Good things were just around the corner.

But suddenly a monster appeared.

This feeling of being interrupted made Chen Mu very unhappy.

Since he was unhappy, he had to vent it out.

How aggrieved it was to keep it in his heart.

Therefore, Chen Mu put on the No. 0 enhanced suit in one second, and used the ability of"gravitational spectrum" to fly directly towards the monster.

Looking at Chen Mu's back, Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes were full of tenderness.

She was very worried about Chen Mu joining the defense force before. She even thought about stopping Chen Mu at one point.

But now she is glad that she didn't succeed in stopping him.

Although there are great risks in joining the defense force.

But if he didn't join.

Chen Mu would not have grown to where he is today. What she is really satisfied with is not how powerful Chen Mu is now.

But the current Chen Mu is full of confidence and spirit.

A spirited young man, this is her best imagination of Chen Mu.

If he didn't join the defense force.

Then Chen Mu might be the same as ordinary people now.

He is full of helplessness in compromising with society......

The closer he got to the monster, the more Chen Mu felt something was wrong.

It was a bit weird.

Take a closer look.

With his super vision working, Chen Mu's eyes went straight through the surface of the monster and saw its internal structure.

And soon, Chen Mu finally found something strange.

This monster actually has two cores in its body!

The biological core of a monster is, to some extent, equivalent to the"heart" of the monster.

So once the heart is destroyed, the monster will die immediately.

A normal monster will only have one heart in its body.

But this monster now has two.

And this extra heart always makes Chen Mu feel familiar.

It seems like he has seen it somewhere.

After a moment, Chen Mu thought of it.

Monster No. 9!

The internal structure of Monster No. 9 looked like this.

In other words, this monster has been transformed by Monster No. 9.

"It looks like a trap for me.".....

Chen Mu still has some understanding of Monster No. 9.

He knows the general ability of Monster No. 9.

In addition to the ability to devour and evolve infinitely, Monster No. 9 also has another ability that is very tricky.

That is, it can constantly create and transform monsters.

In other words, Monster No. 9 alone is a powerful army of monsters.

This also makes Monster No. 9 known as the King of Monsters.

And this King of Monsters is also very cunning. He can skillfully use various tactics like humans.

And it is obvious that this monster that appeared near Chen Mu is a trap specifically for Chen Mu.

First of all, it is too close to Chen Mu.

Then Chen Mu will definitely arrive at the scene as soon as possible.

Secondly, there is still a distance from here to the third expeditionary force.

Chen Mu can fly, so he can naturally cross this distance in a very short time.

But other people in the third expeditionary force, such as Yabai Mina, Jinmu Qianshu, etc., cannot arrive in a very short time.

This gives Monster No. 9 time to attack Chen Mu.

Finally, it is now night, when the defense army is most relaxed.

If trouble is caused at this time, the reaction speed of the defense army will be much slower than during the day.

It can ensure that Chen Mu will find it difficult to get enough reinforcements in a short time.

In summary, Monster No. 9 is coming for Chen Mu this time.

Moreover, Chen Mu can even guess the mentality of Monster No. 9.

Monster No. 9 simply thinks that Chen Mu is a soft persimmon that can be manipulated at will.

That's why Chen Mu was chosen as the target.

After all, the last time he fought with Monster No. 9, Chen Mu was far from being as strong as he is now.

At that time, the best performers were Yabai Mina and Nishiki Chitsuka.

At that time, Chen Mu and Yabai Mina were indeed much weaker than Nishiki Chitsuka.

However, Monster No. 9 miscalculated a little.

That is, the growth rate of Chen Mu's strength far exceeded its expectations.

After understanding the cause and effect, Chen Mu also sneered.

"You think I'm a soft persimmon and you can squeeze me whenever you want, right?"

"Very good, then let me see what progress you have made now, you dog!"

With murderous intent, Chen Mu fell directly from the sky......

This monster, which was controlled by Monster No. 9 to die, looks like a giant mushroom.

It is over 100 meters tall, which is a rare large-sized beast.

However, its strength is very average.

The energy level is only a pitiful 6.4.

Such a force is not considered strong even among beasts.

Not to mention compared with Chen Mu.

The only advantage is that it is large enough and can withstand beatings.

If it is a member of a normal expeditionary force.

Then facing this kind of monster, the best way is to find its core and kill it with one blow.

But Chen Mu doesn't need it.

Under Chen Mu's will, the special weapon quickly turned into a long sword more than 20 meters long.

Then Chen Mu fell rapidly from a high altitude, and chopped down with the long sword in his hand.

He didn't feel any resistance.

He directly split the monster in half from head to tail.

Simple and brutal!

This is Chen Mu's fighting style.

Superman doesn't need to be fancy.

Just crush it......

Because this beast has two biological cores.

So even if it was split into two halves, it did not die immediately.

However, it only took one more blow.

With another casual wave of his hand, the monster was cut into two parts again. Adding them together, it was equivalent to Chen Mu directly cutting a"cross" on the body of the monster.

The body was directly divided into four parts.

At this point, the monster is dead and cannot die anymore.

And Chen Mu, the fusion degree of the superman template, also increased by 1% again after absorbing the original power of the monster.

However, Chen Mu did not feel how much stronger he had become.

Instead, he looked at a piece of the monster's body.

"Dog, I see you!"

""Get out here and face me!"

Chen Mu shouted, and a piece of the dead monster's body began to wriggle.

The next moment, the gray-white monster No. 9 appeared in front of Chen Mu.

"how do you...."

Monster No. 9 was about to ask how Chen Mu discovered him.

Because he thought he was hiding very well.

But he never thought that Chen Mu could see through things.

Xiao Tou is not a cheat.

However, before he could ask, Chen Mu shut him up with his fist. With a violent punch, like hitting a baseball, Monster No. 9's body was smashed out.

It was put into a building and almost crashed through it.

Feeling the pain from the body, and then thinking back to the oppressive feeling of the previous punch.

At this moment, Monster No. 9 had only one thought in his mind.

Sigh, can we reconcile?

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