However, although Isao Shinomiya always maintained a vigilant attitude towards Kafka Hibino, the good news is that he did not give Kafka Hibino a set of military boxing as in the original book.

The reason is actually very simple.

That is Nishiki Chitsuka!

Strictly speaking, Nishiki Chitsuka is in a similar situation to Kafka Hibino.

They are both monsters with human thinking.

And Isao Shinomiya can trust Nishiki Chitsuka.

In this case, Isao Shinomiya is far from being as iron-blooded as in the original book towards Kafka Hibino.

Vigilance is only for defense, not deliberate targeting.

In addition, the existence of Chen Mu is also a reason.

With Chen Mu, no matter what attitude Kafka Hibino holds, whether friendly or harboring evil intentions,

Isao Shinomiya believes that Chen Mu can definitely deal with Kafka Hibino.

In this case, there is naturally no need to worry too much.

And Kafka Hibino, after hesitating for a moment, finally nodded.

After all, he was not right in the whole matter.

He was the one who concealed his identity and infiltrated the defense forces first.

In this case, Isao Shinomiya did not say what he would do to him. He was just detained temporarily and investigated.

If he passed the investigation, he would be fine.

In this case, how could Hibino Kafka stubbornly refuse?

After seeing Hibino Kafka nodded and released the posture of Monster No. 8.

Isao Shinomiya also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at Chen Mu with gratitude.

If this was a private occasion, Isao Shinomiya would have turned into a filial son and blew Chen Mu harshly.

Unfortunately, now in public, he still has to maintain a little dignity.

So things like expressing gratitude can only be discussed later.

Now, let's get this whole thing resolved first..

In the end, Hibino Kafka was taken away by Shinomiya Isao.

This also means that this monster attack has come to an end.

All the monsters that attacked were left behind permanently.

Even the five numbered monsters were completely killed by Chen Mu.

As for the other beasts, there is no need to mention them, they were all strangled.

This also made Chen Mu gain great reputation in the entire defense army.

Some people had some opinions about Chen Mu becoming the captain of the fifth expeditionary force at such a young age.

They felt that Chen Mu's qualifications were not enough and he was promoted too quickly.

He should settle down and become a deputy captain to adapt.

But now.

In the face of such a great achievement, who dares to say such a thing?

Chen Mu relied on his own strength to convince everyone.

Even the most stubborn people could not use Chen Mu's qualifications to make a fuss.

Influenced by this, the"Fifth Expeditionary Force" that has not yet been established has become the trump card force in everyone's eyes.

Even though the fifth punitive force has not been formed yet.

Even the recruitment of personnel has not started.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as the fifth punitive force has Chen Mu

, it is enough. He alone is the ace!

This has also led to a phenomenon.

Many people have been clamoring to be transferred to the fifth punitive force recently.

Follow the strong and you will get meat to eat.

The Japanese are already strong, so it is not surprising that such a thing happens.

However, Chen Mu rejected most of the people.

Only a few people were asked to go by Chen Mu.

For example, Shinomiya Chikoro.

Chen Mu asked for her.

Although Shinomiya Chikoro is a little bit effeminate sometimes.

But she is indeed a genius.

And she has basically grown up.

With a little more training, she will be an excellent candidate for deputy captain.

At that time, most of the matters of the fifth punitive force can be handed over to Shinomiya Chikoro to handle.

Chen Mu can slack off with more peace of mind.....

After thinking about the Fifth Expeditionary Force,

Chen Mu also began to check his gains this time.

For other people, this monster attack was a life-or-death experience.

But for Chen Mu, it was a windfall.

He would never dare to dream of such a beautiful thing.

As a result, the monsters came to his door in groups to give experience, and it really happened.

This is really great!

Thanks to those monsters, Chen Mu's"Superman Template" fusion degree has greatly increased.

After dealing with the five numbered monsters and absorbing the original power of those monsters,

Chen Mu's Superman Template fusion degree has now reached 38%.

This is because it is more difficult to improve in the later stages.

Otherwise, it would be higher.

But even so, Chen Mu's strength at this time is still incomparable to before.

In addition to the most basic increase in the progress of"template fusion",

Chen Mu also unlocked two new abilities.

First, after the fusion progress exceeds 20%, the ability of super heat rays is unlocked.

This is Superman's signature skill, and its lethality is particularly strong.

It can be called a killing weapon.

This makes it particularly convenient and easy for Chen Mu to kill monsters in the future.

In addition, after the fusion progress exceeds 30%, the flying ability is unlocked.

At first glance, this flying ability is a bit useless.

After all, before this, Chen Mu could already use the ability of"gravitational spectrum" to make himself fly.

But in fact, the two are not at the same level.

The simplest example is speed.

When flying with the"gravitational spectrum", Chen Mu's speed can hardly break the speed of sound at most.

But after unlocking Superman's own flying ability.

Chen Mu's speed can easily reach more than 3 times the speed of sound.

It is 3 times faster.

This is just the basics.

As Chen Mu becomes stronger and stronger, and the fusion progress is getting higher and higher.

His speed will only get faster and faster.

In the end, it may be the same as the original Superman, where the speed of one second is directly calculated as"how many times around the planet".

This alone is enough to greatly increase Chen Mu's strength.

Moreover, this is just the beginning.

In the future, as Chen Mu's fusion of the Superman template becomes higher and higher.

He will also unlock more and more abilities that belong to Superman

"40% is not far away. I am really looking forward to what abilities will be unlocked for me next!"

Chen Mu thought.

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