In fact, since joining the defense force,

Chen Mu has been learning about this world.

With the super high authority given by Shinomiya Isao,

Chen Mu has also learned some of the secrets hidden in this world.

For example, the monster enhancement suit.

This is definitely one of the biggest secrets in this world.

You know, decades ago, there was no so-called monster enhancement suit.

They all relied on thermal weapons to deal with the attacks of monsters.

Until one day, humans suddenly mastered the manufacturing process of monster enhancement suits.

It was also from that time that humans began to use the power of monsters to fight monsters.

Similarly, it was also from that time that the strength of monsters began to surge.

This beast appeared frequently, and even numbered monsters began to appear frequently.

There were not so many and so strong monsters before.

However, Chen Mu couldn't find the answer to this question before.

The main reason was that he was too lazy to find it.

What he should know, Chen Mu believes that when the time comes, he will naturally know it.

For example, now.

Now Chen Mu will follow Shinomiya Isao to the real core department of the Defense Force to witness all the secrets of the Defense Force, the largest, most united, and strongest army in human history...

Along the way, Shinomiya Isao was silent.

Even Jinmu Chitsu, who had the most eccentric personality, restrained his temper.

Chen Mu followed suit and just followed obediently.

Soon, everyone came to a defense base that looked very ordinary.

However, this base only looked ordinary.

Chen Mu soon discovered the unusualness of this base.

First of all, this base was too tight. They looked like ordinary members of the defense army.

But Chen Mu could see that they all wore monster enhancement suits.

And they were not ordinary monster enhancement suits.

They were specially made.

Although they were not as good as the monster enhancement suits of the numbered big monsters.

But at least they were at the level of the original beasts.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of these people patrolling on the surface of the base alone is comparable to that of the official members of the expeditionary force. With so many people here, it is enough to imagine how strong the defense of this base is. In addition to the extremely strong defense power.

Another thing is that this place is too tight.

Check every three steps and explore every five steps.

In some places, you even need to pass a retinal scan before you are allowed to enter.

After all the procedures were completed, Shizhigong Gong brought Chen Mu to a warehouse.

The warehouse was empty and looked like there was nothing.

But as soon as Shizhigong Gong brought Chen Mu to the center of the warehouse, the ground under their feet began to sink.

It turned out that the real base was underground......

During the descent, Shizhigong Gong finally spoke and explained to Chen Mu:"I think you must have been curious about one thing."

"How could a race like humans, who are constantly fighting among themselves, unite and form a defense force?"

"Although the monsters are a great threat to humans, they are still under control. No matter how you look at it, they can't force humans to this extent."

Chen Mu was indeed curious about this.

In fact, when he learned that the human countries in this world had no internal strife or war, but cooperated with each other wholeheartedly, he once thought that this was the most sci-fi and incredible place in this world.

But now, Chen Mu probably figured it out. There is only one possibility for forcing humans not to fight internally and for countries around the world to work together. That is, humans have encountered an enemy that they must deal with with all their strength. Only when surrounded by powerful enemies can there be true peace within the human race. This is also the only explanation.

"Just as you thought, humans have now encountered a powerful enemy."

Shinomiya Isao guessed Chen Mu's thoughts and admitted it without any reservation.

Then he continued:"The monster enhancement suit, the birth of the defense force, and the monsters becoming stronger and stronger, these three things actually have a common reason."

"Extraterrestrial civilization!".....

About seventy years ago, humans discovered a crashed spaceship in the country of Asan.

A large amount of alien technology was discovered on this spaceship.

This is also the main reason for the birth of the monster enhancement suit.

In essence, the monster enhancement suit is the product of the combination of alien technology and human industry.

At the same time, humans also learned a fact at that time.

It turns out that there is really an extraterrestrial civilization in this world.

The human leaders called this civilization"Star Guide".

What makes the human leaders feel more crisis is

"The"Star Guide" civilization is not a friendly civilization.

On the contrary, the Star Guide civilization is essentially an aggressive extraterrestrial civilization.

Their main purpose on this planet is to use the planet's huge biological gene pool to create biological weapons.

Monsters are the main material of the Star Guides.

This is also the main reason why the monsters have become stronger and stronger in the past few decades.

Because many monsters have been transformed by the Star Guides.

In essence, monster attacks are actually attacks launched by the Star Guide civilization on humans.

This is also the reason why humans want to establish the EDF Defense Force.

What the Star Guide civilization brings is not a war against a certain country or a certain ethnic group.

It is a war against all humans and even all blue planet creatures.

Under the oppression of the powerful opponent of the Star Guide civilization, humans can only join forces and must join forces.

Otherwise, they will be easily defeated by the Star Guides......

Chen Mu learned part of the true face of this world through Shizhigong Gong's explanation.

Just when he wanted to know more, he stopped descending.

As the huge metal door was opened, a vast and indescribable underground space appeared in front of Chen Mu.

In this underground space, the most eye-catching thing was not the various machines or the corpses of various monsters.

Instead, it was a huge, damaged alien spaceship located in the center of the underground space.

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