Chapter 60 200% combat power released, more monstrous than a monster!

Under normal circumstances, the ultimate combat power of humans is 100% released, that is, monsterization.

In this state, humans can exert the full strength of the fused monsters.

For example, Shinomiya Chikoro.

If she can increase the released combat power to 100%, then theoretically, she can exert the full combat power of Monster No. 4.

Under normal circumstances, this is of course an invincible existence.

However, in front of Monster No. 9 today , it is no longer enough.

The current Monster No. 9 has long surpassed the general numbered monsters and has reached another level.

Although it is not a Titan, it is very close.

Therefore, even if it is a complete numbered monster, it is still vulnerable in front of Monster No. 9 at this time.

It will only be easily defeated.

However, there is an exception.

That is to surpass the limit of the original monster.

And at this time, Nishiki Chitsuki is in this state!

Nishiki Chitsuki is special.

It can be seen from her innate talent.

She has a super reaction power that ordinary people can't match, or even imagine.

This means that Nishiki Chitsuka is originally a special individual.

Moreover, Nishiki Chitsuka is different from ordinary people who fuse with monster enhancement suits.

She is not just fused with the monster enhancement suit.

She is directly fused with the core of the monster.

Her heart is directly replaced by the core of the monster.

This directly makes Nishiki Chitsuka, physiologically, a monster, not a human.

The combination of the two also directly makes Nishiki Chitsuka undergo a change that ordinary people can't imagine.

Her human talent and the power of the monster No. 3 Sukuna are perfectly integrated together.

The effect of 1+1>2 is produced.

Simply put.

For ordinary people, releasing 100% of the combat power is already the limit.

But at this time, Nishiki Chitsuka's released combat power has broken this limit.

It has reached 200%, or even higher!

This is why Nishiki Chitsuka is called a monster. It is also the power that Nishiki Chitsuka has been hiding and has not used.

Now, facing the monster No. 9 that has undergone a special evolution against himself.

Jinmu Chitsu finally used this power.

"Come on, let me chop you off!"

Jinmu Chitsugu raised the long sword burning with blood-red flames to his chest.

He said to Monster No. 9 in an excited tone!


On the main battlefield,

Chen Mu had already eliminated the other numbered monsters.

Under the super heat ray, no substance could resist it.

Like a god on earth,

Chen Mu stood in the air and defeated all the enemies.

In the end, only the monster No. 9, which was broken into two pieces, was left, looking at him in despair.

"I am not a monster, you, you are the real monster!"

Witnessed with his own eyes how Chen Mu crushed the other numbered monsters to death in a very short time, just like crushing an ant.

Monster No. 9 once again recalled the fear of being dominated by Chen Mu.

In his excitement, he couldn't help but express his opinion on Chen Mu.

A guy who is more like a monster than it.

Chen Mu didn't care when listening to the nonsense of Monster No. 9.

Chen Mu never took the enemy's barking seriously. It

's almost enough to play around, and next, it's time to end this farce.

Watching Chen Mu's eyes gradually turn red.

Monster No. 9 already knew what was waiting for him next.

It had anticipated the ending, so it was not afraid.

On the contrary, Monster No. 9 grinned.

"Come on, kill me!"

"But do you really think you can kill me completely?"

"Although I didn't defeat you this time, at least I didn't gain nothing."

"Why do you think I wasted so much time with you?"

"Haha, that's right, the rest of me has already gone to your friend"

"It's useless even if you kill me, all your friends will die because of you!"

"Despair, hatred, your future life is destined to be spent in these two emotions!"

Monster No. 9 knew that he would not survive.

At least this split body could not survive.

Therefore, he just went all out.

He had to have a good time before he died.

However, he did not see any panic expression on Chen Mu's face.

In response to it, only Chen Mu's disdainful ridicule

"Clown, do you really think I can't notice it?"

With super vision and super hearing,

Chen Mu was completely unaware of Monster No. 9's"stealing" behavior.

The reason why he was still willing to play with Monster No. 9 for a while was that he was confident that he could control the situation.


Now, the fun is almost over.

It's time to end this turmoil.

After realizing that his plan was completely seen through by Chen Mu.

Boundless fear descended in the heart of Monster No. 9.

But at this moment, it could no longer make any sound.

It could only watch Chen Mu's super heat ray coming.

Amid screams, its core was melted by Chen Mu's super heat ray.

After dealing with this clown.

Chen Mu did not rush to check his gains.

Instead, he looked to the other side.

The next moment, Chen Mu's speed was full.

In a series of sonic booms.

The speed of 5 times the speed of sound was presented without reservation.

Almost instantly, he broke into the battlefield between Jinmu Chitsugu and Monster No. 9.


One punch knocked Monster No. 9 into the ground

"It seems that you don't need my help."

After giving Monster No. 9 a ruthless blow, Chen Mu said to Jin Mu Qian Shu.

Indeed, Jin Mu Qian Shu had no injuries at all at this time.

Instead, her momentum was getting stronger and stronger.

Obviously, she and Monster No. 9 were having a lot of fun.

Facing Chen Mu's teasing, Jin Mu Qian Shu pouted speechlessly.

"You should go to the headquarters as soon as possible. They need you more than me."

"As for this guy, leave it to me, I just want to have some fun with it!"

Jinmu Qianshu said, waving the long sword in her hand.

Before Chen Mu appeared, she actually had the same trouble as Chen Mu.

That is, he was too invincible and could not enjoy the fun of fighting at all.

And later, when Chen Mu grew up, she could not enjoy it even more.

The gap in strength was too big, and fighting with Chen Mu was purely being abused.

She was not a poison island.

Therefore, Jinmu Qianshu had not had a hearty fight for a long time.

As a result, now, a monster No. 9 appeared.

This made Jinmu Qianshu excited.

Such a good sandbag must not be let Chen Mu.

Chen Mu did not say much.

He casually glanced at the monster No. 9 who was trying to crawl out of the soil.

Then, he flew away without looking back.

Looking at Chen Mu's back.

Jinmu Qianshu made complaints countless times.

""You're really not human!"

How can a normal person create a series of sonic booms while flying?


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