Jinmu Chitsuki had expected Chen Mu's answer.

After all, Chen Mu's personality didn't seem like someone who would be willing to lead newbies.

As the captain, he would definitely have high standards for his players.

However, the 20% figure still made Jinmu Chitsuki stunned for a moment.

"No, are you serious?"

No wonder Jinmu Qianshu was so surprised.

It was really that Chen Mu's condition was too harsh.

You know, in previous years, there were only a handful of people who could exceed 20%.

Among tens of thousands of people, only a few could be selected.

It's just that the number is a little higher this year.

Under such circumstances, Chen Mu set such a high requirement.

It seems a bit outrageous no matter how you look at it.

This guy, could it be that he doesn't want to recruit people into the Fifth Expedition Force at all?

Otherwise, why set such a harsh number?

According to 20% as the standard.

I'm afraid that there will be few people who can pass the assessment in the end.

However, Jinmu Qianshu was wrong about this.

Chen Mu set the 20% requirement not to save trouble.

It was combined with the actual situation.���The final decision was made.

Although the pass rate of 20% is very low, it is impossible that only a few people passed.

At least there should be a dozen people who meet the requirements.

The reason why he is so confident is actually because of a big discovery made by Chen Mu recently.

That is, all human beings are gradually becoming monsters!..

All mankind is gradually becoming a monster.

This sounds a bit sensational.

But it is actually true.

With super vision, Chen Mu can clearly see the internal situation of a person.

Even at the genetic level, he can see it clearly.

Because of this, Chen Mu finally confirmed this after a lot of observation.

The monster genes in all human beings have been increasing over the years.

Especially in the past one or two years.

The rate of increase is getting faster and faster.

This is why so many geniuses have emerged in this year's assessment of the expeditionary forces.

In the final analysis, the entire human race has begun to change.

When the large base number has changed.

Some special geniuses will naturally not be less.

The root cause of all this is related to the Star Guide civilization.

First of all, humans will not become monsters for no reason.

Otherwise, the long evolutionary history of humans over millions of years in the past would have been completed long ago.

It is also impossible for all human beings to collectively become monsters in just a few years.

The only possibility is the interference of human factors.

And there is the ability to do this.

There is the ability to make all human beings gradually become monsters.

Only the Star Guide Civilization, which has mastered powerful biotechnology, can do this.

In addition, the Star Guide Civilization is fully motivated to do this.

Once the Star Guide Civilization's plan succeeds, all of humanity will become the Star Guide Civilization's test field.

Even at that time, the genes of all mankind will become the Star Guide Civilization's material library for cultivating monster weapons.

With such a huge material library, it is only a matter of time for the Star Guide Civilization to cultivate Titan monsters that surpass Godzilla.

It can be said that in the eyes of the Star Guide Civilization, human civilization is not even an opponent.

At most, it is an experimental consumable.

The only things that the Star Guide Civilization really cares about and values are the native Titan monsters.

Once the Star Guide Civilization defeats the native Titan monsters including Godzilla, then the entire planet will be completely conquered by the Star Guide Civilization.

However, the people of the Star Guide Civilization would never have thought that Chen Mu would suddenly appear.

If there was no Chen Mu, the Star Guide Civilization's plan would almost never fail.

Even if all mankind knew the plan of the Star Guide Civilization, they definitely did not have the power to destroy this plan.

But Chen Mu did!

Perhaps, this is the meaning of Chen Mu's crossing to this world.

However, regarding this entire plan, Chen Mu has only slightly perceived it.

But the details are still unknown.

For example, where is the base of the Star Guide Civilization? In what way is the Star Guide Civilization polluting the genes of all mankind? Chen Mu is not clear about these key points for the time being.

Superman's super vision and super hearing are not invincible.

At least now Chen Mu's super vision and super hearing are not invincible.

There are still some things that he can hardly detect.

However, it is not a big problem.

Chen Mu believes that as his strength becomes stronger and stronger, sooner or later, he will be able to detect and discover the secrets of the Star Guide Civilization.

At that time, it will be the time for the Star Guide Civilization to ring the doomsday bell!


Back to the point.

It is precisely because it is clear that the number of monster genes in humans is increasing.

That is why Chen Mu set a 20% assessment standard.

It is indeed a bit harsh, but it is by no means unattainable.

In fact, the harshness is only relative.

It will seem a bit harsh this year.

But if it is next year, or even the year after.

Then the 20% standard may be too low.

However, there is no need to explain these things to Jinmu Chitsugi for the time being.

When the time comes, she will realize it herself.

Now, all Jinmu Chitsugi needs to do is to follow Chen Mu's instructions and do her job well.

Jinmu Chitsugi, in the end, did not convince Chen Mu.

In this case, although Jinmu Chitsugi thinks Chen Mu is a big fool.

But he still chooses to execute orders.

After all, Chen Mu is the captain of the fifth expeditionary force.

She only has the right to make suggestions on Chen Mu's orders.

But when the suggestions are not adopted, Jinmu Chitsugi can only resolutely execute orders. He will never be perfunctory......

Just as Jinmu Chitsuka expected.

When Chen Mu's standard was passed to the Defense Forces headquarters, it caused a lot of surprise.

No one understood what Chen Mu was thinking.

Why did he set such a high standard?

Could it be that Chen Mu stood too high and was a little out of touch with the world?

This is not impossible.

After all, Chen Mu himself is a monster-like super genius.

Such a genius would naturally have a feeling that even if others are not as good as themselves, they would not be too far behind.

In short, why not eat meat porridge.

Only one person.

That is Shinomiya Isao.

He felt that things might not be that simple.

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