The essence of Chen Mu's high liberation of combat power is not to keep getting closer to the monster.

Instead, it relies on the powerful"Kryptonian" template to forcibly enslave the monster.

The stronger the Kryptonian template, the greater the enslavement of the monster by Chen Mu.

This is why Chen Mu's liberation of combat power increases every time the fusion degree of the"Kryptonian" template increases.

He can squeeze harder!

But other people are different.

Including Nishiki Chitsuki, other people put on monster enhancement suits.

In essence, it makes oneself more and more like a monster.

The more like a monster, the more power belonging to the monster core can be exerted.

This is the essence of the monster enhancement suit. This is also why wearing a monster enhancement suit will give you a feeling of being swallowed.

Strictly speaking, the monster enhancement suit is actually alive.

Other weapons made from monster cores are mostly based on this principle.

It can be seen from this that the essence of the defense army's expeditionary force is to use the power of monsters to defeat monsters...

Chatting with Nishiki Chitsuka.

There was not much substantial gain, but the relationship with Nishiki Chitsuka became much closer.

Finally, the two arrived at the place where Captain Abai Mina was.

Pushing the door open and walking in.

Chen Mu found that not only Abai Mina, but also Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro was there.

And on the big screen in front of everyone, there was also the face of Chief Shinomiya Isao.

""Mina-chan, I brought Chen Mu here."

Without waiting for Chen Mu to say anything, the socially anxious Jinmu Chitsuku hugged the unprepared Yabai Mina.

Adding that shameful name,

Yabai Mina's face immediately turned red.

She was really speechless about this guy Jinmu Chitsuku.

It's okay for him to play around, but he also likes to touch her and doesn't pay attention to the occasion.

""Captain Qianshu, calm down first. I still have something to say to Chen Mu."

Considering that now is not the time to fall out with Jinmu Qianshu, Yabai Mina had to comfort Jinmu Qianshu first.

After Jinmu Qianshu finally let go of her,

Yabai Mina immediately took a few steps back and breathed a sigh of relief.

She really couldn't handle this guy Jinmu Qianshu. After coughing a few times and re-establishing her captain's majesty,

Yabai Mina said to Chen Mu:"Captain Chen Mu, tell me about your favorite fighting style."

"We can also help you make weapons according to your needs."

Chen Mu's fighting style is actually not complicated.

The main focus is on being strong and powerful.

The main focus is on being reckless.

So Chen Mu's needs for weapons are very simple.

As long as they are big enough, long enough, and heavy enough.

After all, only in this way can Chen Mu's requirements for effectively killing large monsters be met.

As for small and medium-sized monsters, and even humanoid monsters.

Chen Mu can beat them to death with his own pair of iron fists.

Therefore, it is better to have them, but it is okay if you don't have them.

After the story, Chief Shinomiya Isao nodded.

Then he said to Chen Mu:"We have understood your requirements, don't worry, we will make a weapon that will satisfy you."

"As for the specially made monster enhancement suit, it is also being rushed."

"If everything goes well, you can see it in three days."

To be honest, Chen Mu is also looking forward to the special monster enhancement suit.

The main reason is that he doesn't know which numbered monster core the defense army will use to make a special enhancement suit for himself.

But there is one thing Chen Mu is sure of.

That is, with the importance the defense army attaches to him, they will definitely not perfunctorily treat him. It will definitely be the top-level monster enhancement suit.

I don't know, after wearing the new monster enhancement suit, to what extent his own strength can be enhanced?.....

After finishing his business with Chen Mu,

Officer Shinomiya's tone began to become guilty.

But in the end, he still spoke to Chen Mu.

""Well, Captain Chen Mu, I wonder if I can trouble you with something?"

The commander-in-chief of the defense army actually spoke to Chen Mu in such a tone.

He even hinted that Chen Mu could refuse.

It can be seen how much Shizhigong Gong's attitude towards Chen Mu is.

In view of Shizhigong Gong's care for him in the past,

Chen Mu finally decided to see what the request is.

If it is a request that is not too difficult, then it doesn't matter if he helps.

But if it is too difficult, forget it.

Shizhigong Gong did not feel guilty for too long, and quickly told Chen Mu what he wanted to do.

After listening to Shizhigong Gong's request,

Chen Mu's face became a little strange.

Shizhigong Gong's request was actually not excessive.

He just wanted Chen Mu to help him train his daughter.

Also It was Shinomiya Kikolu.

Shinomiya Kikolu, after being rejected by Chen Mu, still did not give up, and turned her attention to her father. She shamelessly asked Shinomiya Isao to come forward and help persuade Chen Mu.

Although Shinomiya Isao felt a little embarrassed.

But considering that she was his own daughter, he finally agreed.

Although Shinomiya Isao was usually very strict with Shinomiya Kikolu.

But in essence, he was still a daughter slave.

As long as it was something that could really benefit his daughter, he was willing to do it.

In addition, he also admired Chen Mu very much.

Shinomiya Isao was also happy to let Chen Mu spend more time with his daughter.

So now, Shinomiya Isao asked Chen Mu to help train his daughter......

After thinking for a while,

Chen Mu finally nodded.

The main thing is that this matter is really not difficult for him.

Just think of it as repaying the favor of Shizhimiya Isao.

As for the method of training Shizhimiya Chikolu, Chen Mu has not yet determined it.

He has to wait for careful observation before he can determine it.

After seeing Chen Mu's agreement, Shizhimiya Isao also breathed a sigh of relief. Now he has an explanation to his daughter.

At the same time, Shizhimiya Isao is also fully aware that the reason why Chen Mu did this is entirely for his face.

Therefore, Shizhimiya Isao has to recognize this favor.

In fact, in Shizhimiya Isao's heart, he has been thinking about how to repay Chen Mu.

For example, use some precious materials in the special reinforcement suit made for Chen Mu.

At that time, Shizhimiya Chikolu's apprenticeship gift.

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