"About seventy years ago, the Star Guide civilization came to the Blue Planet."

"They discovered the special"

"Under the surface of the Blue Star, there is a special inner world, and in the inner world, there live countless ancient monsters."

Unlike the Star Guide civilization, which comes from outside the universe, monsters are native species on this planet.

In fact, the history of monsters is much earlier than that of humans.

However, hundreds of millions of years ago, the surface environment of the Blue Star changed dramatically.

A large number of monsters chose to hide in the inner world due to climate change.

Only a very small number of monsters are still active on the surface.

And in the following hundreds of millions of years, the connection between the inner world and the surface world has become weaker and weaker.

It has almost reached the point of complete closure.

But with the emergence of the Star Guide, everything has changed.

The Star Guide civilization has taken a fancy to the potential of those powerful monsters in the inner world, and also to the unique energy of the inner world..

So, the Star Guide Civilization forcibly opened a passage to the inner world of the earth.

However, the Star Guide Civilization underestimated the strength of those powerful monsters in the inner world of the earth.

In the end, the fleet of the Star Guide Civilization suffered heavy losses.

For the next seventy years, the Star Guide Civilization could only choose to lie dormant.

At the same time, it also changed its invasion strategy.

It no longer used forceful means to occupy the planet.

Instead, it chose another approach.

That is, to transform monsters and let monsters deal with monsters and humans.

This is the main reason why monsters have become stronger and stronger in the past few decades.

The biotechnology of the Star Guide Civilization has made great contributions.

But after listening to what Shizhigong Gong said, Chen Mu had a question.

"Are you saying that this alien spaceship was destroyed by a monster?"

"It's impossible. How powerful a monster must be to be able to do this."

In the field of monsters, Chen Mu thought he still had some say.

He also knew where the limits of monsters were.

Take the monster No. 0 that Chen Mu was wearing.

Monster No. 0, Yaki of Evil, is already powerful enough, right?

But even Yaki of Evil can never destroy alien spaceships easily.

The materials of alien spaceships are much more advanced than human technology.

Moreover, even Yaki of Evil can only deal with a few alien spaceships at most.

Facing an entire fleet of alien spaceships, Yaki of Evil would have to die. They are not in the same league at all.

Facing Chen Mu's question, Isao Shinomiya smiled and glanced at him.

Then he explained:"Ordinary monsters, even large numbered monsters, cannot destroy alien spaceships."

"But, Titans can!"

In fact, there are not only three levels of monsters.

There are four.

In addition to the remaining beasts, the original beasts, and the numbered monsters, there is another level.


However, almost all Titans live in the inner world of the earth, and it is almost impossible to see them on the surface.

Even if there are occasional sightings of Titan monsters, the defense forces will erase all traces.

This has led to the fact that there are always only a small number of people who know about"Titans".

Chen Mu didn't know about it before.

On the one hand, his authority was not enough, at least not before.

On the other hand, he didn't take the initiative to inquire about this.

So he was kept in the dark.

But now, it's different.

Shizhigong Gong and the people behind him have trusted Chen Mu.

They have completely regarded Chen Mu as their own.

In this case, there is no need to hide the news of"Titan" from Chen Mu.

Then, Shizhigong Gong told Chen Mu another thing

"In fact, you have already come into contact with Titans, but you just don't know it."

Chen Mu: ??? I have come into contact with them, when, why don't I know?

Wait, can't it be this?

Chen Mu raised his left hand, which turned into a weapon sleeve, and showed it in front of Shizhigong Gong.

And Shizhigong Gong also nodded decisively.

"This is it. I think you must be curious about what material this weapon is made of."

"First of all, I didn't lie to you before, this is indeed nanotechnology"

"But in addition to nanotechnology, there is also some biotechnology"

"To be precise, it is a Titan-level monster, part of the body of the Death Swarm."

The principle of monster weapons is actually the same as that of monster enhancement suits.

They are both a combination of human industry and alien monster technology.

In essence, monster weapons exert the power of monsters.

Chen Mu's weapon is naturally the same.

In fact, the real name of the weapon in Chen Mu's hand is"Tide of Death".

It comes from the source of this weapon, the Death Swarm.

But before, Chen Mu didn't think about it in detail. He just thought it was a unique middle school disease of Japanese people.

But now, he knows

"No wonder, sometimes I also feel that this weapon is a little bit wrong, the strength is too high"

"But I never figured it out before, and I thought it was just some special high-tech alloy."

Chen Mu tilted his head and thought.

Then, he remembered another thing.

That is, who is the Titan monster that severely damaged the Star Guide civilization?

Could it be that it is really Brother Boss?.

Just as Chen Mu thought.

It was Brother.

Brother was also severely damaged in the battle with the Star Guide Fleet that year.

So he is still sleeping somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

And from Shinomiya Isao, Chen Mu also learned about an event that happened a few years ago.

That is, the Star Guide civilization used Brother as a model to create a numbered monster similar to Brother.

It is known as the king of monsters and is numbered 6.

Shinomiya Kikoro's mother, Shinomiya Hikari, also died in that battle.

And following this line of thought, Chen Mu couldn't help but have a new idea.

That is, will Monster No. 9, which has been killed by Chen Mu, be the same as Monster No. 6?

Is it also a numbered monster created by the Star Guide civilization?

If so, then perhaps soon, a new numbered monster will appear.

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