After a few minutes,

Chen Mu succeeded in enslaving the monster.

So what if it was Monster Zero?

So what if it was Evil Yaki?

The gold content of the Man of Steel!

After completely taming this special monster enhancement suit,

Chen Mu also opened his eyes.

At first glance, he saw a group of people staring at him strangely.

Chen Mu was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion:"Is there anything wrong with me?"

At this time, the others reacted.

No, of course there is no problem

"How do you feel? Are you satisfied?"

Shinomiya Isao came up to ask Chen Mu for after-sales advice.

Chen Mu was very satisfied with the special enhanced suit of Monster Zero.

At least for now, he is still quite satisfied.

"It's OK, but the released combat power has been reduced a lot."

The released combat power is relative.

The more powerful the monster enhancement suit, the more difficult it is to improve the released combat power.

For example, 90% of the monster enhancement suit made of numbered big monsters and 90% of ordinary monster enhancement suits are two different concepts.

This is also the reason why Shinomiya Isao was previously known as the strongest in the defense force.

The combat power of 98% of the numbered enhanced suits is almost the ceiling of human combat power in this world. If he is not the strongest, who is?

However, even Shinomiya Isao, when he first adapted to the special numbered enhanced suits, his released combat power dropped sharply for a period of time.

It was only after he was completely adapted that he slowly increased it again.

Now, Chen Mu has encountered the same situation.

This is a very normal thing

"How much has it been reduced?"

Someone asked Chen Mu curiously.

"Well, it's down about 5%, now it's only 91%"

"But it's not a big problem, I will be able to increase it back soon."

After hearing this, everyone was silent.

For a moment, it was unclear whether Chen Mu really thought so or was just pretending.

It only dropped by 5%, what kind of data is this?

Even Jinmu Qianshu, this half"monster", when he put on the special enhanced suit for the first time.

The released combat power also dropped by more than 20%.

Chen Mu... This is not a normal person.

Monster is the most suitable name for him..

Although the liberation of combat power has been reduced a little.

But Chen Mu's real strength has undoubtedly been greatly improved.

It can only be said that the increase brought by the special enhanced suit is something that ordinary enhanced suits can never match.

Now Chen Mu, with the special enhanced suit , can easily defeat ten of his previous selves.

This is not to say that Chen Mu was not strong enough before.

But now he is too strong!

Besides the most basic physical value improvement.

The best thing about the Monster Zero Enhanced Suit is the ability it comes with.

Gravitational Spectrum!

As the name suggests, the main function of the gravitational spectrum is to control gravity.

This alone is abnormal enough.

Because gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe.

The strength is absolutely unquestionable.

At this time, if Chen Mu wants, he only needs to slightly control the surrounding gravity to directly destroy the headquarters of the entire Third Crusade Force.

No matter how solid the fortifications are, they are useless in front of gravity.

In addition to this, the gravitational spectrum can also release the terrible long-range attack method"gravitational beam" by distorting gravity to the extreme.

The penetrating power of the gravitational beam is so strong that almost no object can withstand it.

In addition, there are various ways to use the gravitational spectrum.

However, I will not go into details about these, as Chen Mu will have plenty of time to develop them slowly in the future.

Overall, the Monster No. 0 Enhanced Suit is undoubtedly the strongest enhanced suit in the current Neon Headquarters, and there is no other. It can be used for close combat or long-range attacks.

It can focus on one point to reach the pinnacle, or it can be overwhelming and destroy the world.

It has both numerical values and mechanisms.

People generally call such things with two words.


The No. 0 Enhanced Suit is undoubtedly a supermodel monster.

And Chen Mu himself is also a supermodel.

The two supermodels together, the consequences can only be said to be understood by those who understand......

After experiencing the special Monster Zero Enhanced Suit, the next step was to experience the weapon specially made for Chen Mu by the Defense Force.

What Chen Mu did not expect was that the Defense Force actually handed him a belt.

This made Chen Mu full of question marks.

What? Are you going to make me transform into a mask? Fortunately

, after the explanation, Chen Mu knew the reason.

It was not these people who were playing a prank on him.

But this belt was indeed the weapon made by the Defense Force for Chen Mu.

"This belt is made from the material of Monster Zero."

"It is also equipped with many extremely rare special materials."

"The top nanotechnology was used to create such a finished product."

After briefly explaining the origin of the belt,

Shizhigong Gong also explained to Chen Mu the specific effects of the belt.

"In simple terms, with nanoplastic technology, you can turn this belt into any type of weapon you want."

"This is also because we take your uniqueness into consideration. We think it is a waste to restrict you to a single weapon."

"That's why it's designed like this."

The more Shizhigong Gong explained, the brighter Chen Mu's eyes became.


This is exactly the weapon Chen Mu has always dreamed of.

Well, Superman doesn't need weapons, Superman's body is their most powerful weapon.

This"special weapon" can only help Chen Mu a little at this stage.

But in the long run, such a"special weapon" will only gradually become his toy.

But that's enough.

Even if it's a toy, it's an almost perfect toy!

With curiosity and expectation, Chen Mu immediately began to experiment.

It was found that it was just as Shizhigong Gong said.

This"special weapon" can be changed into any form at will according to Chen Mu's ideas.

Tang sword, Han sword, spear, shield, Qinglong Yanyue sword, ghost god Fang Tianji.....、

It can be said that this"special weapon" can perfectly meet all of Chen Mu's needs.

Even if Chen Mu wants a 40-meter-long sword, there is no problem.

In the end, Chen Mu stopped the experiment.

Let this"special weapon" be attached to his body in the form of an arm guard.

If he really wants to wear a belt, he is really afraid that he will accidentally run to another set.

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