After testing the new enhanced suit and the new weapons,

Chen Mu was quite satisfied.

Although he would probably not use these two things for a long time.

Perhaps soon, with the improvement of his"Superman template fusion degree", these two things will become useless.

But at least before that, these two things are still very useful.

And even if we take a step back, this thing is so handsome!

The genuine Superman has his own uniform.

He can't get such high-tech things.

Then it's okay to make do with the enhanced suit first.

Just when Chen Mu wanted to find Jinmu Qianshu to test his current combat power.

In the command room, a shrill alarm sounded.

Xiao Jinmu Haomei's voice also sounded at this moment:"Alert, monster activity has occurred in the port area."

"Magnitude 6.4, level is the original beast level, and 30 accompanying beasts were detected!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu also shrugged.

Obviously, everyone wanted to see how terrible Chen Mu is in actual combat.

Chen Mu did not refuse, and took the initiative to stand up and said:"Let me go, I just want to try this new enhanced suit."

At this time, naturally no one was blind enough to compete with Chen Mu.

Soon, the battle plan was formulated.

The other members of the third expeditionary force were responsible for eliminating the remaining beasts.

As for the original beast, it was entirely up to Chen Mu to solve it...

After mastering the"gravitational spectrum", the first ability Chen Mu developed was flying.

He used the"gravitational spectrum" to resist the gravity exerted on him by the earth's core, so that he could fly.

Of course, the speed was definitely unbearable.

It was incomparable to the outrageous speed of the genuine Superman.

But it was also much faster than jumping between buildings like Spider-Man before.

Therefore, this time, Chen Mu quickly arrived at the place where the beast appeared.

After flying above the beast's head, Chen Mu revoked the power of the"gravitational spectrum" and let himself fall freely.

During the landing process, the black sleeves on Chen Mu's arms also directly changed into a two-meter-long Tang sword.

Seeing the opportunity, Chen Mu swung the sword downwards.

Relying on the kinetic energy brought by the free fall and Chen Mu's own strength, the Tang sword passed through the body of the beast like cutting a piece of paper.

When Chen Mu landed with a roar, the monster screamed in pain.

Just now, this creature that looked like a triceratops had its horns cut off by Chen Mu.

""It's powerful enough!"

Chen Mu thought with satisfaction as he felt the weapon in his hand. He used only one blow to directly cut off the strongest horn of the beast. Such sharpness was already very scary.

And this was the result of Chen Mu's deliberate mercy.

He wanted the beast to test several abilities for him and didn't want to kill it quickly.

Otherwise, the blow just now would not only cut off the horn, but also the head of the beast.

"Next, it's time to try the gravitational spectrum!"

As Chen Mu's mind moved, powerful force burst out from his body.

The black reinforced suit he was wearing also lit up along the curves of Chen Mu's body.

At the same time, the screams of this beast also attracted the remaining beasts around.

Under the control of this beast, these remaining beasts all pounced on Chen Mu.

When they were about to drown Chen Mu.

Chen Mu calmly snapped his fingers.

The next moment, a powerful gravitational force centered on him and rushed madly in all directions.

The more than 20 remaining beasts were directly shattered into minced meat without even having time to hum.

"Not bad, but a little weak"

"If Gravitational Spectrum was a little more powerful, I could also cosplay as Chibaku Tensei for fun!"

Chen Mu commented on the group function of"Gravity Spectrum" in his heart.....

After using these monsters and testing two abilities in succession,

Chen Mu didn't want to continue playing with this beast.

It just so happened that he still had one last ability that he hadn't experimented with.

He would use this last ability to test its strength.

No. 0 Enhanced Suit, let me see your limit!

Under Chen Mu's control, a large amount of gravity was gathered together.

In front of Chen Mu, it was directly twisted into a psychedelic ball of light.

With a thought, the ball of light shattered instantly.

It turned into a terrifying beam of gravity and rushed directly towards the beast.

Amid the beast's wailing, its body was instantly pierced.

Fortunately, Chen Mu saw that the situation was not good and retracted the gravity beam in time.

Otherwise, half of the port area would be penetrated by this gravity beam.

And this is just Chen Mu's normal attack.

If the accumulation time is longer, then the destructive power of this gravity beam may really reach the level of"breath"......

After some tests, Chen Mu was very satisfied with the No. 0 enhanced suit.

Although this enhanced suit was destined not to be used by him for too long, it was impeccable for transition.

The No. 0 enhanced suit could not only greatly enhance Chen Mu's physique, but also give him the ability to fly. At the same time, the"gravitational spectrum" also made up for Chen Mu's lack of group attack means and long-range means. It really made Chen Mu a hexagonal warrior at this time.

In fact, not only Chen Mu was very satisfied with this actual combat.

Sizhigong Gong was particularly satisfied with it.

As the most powerful man in the former defense army,

Sizhigong Gong's eyesight was still very poisonous.

He saw at a glance that Chen Mu did not use his full strength.

But even so, Chen Mu still showed a crushing combat power.

Just based on these combat powers, Chen Mu was no less than him.

And this was the result of Chen Mu's restrained fight.

If Chen Mu really let go and fought...

Sizhigong Gong felt that he might be beaten into meat paste by Chen Mu within three or two moves.

This is also the reason why Shizhigong Gonggong calls himself"the former top master".

After Chen Mu came out of nowhere, he became the former.

But the good news is that Chen Mu is on our side.

The better news is that Chen Mu may become his son-in-law. The best news is that he may even have a grandson who is as strong as Chen Mu in the future.

What is a win-win situation?

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