As Chen Mu awakened his new ability, the super heat ray, the battle turned into a massacre.

Flying + heat ray, Chen Mu turned into a death god.

A death god that could not be escaped no matter what.

Coupled with super vision and super hearing, those numbered monsters had no way to escape.

They could only wait for death in despair.

While Chen Mu was hunting these numbered monsters, on the battlefield next to him, Soshiro Hoshina inexplicably confronted Monster No. 8. Although

Soshiro Hoshina was a little confused, he couldn't understand why Monster No. 8, as a monster, would help humans.

But it didn't matter.

As long as it was a monster, it was an attack target.

Facing Soshiro Hoshina's serial attacks, Kafka Hibino, who had transformed into Monster No. 8, was a little numb.

Although he had anticipated this outcome from the moment he transformed into Monster No. 8, when such a thing really happened, he was still a little at a loss.

Because he was worried that his counterattack would hurt the deputy captain.

Monster No. 8 could only hold his hands and feet, and was beaten quite embarrassed for a while.

After seeing that Monster No. 8 never fought back, but just dodged his attacks.

Hoshina Soshiro, who was originally a little confused, got angry.

What do you mean?

What's the point of hiding all the time?

Do you look down on me?

Do you think you will hurt me?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and Hoshina Soshiro became serious.

He showed his real skills directly.

Since you like to hide so much, then just hide from them all next time!

As the two swords were unsheathed, Hoshina Soshiro's momentum suddenly changed.

If he looked a little handsome before with his eyes squinted all the time.

Then now, he is as sharp as a demon sword.

A demon sword that will draw blood as soon as it is unsheathed!..

As Hoshina Soshiro got serious, Hibino Kafka also felt the tremendous pressure.

Although Hoshina Soshiro is no longer a big name in the Third Expeditionary Force, he is still a veteran vice-captain.

It has been several years since his combat power has been released to over 90%.

Moreover, he is also a humanoid monster special attack. He has rich practical experience. When such a person gets serious, he can't be ignored casually. If

Hibino Kafka just dodges blindly, he won't be able to hold on for long.

Soon, he was left with many wounds on his body.

Knowing that it would only make things worse if he continued to dodge like this,

Hibino Kafka also hardened his heart.

Since the vice-captain can't calm down now, let's force him to calm down!

With this idea in mind, Hibino Kafka saw an opportunity and punched Hoshina Soshiro hard!


With a loud bang, Hoshina Soshiro flew backwards and hit a nearby wall, causing the wall to dent.

But this punch did not make Hoshina Soshiro lose his fighting power.

On the contrary, it made Hoshina Soshiro's eyes more dangerous.

"This is more like a real person, come again!"

Roaring, Hoshina Soshiro waved his double swords and rushed towards Monster No. 8 again.

Hoshina Soshiro looked gentle and refined, with squinty eyes.

He looked easy to get along with.

But in essence, he was actually a real fighting madman.

His original intention of joining the defense force was not to hunt monsters.

He just enjoyed the pleasure of fighting with monsters.

How could such a person stop fighting because of injury?

On the contrary, the more serious the injury, the stronger Hoshina Soshiro's fighting power.

And this also led to greater pressure on Kafka Hibino.

The greater the pressure Kafka Hibino felt, the less he could hold back.

The most important thing is that Kafka Hibino himself can feel it.

Monster No. 8 gradually began to snatch control of his body.

Monster No. 8, ran away!

"Get out of the way!!!"

Finally, under the constant suppression of Kafka Hibino and Soshiro Hoshina's constant fierce attack, the sleeping Monster No. 8 woke up completely and went berserk.

After snatching control of Kafka Hibino's body, he punched Soshiro Hoshina and sent him flying.

Then, a blue light lit up on Monster No. 8's body.

A full-strength punch followed Soshiro Hoshina's body flying backwards, and the latter was the first to arrive.

Even the numbered monsters couldn't stop the full-strength punch of Monster No. 8, not to mention Soshiro Hoshina's people. If this punch had landed solidly,

Hoshina Soshiro would be lucky to have some fragments left.

At the critical moment, Hibino Kafka could only shout out a warning, but he could do nothing else.

He could only watch his fist getting closer and closer to Hoshina Soshiro.

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Hoshina Soshiro.

And stretched out a tender white hand to block the punch of Monster No. 8.

Nishiki Chitsuka.

She finally arrived at the Third Expeditionary Force from the headquarters of the Defense Force.....

""Boom!" accompanied by a violent explosion.

With Nishiki Chitsuki as the center, two violent air currents exploded.

Two deep trenches hundreds of meters long were plowed on the ground.

The terrible force can tear even steel apart.

But Nishiki Chitsuki's body did not even tremble.

He easily blocked the punch. He ignored the surprised monster No. 8.

Nishiki Chitsuki turned his head and looked at the frightened Hoshina Soshiro behind him:"You have worked hard, leave the rest to me."

After saying that, Jinmu Qianshu kicked and kicked the body of Monster No. 8 directly away.

Instead of rushing to chase, Jinmu Qianshu first looked at Chen Mu.

When she saw Chen Mu chasing those fleeing numbered monsters.

Jinmu Qianshu curled her lips helplessly.

This guy is indeed a monster.

Much stronger than she imagined.

Fortunately, she was still worried about Chen Mu's safety along the way, so she came here at full speed.

As a result, she saw Chen Mu slaughtering those numbered monsters like a weakling.

If I had told you that you were so strong, I wouldn't have rushed over.

After complaining, Jinmu Qianshu quickly retracted her gaze.

The battlefield over there no longer needed her to intervene.

On the contrary, she had an interesting toy on her side that needed her to take care of.

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