With all the members of the third expeditionary force joining the battlefield, the beasts that had been spreading out were finally brought under control.

The two who performed the best were the vice-captain Soshiro Hoshina and Chikoroo Shinomiya.

Soshiro Hoshina is a veteran vice-captain with over 90% of his combat power released.

It might be a bit difficult to deal with the numbered monsters, but dealing with the beasts is a piece of cake.

And Chikoroo Shinomiya, under the hellish special training of Chen Mu

, although he was beaten badly, he also gained a lot.

Now, Chikoroo Shinomiya's released combat power is as high as 85%, which ranks in the top ten in the entire third expeditionary force.

It is easy to deal with the beasts.

With two people and the cooperation of other members of the expeditionary force, the pterosaur beasts around were controlled at once.

There was no way to spread around.

On the main battlefield,

Chen Mu also gained an absolute advantage.

It is true that the current monster No. 9 is very strong.

And it also brought 4 numbered monsters.���

But Chen Mu is stronger...

Monster No. 9 never expected that the situation would turn out like this.

It knew that Chen Mu was very powerful.

But it never expected that he would be so powerful.

You know, Monster No. 9 has been upgraded once.

Moreover, in order to ensure that everything is foolproof, a few more big monsters were specially shaken over.

The result is just like this?

The 5 numbered big monsters not only did not sweep everything as expected, but were beaten by Chen Mu alone.

Only Monster No. 9 could barely fight a few moves with Chen Mu.

But the other numbered big monsters were really like delivering food to Chen Mu.

This strength is even more monster than the monsters show.

Can humans really be so powerful?

It's not just Monster No. 9 who is doubting his life.

The other numbered big monsters are in the same mood.

Even Monster No. 10, who likes fighting the most among the 5 numbered big monsters.

At this time, his Tao heart was broken and his mentality exploded by Chen Mu.

Can't win, this is impossible to win!

Some big monsters who recognize their own reality have already started to plan how to escape.

Chen Mu alone is suppressing their five numbered big monsters.

What if other powerful humans arrive, then they will have no way out?

However, if the monsters want to escape, it depends on whether Chen Mu is willing.

"Want to run? Then leave me your scalp first!"

Chen Mu was keenly aware of Monster No. 10's intention to run away, so he reacted immediately.

One hand grabbed Monster No. 10's head, and the other hand held the machete transformed by the"Tide of Death" and slashed across Monster No. 10's neck.

With a lot of blood splashing, Monster No. 10 was directly beheaded by Chen Mu.

Of course, Monster No. 10 is a monster after all.

Its core lies in the biological core in its body, not its head.

If its head is cut off, it will only cause it to suffer a great loss of vitality.

But it will not be killed directly.

However, Monster No. 10 in its prime could not escape from Chen Mu's hands. It is even more impossible for it to be seriously injured.

Without waiting for Monster No. 10 to let out a desperate wail,

Chen Mu had already found its biological core.

Then, just like pinching a fly to death

, the gravitational explosion directly crushed the biological core.

Monster No. 10, die!.....

With the death of Monster No. 10, Chen Mu's Superman Template Fusion Degree, which had reached 18%, jumped up again.

Finally, it was fixed at 22%.

With the increase of Superman Template Fusion Degree, a force in Chen Mu's body also erupted from every cell.

These forces that erupted from the cells continued to gather together, and finally turned into a warm current, pouring into Chen Mu's eyes.

Chen Mu only felt that his eyes were getting hotter and hotter.

Knowing that he needed to vent, he directly chose Monster No. 11 as his target.

Monster No. 11 is a numbered monster created by Monster No. 9 specifically to deal with Chen Mu.

It has a human-like appearance, but has obvious characteristics of a bear.

Although the energy level is not the highest among these five numbered monsters, it is also considered to be in the middle.

Moreover, it has thick skin and strong defense.

It is one of the few beings that can compete with Chen Mu.

But unfortunately, what it is facing now is no longer just a fist-and-foot education like playing house.

It is...

It's a fucking super heat ray!!!

Along with Chen Mu's roar, two scorching rays of light radiated from Chen Mu's eyes.

Like two divine swords, they swept across Monster No. 11's body.

There was no time to react.

Monster No. 11's body was directly split into two.

No matter how thick the skin and flesh were, in front of Chen Mu's heat ray, it was like paper and was directly shattered.

Moreover, no blood flowed out of Monster No. 11's wound.

The wound was directly carbonized in an instant.

The blood was also evaporated in an instant.

There was no chance for it to flow out at all......

""Huh, cool!"

When the Superman template fusion degree reached 20%, the ability of super heat ray was unlocked.

After releasing it again,

Chen Mu sighed with satisfaction.

The feeling of power is really intoxicating.

As for the monster No. 11 who was accidentally swept into two pieces.

It can only be said that Chen Mu really didn't pay attention.

He just picked a target at random, and it was really not intentional.

Of course, even if it was targeted, so what?

You can still bite me!

"The farce is almost over, don't you think so, you dog!"

Without even looking at Monster No. 11 who was wailing on the ground,

Chen Mu's eyes were directed at Monster No. 9.

The red light in his eyes gradually deepened, and it was obvious that he was planning something.

Monster No. 9 turned around and ran without saying a word.

It saw the death of Monster No. 11 just now.

Although its physical strength is much higher than that of Monster No. 11, it is also limited.

Monster No. 11 was crushed to pieces.

It went up, and the result was the same.

Since it can't stop and can't beat it, wouldn't it be stupid not to run?

"Run? Do you think you can run away?"

Chen Mu showed a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Then he chased after it directly.

But before chasing it, he first crushed the biological core of Monster No. 11.

Chen Mu was too kind after all.

He couldn't bear Monster No. 11 to suffer.

So he helped it to complete its liberation.

He was so gentle that I really cried to death.

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