After the explanation of Nishiki Chitsuka and the pit-filled conditions of the training ground,

Yabai Mina finally believed that the two were just sparring.

They were definitely not using sparring as an excuse to do things that were not suitable for children.

After understanding this, Yabai Mina's mood became complicated.

If there is anyone in the defense force who knows Nishiki Chitsuka's strength best, it must be her.

Because she is the one who sparred with Nishiki Chitsuka the most.

But her record when sparring with Nishiki Chitsuka was 0 wins and N losses.

Yes, it was so miserable that she never won once.

Since Nishiki Chitsuka joined the defense force, she has never defeated Nishiki Chitsuka.

In the first few years, relying on her age, Yabai Mina could still fight back and forth with Nishiki Chitsuka.

But later...

Nishiki Chitsuka beat her, and even her vertical pupils were not opened.

Not to say that it was releasing the sea, but at least it was releasing a Siberian lake.

Even with Nishiki Chitsuka's inhuman reaction speed.

Yabai Mina's most proud long-range sniping could not hit her at all.

In this situation, it was impossible for her to win.

But what about now?

In her eyes, Nishiki Chitsuki, who was like a big devil, was pinned to the ground and beaten by Chen Mu.

Although it can be seen from the tragic battlefield that Chen Mu's victory was not easy.

But in the end, Chen Mu still won, didn't he?

Moreover, Chen Mu was not wearing a special enhanced suit.

If he was wearing it, how powerful would he be?

At this moment, Yabai Mina was in a complicated mood.

As a senior, she met a monster newcomer like Chen Mu, and the pressure was really great!..

Just as Yabai Mina thought.

Chen Mu's victory was not easy.

Jinmu Chitsuki's strength was beyond Chen Mu's expectations.

At the beginning of the battle, Chen Mu suffered a loss at the hands of Jinmu Chitsuki.

Later, he was always suppressed.

But there is one thing that Chen Mu is stronger.

That is, his intelligence is higher than Jinmu Chitsuki.

This also allowed him to adapt to Jinmu Chitsuki's fighting style in a short period of time.

And gradually became proficient.

As for why he had to use a naked choke on Jinmu Chitsuki in the end, it was also a helpless choice.

Jinmu Chitsuki's reaction speed is too abnormal.

When he is normal, he can easily dodge bullets. When he is serious, he can even dodge Yabai Mina's sniper.

In the face of such a reaction speed, Chen Mu's attacks can't hit anyone.

He can only use his mind to fight with Jinmu Chitsuki.

And use the naked choke method to prevent Jinmu Chitsuki's reaction speed advantage from being brought into play.

In this way, Jinmu Chitsuki was finally defeated.

It also led to the scene that was misunderstood by Yabai Mina.

However, Chen Mu himself knew that he was lucky to win this battle.

Because Jinmu Chishu's strongest point is the ability to kill at medium distances.

In addition, Chen Mu's super vision can see that Jinmu Chishu has a big killer that he has not used.

If he used it, Chen Mu would not win this time.

In the final analysis, Chen Mu's enhanced suit is too lousy.

It is just an ordinary standard enhanced suit, how can it compare with Jinmu Chishu's special enhanced suit?

If Chen Mu wears a special monster enhanced suit like Jinmu Chishu.

Then Chen Mu is confident that he can make Jinmu Chishu kneel down and shout that he is wrong within ten seconds.

Relying only on an ordinary monster enhanced suit, he has fought Jinmu Chishu who was wearing the"Monster No. 3 Enhanced Suit" to this extent. His performance has made Jinmu Chishu call it outrageous......

After the battle,

Chitose Kinki also recovered from the shame.

Then he looked at Yabai Mina curiously:"Mina-chan, why are you here?"

Yabai Mina rolled her eyes. Why am I here? Don't you know?

"If you hadn't made such a big noise, I wouldn't have been woken up by you."

"I see. No wonder you are still wearing pajamas."

Hearing this, Yabai Mina remembered that there seemed to be something wrong with her clothes.

Because she was sleeping just now, Yabai Mina's upper body was a loose sleeveless vest, and her lower body was ordinary shorts.

But the problem is that there is no"restraint".

This makes the two points in a straight line very obvious.

Chen Mu couldn't help but secretly took a few more glances.

Not to mention, although it is not big, the shape is indeed perfect.

After realizing her current state, Yabai Mina's fair face immediately flushed.

The whole person was like a steam girl, with a very high temperature.

It was also thanks to her proximity and the fact that there were no other people nearby.

Otherwise, she would have to change planets to live overnight.

But even so, she felt embarrassed to death.

While regretting why she was so reckless, she glared at Chen Mu.

Still looking, look at you again, I'll shoot you, believe it or not.

In the end, Yabai Mina retreated.

When she left, her legs were shaking.

After Yabai Mina's back disappeared, Jinmu Qianshu and Chen Mu retracted their reluctant eyes together.

Well, wait?

Why Jinmu Qianshu you too?

"I just had a fight and I'm so hungry now. Let's go get something to eat."

Jinmu Qianshu patted his butt and stood up and said to Chen Mu.

For the sake of food, some small questions are not asked......

Two days later,

Chen Mu received a notice and arrived at the headquarters of the Third Expeditionary Force early in the morning.

As soon as he entered the highest-level office, Shizhigong Gong came to his side with a smile.

"Chen Mu, your special monster enhancement suit is ready"

"I'll introduce him to you and see if you're satisfied."

Sizhigong Gong had always been very kind to Chen Mu.

After Chen Mu helped Sizhigong Qikelu become stronger, his attitude became even better.

He couldn't even maintain his cold and serious attitude in front of others.

Chen Mu didn't think much about it and followed Sizhigong Gong obediently, letting Sizhigong Gong introduce him.

"More than 70 years ago, Neon suffered a particularly severe monster disaster."

"That time, most of the neon city was destroyed"

"In the end, it was only with the ultimate weapon of mankind, nuclear weapons, and high-frequency continuous bombing that the monster was killed."

"The monster's number is zero, and its name is: Yaki of Evil!"

"The disaster was so severe that we had to seal it away. Even the monster cores that were recovered afterwards have been kept under the highest level of storage."

"Until now, you appear!"

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