Chapter 61 Humans have their limits, but Chen Mu does not.

Defense Force Headquarters.

The sudden appearance of Monster No. 9 was beyond everyone's expectations.

What was even more unexpected was the terrifying strength of Monster No. 9.

Shizhigong Gong, with a combat power of up to 98%.

The general 9.0 level numbered monsters are not his opponents.

However, in front of Monster No. 9, Shizhigong Gong had no power to fight back.

He was treated like a toy and hung up and beaten.

Thanks to the fact that this is the headquarters of the Defense Force, there are many people who can help Shizhigong Gong to distract him.

Otherwise, he would be killed by Monster No. 9 in seconds.

But even so, Shizhigong Gong did not hold on for a few more rounds. In just a few moves, Shizhigong Gong was beaten and could not get up again. Seeing Monster No. 9 coming in front of him. At the same time, Monster No. 9's right hand turned into a swollen bloody mouth.

It looked like it was about to swallow him up. Faced with such a desperate situation, Shizhigong Gong was not desperate. He just felt a little regretful. He had not seen the day when humans completely defeated the monsters and the Star Guide civilization. Just when he was powerless to resist and was about to be eaten by Monster No. 9, Chen Mu's voice suddenly sounded from behind Monster No. 9.

""Clown, what are you doing?"

Monster No. 9 was about to reap the fruits of victory and swallow up the Shinomiya Gong and the Monster No. 2 enhanced suit.

After hearing Chen Mu's voice, he turned back suddenly as if by stress reaction.

After seeing that it was indeed Chen Mu,

Monster No. 9 was stunned.

""Chen Mu? When did you come?"

However, the answer was Chen Mu's iron fist.

With a huge air explosion, the fist with a force of tens of thousands of tons slammed fiercely into the abstract face of Monster No. 9.

In an instant, the facial features of Monster No. 9 were directly sunken.

The row of neat teeth was completely broken.

And the body of Monster No. 9 also spun and flew backwards.

Then it hit the steel wall of the base headquarters.

It directly knocked a huge dent in the steel wall.

Before it could Monster No. 9 recovered from the severe pain.

Chen Mu had already flown in front of it.

Then, the super heat ray was released.

Without even a chance to scream,

Monster No. 9 went offline again.

After doing all this, Chen Mu did not choose to reminisce with Shizhigong Isao.

Instead, he found the right direction and disappeared in front of everyone again in a series of sonic booms.

There was still a poor Chi waiting for him to save.

Let's talk about reminiscing later.

Shizhigong Isao lay there, watching Chen Mu fly away.

His eyes were extremely complicated.

"Chen Mu, what kind of existence are you?"

Shizhigong Gong thought in a complicated way.


Before, Shizhigong Gong could still comfort himself by saying that Chen Mu was a genius.

But now, as Chen Mu's strength became more and more exaggerated and his performance became more and more outrageous, he could no longer deceive himself.

What kind of human being could perform so outrageously!

There is no doubt that Chen Mu is definitely not a normal human being.

Normal people can't do what Chen Mu did.

But Chen Mu is not a monster either.

Shizhigong Gong is also very confident about this. If Chen Mu is really a monster, then why would he need to sneak in?

Just push forward and it will be done.

Who in the entire human defense force can stop Chen Mu?

So, to sum up,

Shizhigong Gong came to the conclusion.

Chen Mu is neither a human nor a monster, but a third party outside of the two.

It may be other aliens, or it may be some special race. It is definitely not a human being.

However, even if you know this, what can you do?

Turn against Chen Mu? Or force Chen Mu to cooperate with humans in experiments?

As long as you are a normal person, you can't do such a thing.

Therefore, whether it was Shizhigong Gong or those senior executives who were suspicious of Chen Mu's identity.

They all understood each other very well and did not delve into this issue.

Some things, if you tell them the truth, everyone will lose face.

Instead of parting unhappily, it is better to pretend that you know nothing.

In this way, at least Chen Mu is still on their side!

This is also the reason why Shizhigong Gong and other defense forces are so respectful to Chen Mu and worship him like a father.

Facing such a powerful thigh, what else do you want to do if you don't hold it well?

Do you have to turn the thigh into a big enemy before you are willing?

Compared with other senior executives.

The reason why Shizhigong Gong was in a complicated mood was mainly because of Shizhigong Qi Kelu.

In the past, he was very happy that his daughter was together with Chen Mu.

But now, he is a little uncertain.

Chen Mu is not a human after all.

If Shizhigong Qi Kelu gets too close to Chen Mu, what will she think if she knows the truth one day?

However, even if he is worried, Shizhigong Gong does not dare to stop anything.

The same thing.

If he upset Chen Mu, he would be the sinner of all mankind.

That's why he had such mixed feelings. He hoped Chen Mu would stand on the side of mankind.

He was also worried that his daughter would be severely hurt by Chen Mu.

The old father's heart was broken.


Chen Mu had no idea about Shionomiya Isao's thoughts.

Even if he knew, he would not care.

After all, there is no isolation between Kryptonians and humans.

Moreover, strictly speaking, he is not a real Kryptonian yet.

There is still a part of human in his body.

Therefore, there is no reproductive isolation.

In some aspects, there is no difference between him and normal humans.

Therefore, the problem that Shionomiya Isao is worried about is impossible to occur at all.

Chen Mu did not make this up. It was something that Shizuka Hiratsuka, Sister Jing, had personally tested.

Sister Jing said it was good after trying it.

What could be the problem?


Back to the topic.

When Chen Mu eliminated the monster No. 9 that attacked Shinomiya Isao.

In the third expeditionary force, the captain Yabai Mina, the deputy captain Hoshina Soshiro, and the monster No. 8 Hibino Kafka.

All three of them fell into despair.

Too strong, the monster No. 9 is really too strong.

It is so strong that even if the three of them joined forces, they couldn't fight it.


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