"Didn’t you ask me to come out and finish the training?"

"Why are you in a place like this?"

"Where are the training facilities? Why can't I see them?"

After agreeing to Shinomiya Isao's request,

Chen Mu contacted Shinomiya Chikolu the next day.

He called Shinomiya Chikolu to a beach in winter Kyoto.

When Shinomiya Chikolu arrived, she saw Chen Mu lying on the beach in the sun wearing only a pair of shorts.

Feeling strange, she couldn't help but ask.

Chen Mu took off his sunglasses, activated his super vision, and carefully looked at Shinomiya Chikolu's whole body.

The last time he used super vision to look at Shinomiya Chikolu, Chen Mu admitted that he did have some bad thoughts.

But this time, he was completely selfless.

With the penetration of super vision, Chen Mu's gaze went straight through the monster enhancement suit worn by Shinomiya Chikolu.

And passed the epidermis, pointing directly to the inside of Shinomiya Chikolu's body.

From a perspective that ordinary people can't imagine, he carefully looked at Shinomiya Chikoru's physical condition.

After observing all this, Chen Mu already had an idea about how to train Shinomiya Chikoru. However

, in Shinomiya Chikoru's perspective.

There was something wrong with Chen Mu.

First, he kept examining her body with a straight look.

Then he focused on a special part. (Actually he was looking at the heart structure)

And I don't know if it was Shinomiya Chikoru's illusion.

She always felt that Chen Mu's eyes were very strange.

There was a feeling that he could see through everything.

Under Chen Mu's gaze, she had a sense of shame that was exposed.

Of course, Shinomiya Chikoru didn't expect Chen Mu to have super vision. She only thought that Chen Mu might, perhaps, probably...There are other intentions for her.

Once the thoughts go in this direction, there is no turning back.

"Actually, if it is old wood, it is not impossible."

"No, no, no, you can't think like that. This guy is my lifelong enemy!"

"But what does this look mean? Is he inspecting the goods?"

"Ahhh, this is so complicated. What should I do?"


Shinomiya Chikoru , who has been a soloist all her life

, was in a mess at this moment.

Without her noticing, her body temperature was getting higher and higher, and her face was getting redder and redder.

Chen Mu was speechless.

No, you are blushing like a bubble teapot for no reason!.

Chen Mu, who felt that the atmosphere was gradually becoming a little strange, finally spoke up and broke the rumors that were gradually spreading like wildfire.

"I already understand your situation."

"Next, I will talk about your future training."

Hearing this, Shinomiya Qi Kelu threw away the messy thoughts in her mind. Her expression became serious.

Although having a sweet love is also very tempting to her.

But becoming stronger is her most important goal now.

Therefore, she will listen carefully to every word of Chen Mu's next words.

Chen Mu did not keep her in suspense and said directly:"Your physique is not bad. Among humans, it is also considered top-notch."

"Especially your heart, which is much stronger than that of ordinary people."

"This also gives you an advantage that ordinary people don't have, that is, strong enough to make bricks fly!"

Chen Mu combined his previous observations of Shinomiya Chikoro and came to the conclusion.

Shinomiya Chikoro is essentially different from ordinary people.

To be precise, she is a bit like a monster in human skin.

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact.

There are indeed many monster gene fragments in her genes.

This is also the main reason why Shinomiya Chikoro's physique exceeds that of ordinary people.

As for what caused her to become like this.

Chen Mu guessed that it should be her parents' genes.

Shinomiya Chikoro's father is Shinomiya Isao, known as the strongest man in the defense force, with a liberation combat power of up to 98%.

Her mother is Shinomiya Hikari, the former captain of the second expeditionary force, with a liberation combat power of 93%.

The two direct descendants Relatives, the released combat power is as high as over 90%.

When the released combat power of humans reaches 90%, the genes in their bodies will be irreversibly transformed into monster genes.

When the released combat power reaches 100%, human genes will merge with monster genes.

Humans will also become monsters!

Therefore, humans whose combat power is released to over 90% are no longer pure humans in essence.

This also means that since she was born, Chikalo Shinomiya has genetic fragments of monsters left by her parents in her body.

It was also under the influence of these monster genetic fragments that Chikalo Shinomiya created the title of"super genius".

And Chen Mu's special training for her is also based on this condition......

The advantage of Shinomiya Chikoro is that she inherited the monster gene fragments from her mother, which makes her very good at speed.

At the same time, she also inherited the monster fragments left by her father, which also makes her stronger than ordinary humans.

In short, Shinomiya Chikoro is a typical double A in strength and speed.

A natural mobile warrior.

That is, she can attack as quickly as an assassin, and has the terrible power of a heavy warrior.

The combination of the two is enough to call her a supermodel.

Therefore, Shinomiya Chikoro is known as a"super genius", which is completely no problem.

Her potential is actually far beyond her own imagination.

After recognizing this, the plan to train Shinomiya Chikoro is very easy to formulate.

Just keep strengthening her speed and strength.

In addition, Chen Mu has fully understood Shinomiya Chikoro's body structure and understood the limit of her heart.

On this basis, Chen Mu can completely formulate an"extreme training plan" for Shinomiya Chikoro.

Ensure that all the potential of Shinomiya Chikoro is developed.

By the way, spend some time to design a set of fighting methods that are most suitable for Shinomiya Chikolu.

With two-pronged approach, Shinomiya Chikolu will become stronger.

In this way, it can be regarded as worthy of the care that Grandpa Shinomiya Isao has given Chen Mu before. Reading during the Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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