After spending a few hours with Jinmu Chizuki, the time was almost up.

The two of them started to work.

But don't get me wrong, this is not something inappropriate for children.

It was a long-arranged competition.

Chen Mu drove Jinmu Chizuki to the training ground used by the third expeditionary force.

They changed into their respective monster enhancement suits.

But before the fight, Jinmu Chizuki suddenly said

"How about we postpone this competition for a few days?"

"Your special monster enhancement suit hasn't come out yet. Let's fight again when yours comes out?"

Jinmu Qianshu didn't want to take advantage of Chen Mu.

Wearing an ordinary monster enhancement suit and wearing a special monster enhancement suit are two completely different concepts.

However, Chen Mu shook his head.

"No need, let it be!"

It's not that Chen Mu underestimated Jin Mu Qian Shu, but Chen Mu knew too well how powerful he was now.

If he added the special monster strengthening suit, Jin Mu Qian Shu would definitely not have the slightest chance of winning.

At this moment, Chen Mu was wearing an ordinary monster strengthening suit.���Jinmu Chitsuki still has a chance to win.

And it is very likely that this is the only time in her life that she has a chance to win against Chen Mu.

Seeing Chen Mu's confidence,

Jinmu Chitsuki was not polite.

The two came to the training ground and after they were ready, the battle officially began..

The first to launch the attack was Jinmu Qianshu.

After taking a deep breath, it was visibly that Jinmu Qianshu's temperament had changed.

Before, she gave people a cute feeling.

But now, she looks like a ferocious beast.

Especially her eyes, which have directly turned into vertical pupils similar to those of beasts.

With a little force, Jinmu Qianshu stepped on the metal floor under her feet to create a concave hole.

With the blessing of this force, she flashed in front of Chen Mu like a phantom.

Then, with a violent sound of air explosion, Jinmu Qianshu's fist went straight to Chen Mu's chest.

This is not the kind of small fist hitting your chest.

The power of this punch must be at least dozens of tons.

If it is hit, let alone humans, even monsters will be smashed.

However, Chen Mu is not weak either.

He also punched forward, head-on hard steel, who is afraid of who!

With the sound of air explosions, Jinmu Qianshu's body retreated more than ten meters away.

After stopping, her first reaction was to keep rubbing her fists.

Her expression became grim:"You are more weird than a monster!"

"It's just an ordinary monster enhancement suit, but the brute force is so exaggerated."

Hearing Jinmu Qianshu's complaints, Chen Mu also chuckled:"I can't help it, I was born with supernatural powers."

Jinmu Qianshu didn't understand the"born with supernatural powers" joke, but she could see Chen Mu's ridicule.

So, she was also ready to show some real skills

"Born with supernatural powers, right? If so, then keep going!"

As Jinmu Qianshu's heartbeat continued to accelerate, more and more of her monster characteristics appeared on her body.

Her ten fingers grew claws, and two pointed bone horns emerged from her forehead.

Her appearance resembled the legendary ghost tribe......

After performing a series of"resurrections" in front of Chen Mu,

Nishiki Chitsuka gave Chen Mu the feeling that he was three times more dangerous than before.

At this time, Nishiki Chitsuka was not in a hurry to attack.

Instead, he explained to Chen Mu:"Twenty years ago, the numbered monster Sukuna attacked the city of Osaka."

"He was strangled by the combined efforts of Commander Shinomiya Isao and other expeditionary force captains."

"That is a large monster designated as Monster No. 3 by the Neon Defense Force."

"This is also the first humanoid numbered monster to appear in Neon history."

"After the death of the monster No. 3 Sukuna, its heart and biological core never found a suitable one until ten years ago."

"I was implanted with the heart of Sukuna, and wore a reinforced suit made of Sukuna's biological core."

"Since then, I am no longer a pure human being."

"Others who are afraid of me call me: Evil Ghost Princess!"

Staring at Chen Mu with his golden flame eyes, Jinmu Qianshu said seriously.

Even Chen Mu thought this scene was very handsome.

But the next moment, Jinmu Qianshu destroyed the atmosphere completely:"How is it? Are you scared, hahahaha"

"I'm kidding. In fact, there are no more than thirty people in the entire defense force who know my form."

"Because, there are too few opponents worthy of me using this form!"

Chen Mu couldn't help rolling his eyes:"Senior Qianshu, I think you are a little too chuuni." Should we say that chuuni is a common problem among Japanese people?

Even Jinmu Qianshu can't escape this.

Being complained by Chen Mu, Jinmu Qianshu couldn't help blushing.

After all, it is too embarrassing to be complained about being chuuni by a junior.

She was so ashamed and angry that she immediately decided not to give Chen Mu a chance to speak:"Stop talking too much, let me see if you can still be stubborn when I press your head!"

"But no matter what, you better be careful next time!"

Although he wanted to press Chen Mu's disgusting face and rub it hard on the ground,

Jinmu Qianshu still gave a warning before attacking.

Then, the battle started again!.....

Captain Yabai Mina, who should have been asleep, suddenly heard a series of clanging sounds.

Curious, she got up and walked towards the direction of the sound.

By the time she arrived outside the training ground, her sleepiness had almost disappeared. She was just a little confused:"It's the noise coming from Qian Shu's training ground.""

"But would Qianshu come here at this time?"

With Qianshu's lazy personality, would he take the initiative to work overtime?

It doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it.

Yabai Mina didn't plan to guess what was going on. She would just go in and take a look.

Anyway, she knew the password to Qianshu's training ground, which was very simple.

With the input of the password, the steel gate of the training ground was opened.

But before Yabai Mina walked in, she saw a scene that made her doubt her life.

The"evil ghost princess" incarnated by Jinmu Qianshu was like a salted fish, being pinned to the ground by Chen Mu.

In order to ensure that Jinmu Qianshu was subdued, Chen Mu almost pressed his body on her.

At the same time, his two hands restrained Jinmu Qianshu's key joints, leaving Jinmu Qianshu no chance to break free.

It's a normal situation, right?

But in Yabai Mina's eyes.

Chen Mu and Jinmu Qianshu were not sparring there, but were clearly.....

At this time, the sound of the door opening also attracted the attention of Jinmu Qianshu and Chen Mu.

Both of them looked at Yabai Mina.

The six eyes met, and the air was filled with awkwardness for a while.

After a moment of silence, Yabai Mina suddenly said,"Sorry, I came at the wrong time. You guys continue, I won't disturb you anymore."...."

Chen Mu:....

Nishiki Chitsuka:.....

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