Chapter 59: Home-stealing tactics, monster-transformation liberation!

At the beginning.

Relying on this layer of black carapace, it resisted Chen Mu's super heat ray.

Monster No. 9 was still a little complacent.

He felt that he finally saw the hope of defeating Chen Mu.

But soon, Monster No. 9 could not laugh anymore.

As Chen Mu continued to increase the power of the super heat ray.

The power of the super heat ray was also constantly increasing.

It finally reached a level that Monster No. 9 could not bear at all.

Feeling the black carapace being torn and melted constantly.

Monster No. 9 went completely crazy.

It didn't understand why this happened.

Obviously, it had made a lot of progress.

Obviously, it had grown so much.

Why did it still lose so badly?

"No, it's impossible"

"This is impossible!"

"Why is the gap so big, damn it!"

However, no matter how unwilling or unbelievable it was, the final result did not change at all.

Under the super heat ray, the black shell of Monster No. 9 was torn directly.

Along with the screams of Monster No. 9.

Its body was directly cut into two parts.

A tribute to the strongest sorcerer.

After being cut in half, Monster No. 9 already knew his ending this time.

Just like before, there is a high probability that he will be beaten to death by Chen Mu.

However, unlike in the past.

Monster No. 9 did not act alone this time.

Its purpose was not entirely aimed at Chen Mu.

Looking at Chen Mu who was getting closer and closer to him.

Monster No. 9 grinned.

"They should have succeeded successfully!"


Monster No. 9 hated and feared Chen Mu.

It wanted to kill Chen Mu and devour him all the time.

But at the same time, Monster No. 9 was well aware of Chen Mu's strength.

Facing such an opponent, Monster No. 9 did not dare to be careless.

Nor would it be arrogant to think that it would definitely win.

Therefore, this whole action was not mainly aimed at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu was just a second choice.

The real purpose was still the people in the defense army.

In short, the complete plan of Monster No. 9 was to delay Chen Mu first.

If Chen Mu could be defeated, it would be even better. If

Chen Mu could not be defeated, then delay as much as possible.

So as to buy time for other Monster No. 9's home-stealing actions!

Yes, Monster No. 9's real plan was actually to steal the home!

While it was fighting Chen Mu, the other Monster No. 9s that were split off had already started to steal the home.

At this moment, outside the battlefield, where Jinmu Qianshu was, on the roof of a building.

Monster No. 9's figure appeared silently behind Jinmu Qianshu.

After noticing that Nishiki Chitsuki hadn't noticed him coming,

Monster No. 9 launched a sneak attack on Nishiki Chitsuki.

However, Nishiki Chitsuki dodged it easily. With such a perverted reaction speed, it's not something that ordinary people can successfully attack.

"Oh, is it directed at me?"

"It seems that you are much smarter than I thought!"

Jinmu Qianshu was surprised by the sudden appearance of Monster No. 9.

However, she, who had seen a lot, calmed down immediately.

Monster No. 9 was not frustrated when the sneak attack failed.

Since it could not sneak attack, it would be better to kill it by force!

With a series of changes in form.

Monster No. 9 soon became another look.

Except for the iconic flat head, the other parts of its body have completely changed.

Just like the Monster No. 9 that Chen Mu encountered, it evolved a black shell specifically for super heat rays.

This Monster No. 9 also evolved a form specifically for Jinmu Qianshu.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the third expeditionary force,

Yabai Mina, who was conducting daily training, suddenly felt her hair stand on end.

Then, she dodged without thinking. At the moment she dodged, a compressed air cannon fell directly beside her.

At this time, Yabai Mina discovered that Monster No. 9 had sneaked in at some point!

"Monster No. 9, why is he here?"

"Damn it, it's coming for us!"

A similar thing happened at the Defense Forces headquarters.

A monster No. 9 sneaked in at some point and appeared behind Shinomiya Isao.


As mentioned before,

Monster No. 9 is a biological weapon specially created by the Star Guide Civilization.

In addition to being able to evolve continuously, this weapon has another characteristic, which is that it can continuously split into new individuals.

This also means that Monster No. 9 can exist not only at the same time, but many can exist together.

For example, at this moment, the most powerful Monster No. 9 went to trouble Chen Mu.

While testing Chen Mu's strength, it also delayed Chen Mu's time.

The remaining Monster No. 9s that were split off went to find their own prey.

Monster No. 9, which has evolved specifically for super reaction ability, went to deal with Jinmu Qianshu.

Monster No. 9, which has evolved to restrain Yabai Mina and super long-range sniping ability, went to specifically target Yabai Mina.

Monster No. 9, which has evolved to restrain Shinomiya's function, went to hunt Shinomiya Gong.

This is the strategy of Monster No. 9.

While stealing the home, you have to pick the soft persimmon.

After the other Monster No. 9 plans are successful and the abilities of the above people are obtained.

Then the strongest individual of Monster No. 9 will be evolved.

The final individual will be the killer who specifically deals with Chen Mu!


After figuring out the whole plan of Monster No. 9, even

Nishiki Chitsugu had to admit that

Monster No. 9 was unexpectedly smart and cunning.


"But you seem to have made a mistake!"

"Why do you think you can defeat me!"

Jinmu Chizuka's pupils turned into golden vertical pupils, and the demon horns also extended from her forehead.

The whole person's temperament changed drastically at this moment.

From the original cheerful and sweet girl, she instantly turned into an evil and dangerous evil ghost princess!

Facing Jinmu Chizuka who turned into an evil ghost princess,

Monster No. 9 did not speak, but directly expressed his attitude with actions.

At a speed that ordinary people could not catch, he rushed towards Jinmu Chizuka.

Feeling the oppression coming from Monster No. 9, Jinmu Chizuka sighed.

He knew that he had to get serious.

Otherwise, it was only a half-monster state, and he really couldn't stand the current Monster No. 9.

In this case, then completely, the monster will be released!

As Jinmu Chizuka's mind turned, a long sword burning with blood-red flames suddenly appeared in her hand.

Monster No. 3, Sukuna's signature ability.

At this moment, it was completely released!

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