Chapter 58 Weakened version of atomic breath!

In the center of the battlefield.

The dust in the sky can only block the vision of ordinary people.

But it can't block the vision of powerful creatures like Chen Mu and Monster No. 9.

Therefore, they can see the situation in the field clearly.

After the initial collision, Chen Mu had to admit that

Monster No. 9 is indeed much stronger now.

He resisted several punches from him and was not killed. He only suffered some injuries.

This is already amazing.

Of course, it is also related to Chen Mu's lack of real effort.

After finally meeting a decent opponent, Chen Mu is not in a hurry to send Monster No. 9 on the road.

Don't waste it if you can play for a while.

As for Monster No. 9, its mentality is completely different.

At this time, it is lying in the big pit it smashed with its body.

Looking up at the sky, there is still a hint of confusion in its eyes.

It didn't expect that it had become so much stronger.

As a result, it is still not Chen Mu's opponent.

Not to mention being an enemy of Chen Mu.

It can't even give Chen Mu a little pressure.

It was beaten the whole time.

The only good news is that it is indeed much stronger now.

Unlike before, it was hammered to death in one or two blows.

Now, no matter what, it has to be hammered a few more times.

But this is not what Monster No. 9 wants!

What it wants is to defeat Chen Mu severely. It's just that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

It is indeed a bit difficult for it to defeat Chen Mu now.

At the same time, an idea became more and more obvious in Monster No. 9's mind.

That is, is Chen Mu really a human?

Can humans have such powerful strength?

Even if there is, it is impossible for humans to have such an exaggerated growth rate.

When it first met Chen Mu, Monster No. 9 was a little more serious and could still gain the upper hand.

But when they met next time, they couldn't fight at all.

Now, Monster No. 9 has undergone many evolutions.

Its strength is dozens of times stronger than at the beginning.

What's the result? It was still crushed by Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's growth rate is even more monster than it is.

Is this really reasonable?

Monster No. 9 has absorbed human genes before.

So it knows where the limit of human genes is.

As for Chen Mu, his growth rate and strength have completely surpassed the limits of human beings.

"Perhaps, I should really investigate Chen Mu's identity!"

Monster No. 9 thought in his heart.


It's one thing to think about, but the fight still has to go on.

Monster No. 9 quickly regrouped.

With the courage to face death, it rushed towards Chen Mu.

Together with other numbered big monsters.

In the group fight, the situation seemed to be able to stalemate with Chen Mu for a while.

However, if you want to defeat Chen Mu, this alone is far from enough.

Monster No. 9 also knew this.

So, it quickly got ready.

A large amount of energy gathered in the chest of Monster No. 9.

Let the blue biological organ in its chest continue to heat up and become active.

The external manifestation is that blue rays of light began to emerge on the body of Monster No. 9.

And finally, these rays of light gathered on the chest of Monster No. 9.

When they gathered to the limit.

Monster No. 9's strongest and most terrifying killer was finally released.

""Destruction factor ray!"

With scorching heat and exaggerated penetrating power, the blue beam rushed straight towards Chen Mu.

Chen Mu looked at the blue beam approaching him quickly.

He had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

This... this is the atomic breath!

It's just that the power is infinitely weakened, but the essence is definitely the same as the atomic breath.

Indeed, this is the atomic breath.

It is the ability evolved by Monster No. 9 after being implanted with Godzilla's genes.

In essence, it is similar to the biological nuclear reactor in Godzilla's body.

It's just that the version is much lower.

But in essence, it is the same.

This is also the reason why Monster No. 9 is confident in killing Chen Mu.

With the destructive power of the Titan monster, Monster No. 9 does not believe that he can't take Chen Mu.

Then, Monster No. 9 saw it.

He really couldn't take it.

Although it was a bit surprising that Monster No. 9 could shoot out atomic breath.

But the surprise It doesn't mean he's afraid.

With Chen Mu's current strength, if he faces the original atomic breath, he might be a little afraid.

But, an infinitely weakened version.

Are you worthy?

Without any idea of being indulgent, super heat rays also spurted out from Chen Mu's eyes.

It turned into a red light and collided head-on with the weakened atomic breath of Monster No. 9.

In an instant, a terrible loud noise resounded throughout the entire Winter Kyoto.

Countless energies dissipated on the spot, forming a huge semicircular ball of light.

The ball of light is still expanding, swallowing up all the buildings along the way.

Looking from a distance.

It will only feel that Winter Kyoto is like a nuclear weapon dropped.

It is obviously late at night.

But at this moment, Winter Kyoto is frighteningly bright.

And on the high-rise building, looking at the confrontation between Chen Mu and Monster No. 9.

Jinmu Qianshu sighed for the countless times.

"This guy is really a monster!"


The result of the wave confrontation was naturally no surprise.

Even if Chen Mu stood on the left, it would still be the same.

His absolutely powerful strength was enough to ignore the law that"the left side counts in the wave confrontation since ancient times".

After eliminating the weakened atomic breath of Monster No. 9

, the remaining super heat rays also hit Monster No. 9 directly without any obstruction.

However, Monster No. 9 was not killed directly because the black shell of Monster No. 9 absorbed too much damage from the super heat rays.

"So that's it. Did it evolve specifically to target the super heat ray?"

Chen Mu was surprised for a moment, but soon came to his senses.

He guessed that this black shell was evolved by Monster No. 9 specifically to target his super heat ray ability.

After all, Monster No. 9 suffered a great loss under the super heat ray during the last fight.

Now that Monster No. 9 has evolved again, it is impossible not to target this terrible ability.

But, targeting, is it useful?

Chen Mu smiled disdainfully.

Then, he slowly increased the output power of the super heat ray.

Targeting restraint is only useful when the gap is not big.

But if the gap is too big.

Then there will be only one result.



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