Chapter 53: Yukino confessed!

Just as Shinomiya Isao thought.

When facing the powerful enemy, the Star Guide Civilization.

Other major countries put aside their internal struggles and chose to unite.

So, a huge"counterattack plan" was launched without the knowledge of most people.

However, this"counterattack plan" is difficult to work in a short period of time.

It takes a certain amount of time.

During this time.

Shinomiya Isao can only do one thing.

That is, to increase the strength of the human side as much as possible.

To ensure that there are more chances of winning in the future decisive battle.

For this reason, Shinomiya Isao even wanted to expand a few more expeditionary forces.

But after thinking carefully about the manpower, Shinomiya Isao finally gave up.

The members of the expeditionary force are easy to solve.

But a qualified captain is too rare.

There are only a few people who are currently qualified to be the captain of an expeditionary force.

And each of them can't leave.

In this case, it is unrealistic to add a new expeditionary force.

So Shinomiya Isao changed a way.

That is to increase the number of members of other expeditionary forces.

Originally, a expeditionary force had 200 members.

It increased to five hundred.

It has more than doubled.

In order to ensure that the number meets the standard, Shinomiya Isao even urgently launched another expansion assessment.

To select a new batch of qualified people.

This matter, of course, also caused an uproar in society.

After all, including this time.

It means that the defense army has started three assessments of the expeditionary force within a year.

But the problem is that the situation doesn’t seem to be very difficult.

Monster activities are not frequent, and no particularly scary monsters have appeared.

Under such circumstances, the expeditionary force continues to expand.

It is hard not to think too much.

As for those rumors, Shinomiya Isao ignored them all.

The real reason is only known by a very few people.

Most people are kept in the dark.

But this is also a good thing.

At least if you don’t know the truth, you won’t despair.


While all the major defense forces of mankind are constantly increasing their strength, the monsters are not idle either.

Especially Monster No. 9, which has been particularly active during this period.

However, perhaps it is afraid of Chen Mu.

Or perhaps it is accumulating strength to fight against Chen Mu.

Monster No. 9 is only active in other areas.

Not to mention appearing in Neon. It has not even appeared in this hemisphere. Even in Neon recently, even this beast has not appeared much.

The main point is that you can avoid it if you don't want to.

Chen Mu is more or less helpless about this situation.

But he didn't take it too seriously.

Although Monster No. 9 is avoiding him now.

But one day, Monster No. 9 will appear in front of him.

Then, it will be Chen Mu's harvest time.

Therefore, Chen Mu is very patient. He is not in a hurry to find trouble with Monster No. 9. On the contrary, he can use this time to train the new team members well.


All right.

It is said that Chen Mu came to train the new team members.

But in essence, the training of team members was mostly handed over to Nishiki Chitsuka and Shinomiya Chikoru.

Chen Mu's daily work.

Just add a weight to the 13 team members in the morning.

After that, he was too lazy to worry about the specific training content.

This is the task of Nishiki Chitsuka and Shinomiya Chikoru.

As for Chen Mu, wouldn't it be nice to lie down in the sun?

Shinomiya Chikoru finally understood Nishiki Chitsuka's original mentality.

Seeing Chen Mu was like a hands-off shopkeeper, he left quickly after explaining the matter.

Shinomiya Chikoru wanted to rush over and punch Chen Mu.

Of course, she only dared to think about it. If she really went against Chen Mu, she had experienced the consequences many times in the past.

Well, it really hurts!

In addition to daily training, there were also episodes.

For example, Yukinoshita Yukino.

No one expected it, no one expected it.

She looked the most gentle and quiet. She was actually the first person to confess to Chen Mu in front of everyone.

In fact, there are many people who have this idea.

For example, Shinomiya Chikuru.

If she says that she has no feelings for Chen Mu, even her dog will not believe it.

But Shinomiya Chikuru is a dead tsundere.

Such a person would never take the initiative to admit that she likes Chen Mu.

So, she has been hiding it.

As a result, she was beaten to it by Yukinoshita Yukino.

When Yukinoshita Yukino loudly confessed to Chen Mu in front of everyone.

The most excited person was not Chen Mu himself, but Shinomiya Chikuru.

She wanted to rush up and PK with Yukinoshita Yukino in person.

As for Yukinoshita Yukino's confession.

Chen Mu was very surprised.

Wasn't it just that he was a little handsome when he appeared before, and saved your life?

As for being obsessed with it?

But although it was unexpected, Chen Mu did not panic.

Instead, he thought for a few seconds and gave his answer

"I'll give you a month to think it over carefully."

"Is it just gratitude towards me, or do you really have feelings for me?"

"If your mind still hasn't changed by then, I promise you."

Chen Mu had indeed never taken the initiative with Yukinoshita Yukino.

But not taking the initiative doesn't mean not accepting.

Yukinoshita Yukino had taken the initiative to A, so Chen Mu couldn't just be afraid and back off.

The reason he gave Yukino a month was because he didn't want her to regret it later.

If after a month, Yukino's mind still didn't change. If she still wanted his body. Then what would happen if Chen Mu fulfilled her wish ? At most he would suffer a little loss.


In addition to Yukinoshita Yukino, there is another small episode.

That is Busujima Yako.

This genius with extremely high talent, whose initial released combat power is only 1% less than Chen Mu.

One day, she suddenly proposed to challenge Chen Mu.

Chen Mu thought that he was free anyway. He might as well beat up his teammates.

So, he agreed to Busujima Yako's duel request.

The final result was not surprising at all.

Chen Mu beat Busujima Yako severely.

And in the field of kendo, which Busujima Yako is the strongest and best at, he hung her up and beat her.

However, unlike what some people think, Busujima Yako will be hit by this blow.

The worse Busujima Yako was beaten, the happier she laughed. The hotter her eyes looked at Chen Mu.

This weird scene made Chen Mu couldn't help but doubt.

This Busujima Yako might be a pervert.


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