"I suspect there's something wrong with you."

"How come you suddenly become stronger every time after defeating a monster?"

"It's like playing a game. This is too outrageous."

Looking at Chen Mu's current 97% released combat power.

Thinking about his own 93% released combat power that has not moved for nearly a year.

Deputy Captain Soshiro Hoshina couldn't help but complain.

However, his casual joke almost guessed the truth.

In Chen Mu's eyes, monsters are really similar to bosses in the game to some extent.

Killing them can gain a lot of experience and level up.

Of course, Chen Mu would definitely not say it, so he just smiled casually to Deputy Captain Soshiro Hoshina.

No one took this matter seriously. They just thought that Chen Mu was really an unprecedented genius.

As for killing monsters and leveling up.

How could there be such an outrageous thing in reality?..

"It's so boring. No monsters have appeared for more than half a month."

"I feel like I'll get salty if I stay in the sun any longer."

In the private manor provided by Shinomiya Chikolu,

Chen Mu was wearing sunglasses and lying on a lounge chair by the swimming pool.

While basking in the sun, he complained out of boredom.

Although this is a world of monsters, monsters don't appear every day.

It's better to say that most of the time there are no monsters.

If monsters appeared too frequently, the order of this world would have collapsed long ago.

Who can stand monsters every now and then?

No matter how fast the city is built, it can't compare to a large-scale demolition every now and then.

There are five or six monster attacks a year, It's already very frequent.

How can I come here every day?

Chen Mu also understands this.

But without killing monsters, there is no way to improve the fusion degree of the"Superman Template".

That's why he complained a few words.

However, Chen Mu's complaints fell into the ears of Shinomiya Chikoro.

But it made Shinomiya Chikoro's veins bulge.

So boring?

You are the only one who is bored.

Shinomiya Chikoro has not been bored at all in the past half month.

On the contrary, she has been living in hell every day for the past half month.

Chen Mu is simply a devil.

Every time he uses the reinforcement suit to increase her pressure to the limit.

She was forced to complete her daily training under extreme pressure.

Several times, Shinomiya Chikolu was exhausted to death.

It was because of her special physique that if someone else were to complete her training, their body functions would have collapsed long ago.

That's fine, it's better to be tired than to be in pain.

But since Chikolu got her own customized weapon a week ago.

Chen Mu added an extra column to her training every day.

That is, actual combat sparring.

To put it nicely, it's called sparring, and to put it bluntly, it's a one-sided beating.

Every day, Shinomiya Chikolu has to drag herself to the extreme of oppression. With her limited body, she was beaten by Chen Mu.

This hellish experience made Shinomiya Chikolu secretly cry several times when she was sleeping at night.

That's why after hearing Chen Mu's complaints,

Shinomiya Chikolu was so angry.


You torture me in different ways every day, but you don't torture yourself.

How can you not be bored?

Why don't you torture yourself like this?

What Shinomiya Chikolu didn't know was that Chen Mu had actually tried it.

He used the No. 0 reinforcement suit to put pressure on himself.

Then he trained like crazy, trying to unlock the fusion degree of the superman template with hard work.

What was the result?....

Facts have proved that supermen should bask in the sun.

Don't train blindly for nothing.

The improvement brought by basking in the sun is much better than training.

After recognizing this, Chen Mu took action.

He was responsible for the daily training of Shinomiya Chikoro every day. (Refers to unilateral beating and spending a few seconds to increase the strength of Chikoro.)

At night, he went home with Sister Jing to unlock new knowledge points and develop new difficulties.

Don't say it, it's quite comfortable.

It's just that Chikoro suffered.

But then again, training with Chen Mu was originally Shinomiya Chikoro's own request.

Since she took the initiative, she should bear it well.

Moreover, although Shinomiya Chikoro had a hard time in the past half month, she also made great progress.

With Chen Mu's"help", Shinomiya Chikoro's liberation combat power.

In this short half month, it rose to 72%.

It has reached the level of the third expeditionary force, an elite member.

If it is improved further, it will soon catch up with the deputy captain, Soshiro Hoshina, who has not made any progress yet.

Soshiro Hoshina has been hesitant these days.

Should I try to train with Chen Mu?

Being surpassed by Chen Mu, Hoshina Soshiro accepted his fate.

Who made Chen Mu a monster?

However, being surpassed by Shinomiya Chikoru, Hoshina Soshiro's mentality is really going to explode.

Damn, don't do this......

"Sister Jing, you have become more and more beautiful recently." During dinner, Chen Mu praised

Hiratsuka Shizuka sincerely, as her skin became more and more radiant and her temperament became more and more seductive.

Perhaps it was because he got what he wanted.

Since she established a relationship with Chen Mu, Hiratsuka Shizuka has been opened up.

She no longer suppresses herself and no longer cares about anything.

She has completely changed her mentality.

She no longer has the dead eyes that she used to have when she saw anyone.

Instead, she has a lot of charm that a woman should have.

In addition, she has paid more attention to dressing up, so she is more beautiful than before.

Hiratsuka Shizuka herself actually noticed this.

But when Chen Mu said this, she felt a little shy..

When she is alone, she can still feel secretly happy.

But it is still a little hard to speak out.

Giving Chen Mu a coquettish look, Shizuka Hiratsuka raised her hand and stuffed a piece of cut steak into Chen Mu's mouth.

Why does a good person have a mouth? However, she can control Chen Mu's mouth.

But she can't control Chen Mu's legs.

Under the table covered by the tablecloth, Chen Mu moved up along Shizuka Hiratsuka's fair and smooth calves.

Affected by the touch, Shizuka Hiratsuka's bright face suddenly turned red.

She glared at Chen Mu again, but Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't say anything after all.

Rather than saying that she hates this kind of thing.

It's better to say that she is reluctant to accept it.


Sometimes, people just need to have some fun with each other.

Just when the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong and the map was about to be changed, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Accompanied by bursts of explosions and roars.

A strange-looking monster emerged from under the ground not far from where Chen Mu was.

This made Chen Mu's fists hard.

You monster don't show up when you are free.

Now at the critical moment, you monster have to come and make trouble, right?

Well, in that case, I will scatter all my ashes for you!

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