Chapter 52: The Desperate Shinomiya Isao. While

Kinki Chitsuka was pursuing the truth,

Shinomiya Isao also came to the secret base.

Afterwards, he summoned the scientists of the secret base and started the experiment on the spot. At the same time, he took out a large amount of information data and made a table. He could intuitively check the changes of the overall human beings in the past few years.

Then, Shinomiya Isao saw a scene that made people's heart and lungs stop.

In the past few years, to be precise, in the past three years, the number of monster genes in the human body has increased rapidly.

The most external manifestation is that the average value of the initial liberation combat power is getting higher and higher.

Three years ago, the average value of the initial liberation combat power of humans was only about 6%.

Only a small number of people could reach more than 8%.

And since three years ago, this number has been rising all the way.

In the first year, the average value was 7%.

In the second year, the average value was 9%!

In the third year, which is this year, the average value is 13%!

Especially today, the third round of assessment of the fifth expeditionary force.

The average value of the liberation combat power has soared to 17%.

These numbers alone are very telling.

Shinomiya Isao had not thought about it in this way before, he just thought that there were more and more geniuses.

But now thinking back, what a genius.

This is clearly a disaster!


The level of liberation of combat power.

To put it nicely, it depends on talent.

But in essence, it actually depends on the concentration of monster genes in the body.

The higher the concentration of monster genes, the higher the initial liberation of combat power.

The better the talent.

This can be proved by Shinomiya Chikoro.

Since her birth, she has retained monster genes inherited from both parents in her body.

This also made Shinomiya Chikoro a genius.

If the concentration of monster genes in her body is not high enough, how can she become a genius?

In fact, the role of monster genes is more than that.

Not only when the liberation of combat power is tested, the concentration of monster genes is required.

Even daily exercise is also required.

Remember the second round of the assessment of the expeditionary force, the physical fitness assessment?

In essence, it is also a way to screen monster genes.

The more monster genes a person has in his body, the better his physique and the stronger his physical fitness!

The higher the probability of passing.

This is also the reason why the second round of assessment is so difficult and screens out so many people.

Yukinoshita Yukino was able to train her physical fitness in just a few months and passed the second round of physical fitness assessment.

In addition to her own efforts, the main reason is that the concentration of monster genes in her body is very high.

This is the real point.

Therefore, the so-called genius is essentially a human being who is getting closer and closer to monsters.

Knowing this, you can understand why the average value of liberation combat power has been getting higher and higher in recent years.

The reason is very simple.

Because humans are becoming more and more like monsters!


Relying on these solid data, and soon, the evidence obtained by scientists after experiments,

Shinomiya Isao finally confirmed one thing.

That is, the Star Guide Civilization is transforming all of humanity.

However, what if he knew about this?

Compared to anger, Shinomiya Isao felt more powerlessness and despair.

He also wanted to stop all this from happening, and wanted to reverse the process of humans becoming monsters.

But he had no idea how to do it.

To put it bluntly, let alone stop the Star Guide Civilization.

Even the Star Guide Civilization, how and where it is carrying out this huge project.

The entire human race knows nothing about it.

Even the complete plan is not clear.

Stop it?

How to stop it?

However, Shinomiya Isao is an old iron-blooded man after all.

The despair did not last long.

Soon he regained his fighting spirit.

"Although the specific plans of the Star Guide civilization have not yet been clarified,"

"But you can never give up!"

"It may still be in time now, but if we give up, it will be too late!"

The Star Guide Civilization's plan has been implemented for almost three years.

In other words, humans have wasted three years.

They are already at a great disadvantage.

The situation is very difficult.

The chance of a comeback is also very slim.

But no matter how slim it is, we must not do nothing. If we work hard, we may still be able to turn the situation around.

If we do nothing, we will be doomed.

Therefore, after Shizhigong Gong stabilized his mentality, he quickly came up with a rough counterattack plan.


If you want to stop the conspiracy of the Star Guide Civilization, you must first ensure two things.

First, you must first find out how the Star Guide Civilization is secretly modifying human genes.

Second, you must find out where the Star Guide Civilization is and where it has accomplished these things.

Only after these two points are figured out can you make subsequent plans.

If you don't even figure out these two points, then forget about resistance.

It's better to just wait to die.

And these two problems cannot be solved by one person alone.

It requires the power of the entire human race.

A large number of people need to be dispatched to measure various data.

In the air, in the water source, and even in the food.

Everything that is closely related to humans must be carefully checked. Only in this way can you understand the first point.

Then, you need to call on satellites around the world and the forces of the defense forces of major countries to explore those unknown corners.

Go to the wilderness, the sky, and the deep sea.

Go to explore every corner shrouded in shadows.

In this way, you can understand the second point.

After understanding these two points, there is a chance to stop the plan of the Star Guide Civilization.


After thinking through the steps,

Isao Shinomiya quickly took action.

He first started a dialogue with high-level officials from other countries as the commander-in-chief of the Neon Defense Force. He informed everyone of what he had discovered.

While everyone was shocked,

Isao Shinomiya proposed a solution, which was the two points mentioned above.

He directly asked the defense forces of countries around the world to act together.

For the time being, Isao Shinomiya has not received a reply, because the top leaders of other countries need to confirm the authenticity.

But Isao Shinomiya believes that soon, everyone will begin to cooperate with him, because this is not just a matter of one country or one region.

It is a matter concerning all mankind.


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