced.

Looking up at the sky, Chen Mu can even see satellites outside the atmosphere very clearly.

A human-shaped astronomical telescope belongs to it.

And not only that, Chen Mu even has the ability to see into the microscopic world. The microscopic world that many people cannot observe with their naked eyes, Chen Mu can now see directly.

A human-shaped microscope...

Of course, in addition to these, super vision has another iconic ability.

That is....

Just when Chen Mu wanted to find a target to test it out,

Shinomiya Chikoru, who was carrying Yukinoshita Yukino, came behind Chen Mu.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

"The monsters are dead, and you are still standing here"

"Are you pretending to be cool?"

Although what Shinomiya Chikoru said was not very pleasant, she was actually concerned about Chen Mu.

She was worried that something had happened to Chen Mu.

Otherwise, why was he standing there in a daze?

However, it would have been better if Shinomiya Chikoru didn't say anything.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she attracted Chen Mu's attention, and then Chen Mu turned his eyes to her.

In an instant, Chen Mu's eyes were pure white.

Following the curve downwards, Chen Mu almost had a nosebleed.

It was really white.... cough cough...The iconic ability of super vision is actually perspective.

Think from the perspective of combat.

With the ability of perspective, Chen Mu can see through the structure of the monster's body and can easily detect the monster's weaknesses.

Even the biological core of the monster, Chen Mu can observe it without reservation.

However, if the ability of"perspective" is put into life.

The result is that everyone can see it in high definition without code.

Reluctantly, Chen Mu looked at it a few more times, and then turned off his super vision.

Fortunately, this super vision can be controlled.

Otherwise, Chen Mu dared not think about what the future world will look like in his eyes.

And Shinomiya Chikolu, she didn't know why.

After looking into Chen Mu's eyes, she suddenly became shy.

It was as if Chen Mu saw through and looked at her whole body.

This guy, could he have any idea about this girl?

Otherwise, why would he look at me with such eyes?

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